Nursing Pharmacology
Chippewa Valley Technical College, Eau Claire, WI
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781734914115
Publisher: WI Technical Colleges Open Press
Language: English
Formats Available
Conditions of Use

This textbook is appropriate for the entry level nursing students such as the Associate Degree in Nursing. It presents common drug classes which is easy to understand especially to students whose first language is not English. The glossary and... read more
This textbook is appropriate for the entry level nursing students such as the Associate Degree in Nursing.
It presents common drug classes which is easy to understand especially to students whose first language is not English. The glossary and table of contents are excellent. Direct links are provided to Daily Med, which provides current information about marketed drugs in the United States,
Critical thinking activities in each section promotes enhanced learning skills of the students.
The given content is error free and unbiased. However, some of the chapters require updating current drugs information.
Most of the information is up-to date. However, there are several new medications developed frequently and being used for treating patients. Updating such categories are important.
The information was clear, concise. Language is simple and easy to understand even to students with English as their second language.
Consistency of writing and layout of the content is maintained throughout the chapters.
One of the best parts of this textbook is its modularity. Each reading section is short with complete (necessary) information. There is no information that can be skipped as only the most important information is included in the book. At the same time, it is short and keep the student focused on the contents.
The topics in all chapters are presented in a logical and clear fashion. Information is presented in an interesting manner with videos, graphics, tables and the final critical thinking activity that draws the attention and focus of the students.
This book is available in different format, easy to access and has no significant interface issues.
No grammar errors identified.
No cultural insensitivity or offensiveness identified although this book provides several scenarios including clients with different races and ethnicities.
This textbook lacks advanced learning resources which reenforces student learning although it has resources such as flash cards, quizzes, videos and graphics. Current pharmacology textbooks include several other learning resources such as interactive case studies, Animations-concepts in action, Pre lecture quizzes, One-Minute-Nurse etc.
Overall, this textbook is an excellent resource to learn pharmacology for an entry level nursing student.

I use this text in an Introduction to Pharmacology course for nursing students. The course is taken in the sophomore year in preparation for clinical rotations and a more in-depth pharmacology course that are offered in the junior year. This text... read more
I use this text in an Introduction to Pharmacology course for nursing students. The course is taken in the sophomore year in preparation for clinical rotations and a more in-depth pharmacology course that are offered in the junior year. This text is perfect for this purpose. It covers all of the theory content that is included in the course and more.
I appreciate how the medications are organized by category. The format is easy to follow. At least one medication is highlighted from each category using DailyMed as the source. It would be helpful if a comprehensive drug reference guide were included with this book or available in an OER format, although pharmacology textbooks do not typically include this. The book description does explain that it is not meant to be used as a drug reference guide. Because of this, I still have students purchase, rent or borrow a drug reference guide (hard copy or digital.)
The Critical Thinking Activities at the end of each section are also helpful. They provide context around when a medication might be used and are short enough that they do not take too much time. Students say that the relevant associations help with remembering the medications.
Content is accurate and aligns with what is being taught in nursing pharmacology courses. I developed my course from scratch and felt so confident in this book that I used it to guide my teaching plan and PowerPoints. As a result, I have read through much of the book and I have not encountered any errors.
Most of the content is up-to-date. Evidence-based and reliable sources are cited at the bottom of each individual content page and are hyperlinked for easy access. Some sources, however, are now 5 or more years old. For example, one area that may need updated is the section on antidiabetic medications. A few traditional oral medication agents are listed, but newer medications are missing. The sources indicate that the information provided was taken from the 2019 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Care. Earlier this year, the ADA released a new set of Standards of Care for 2024. Still, this is not a big deal for an introductory course where students are mainly becoming familiar with pharmacokinetics and medication categories.
The text is clear and concise. The headings are helpful for organizing information and key terms are bolded, underlined and hyperlinked. The presentation is visually appealing and easy to understand. The pages are easy to navigate. I believe that students will appreciate the simplicity and clarity of the pages.
Each book section and page are formatted in the same way. Students will know what to expect as they access each new chapter. Quality and quantity of information is also consistent across the book.
I believe that most students will greatly appreciate and benefit from the concise reading sections. It seems to me that most of my current students do not like to read and that that they do not learn best by reading. Yet, they need and want a place where they can go for clarification or an alternate explanation of a topic. With the short readings, they can find answers to their questions quickly. Also, the pictures and video links are visually appealing and attractive to students. Additionally, I like how I can easily link relevant sections and assignments directly in the syllabus, course calendar and online learning platform. I can have the confidence that students are getting reliable information and students can directly access information in a way that better agrees with their preferred learning style.
However, there is a small amount of students who still prefer a hard copy of the book. For me, it has been the case that it is the students with accommodations who request a hard copy. In this case, having only a digital book could be an accessibility issue that holds them back. I have seen where some OER books are available for purchase for an affordable price. It does not appear that this book can be purchased, but it can be downloaded in pdf form and printed out. Just be warned, it is 545 pages! Also, if students wish to view the interactive images and videos, they would need to use the digital copy.
Each section begins with an introduction and then presents related topics in a logical order. Medications are separated by drug category. Each section presents Indications, Mechanism of Action, Special Administration Considerations and Patient Teaching and Education for a category. Next, one or more Medication Grids provide examples of medications from the classification along with their administration considerations, therapeutic effects and side/adverse effects. Finally, each section ends with a related Critical Thinking Activity. The answers to all of the activities are provided in the last section of the book.
I have not experienced any interface issues in the several months that I have been using this book. The book is available in multiple formats and includes a video on how to navigate the online version.
Grammar is correct. Language is appropriate for this level of student.
The Critical Thinking Activities include a variety of patient types and encourage students to consider culture as a factor in medication administration. Also, section 2.4 in the Legal/Ethical section is titled Cultural and Social Determinants Related to Medication Administration.
I am very grateful to those who created this book and online source! More information can be found here: https://www.cvtc.edu/grants/wistech.

The textbook provides a comprehensive overview of pharmacology at the student RN level. Within the Kinetics & Dynamics chapter, each area of pharmacokinetics included a section on variations for pediatrics and older adults. It is important for... read more
The textbook provides a comprehensive overview of pharmacology at the student RN level. Within the Kinetics & Dynamics chapter, each area of pharmacokinetics included a section on variations for pediatrics and older adults. It is important for nursing students to be exposed to the differences that can occur in different age groups. The book also includes segments on nursing process for the various drug categories.
Since my area of expertise is CV, I chose to examine this chapter closely. In CV medications, the book discusses digoxin as a 2nd line medication. That is clearly up-to-date, digoxin is no longer a first line medication for any CV disorder, some textbooks don't keep up with these changes.
The content is up-to-date. The authors just updated the text to a 2nd edition. Many topics in pharmacology stay the same, but of course there are hundreds of new medications that come on the market every year.
The book is written well and in a way that is easy to read for undergraduate students.
The chapters are all laid out in the same way. The terminology is similar throughout.
I am able to divide this text easily for my students. I can pick and choose exactly what I want them to read/learn about.
The topics are presented in a logical way.
Very easy to navigate.
Grammatically correct
in the 2nd chapter, the authors do discuss culturally congruent practice and cultural competence. I think they could consider changing to "cultural humility" or "cultural respect" since "cultural competence" is not really achievable. The authors also discuss social determinants of health in this chapter, which are important for nursing students to understand. The authors include a few examples of culturally congruent practice and medication therapy. There are genetic differences in the way that drugs are metabolized. The authors may want to consider including a brief section on genetics and pharmacokinetics.
This book is well done and easy for nursing students to use. I have used it as my primary text for a couple of years now.
Ideas for the next revision:
I think in GI, it is time to add a section on medications used for weight loss (such as Ozempic and Wegovy). These medications are being prescribed/used at a very high rate and nurses should be familiar with them.
Also in antidiabetic medications SGLT2 inhibitors are becoming increasingly popular in use, they may should be added in the endocrine section.

The text is definitely designed for entry-level nursing students and covers fewer exemplars/drug classes than other texts I have utilized in pharmacology courses (missing immune modulators, contraceptives, chemotherapy agents, meds for OAB and... read more
The text is definitely designed for entry-level nursing students and covers fewer exemplars/drug classes than other texts I have utilized in pharmacology courses (missing immune modulators, contraceptives, chemotherapy agents, meds for OAB and BPH), but presents common drug classes in a concise and understandable way. The glossary and table of contents are excellent.
Content is unbiased and without obvious errors. Data appears accurrate with supporting evidence citations and references.
Text includes action, indication, nursing considerations, adverse effects, patient teaching/education, and a medication grid for each drug class. Adding additional hyperlinks for new drugs or drug class generations in future editions would be one way to keep up-to-date.
Reading level is appropriate for an introduction to pharmacology course, seems suitable for multi-lingual students. Bolded text offers basic definitions of unfamiliar words. Text and ancillary materials are clear and tailored to a novice audiance - offers solid foundation for learning basic pharmacology concepts.
Framework is simple, understandable and user-friendly.
Excellent. Easy to follow, concise chapters with consistent layout. Adjunct modules and interactive learning activities truly seem to enhance the readings. Very nice physiology review at the beginning of each section.
Accessible and easy-to-read table of contents. "Search in book" function works well. Less page scrolling is necessary with this text than previous online pharmacology books I have used in class.
Lovely images and charts. No distortion of features, reads aesthetically.
No obvious or distracting grammatical errors.
Wonderful chapter on Cultural and Social Determinants related to Medication Administration!
The text is well-written and comprehensive, the right level entry-level nursing students. The book includes links to DailyMed for reference to information about medications from the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. I especially appreciate that the on-line version of the resource includes alternate learning activities such as flash cards, mini quizzes, videos, case studies and graphics which could be used individually, or in class as a starting point for formative learning or group discussions.

The book covers all important areas of pharmacology read more
The book covers all important areas of pharmacology
Information in the book is accurate
Information is accurate based on current best practices
The information was clear and concise. It tailors to an audience who is unfamiliar with concepts and allows them to learn with clarity.
The book is consistent, with the same writing styles throughout
The book is clearly labelled, and broken into appropriate modules.
The book flows well, from topic to topic, with connections made as appropriate
No issues with interface
No errors noted
Book provides culturally appropriate examples being mindful of special considerations for ethnicities in pharmacology.
This book was really helpful to review as a pharmacology professor. It offered information in a way that is easy to understand and allows for comprehensive learning for nursing students. Information is relevant, up to date, and inclusive.

This text book gives a good overall comprehensive review of pharmacology from the perspective of how it affects each system in the body. Along with inclusion on pharmacokinetics, dynamics, and legal/ethical considerations each chapter is broken... read more
This text book gives a good overall comprehensive review of pharmacology from the perspective of how it affects each system in the body. Along with inclusion on pharmacokinetics, dynamics, and legal/ethical considerations each chapter is broken down into basic overview of the body systems and the pertinent medications for that area. Included are alternate learning activities such as flash cards, mini quizzes, videos, and graphics.
Content is accurate both from the perspective of the body systems and the drugs that are pertinent for that area. Links to DailyMed help keep the book relevant to current medications.
This book would be excellent for both PN and AD nursing programs and could also be considered for a general pharmacology course for those interested in other areas of medicine such as medical coding, or pharmacy technician.
The ease of use of the on-line book is wonderful. Reading level is appropriate for entry level knowledge into the pharmacology world. Learning activities embedded within the various chapters makes for clarity of understanding and also alternative ways of learning.
Information in the text is consistently presented throughout the text to make not only finding relevant material easy but also to navigate through the material.
Organization of the text into modules based on the body systems helps the learner to focus attention on relevant information as it pertains to each body system. This makes learning more relevant and tangible to for many learners.
Topics and sub-topics in the text are present in a uniform manner throughout the book. With in the sub-topics you can also consistently find medication considerations throughout the lifespan.
Utilizing Google Chrome I had no issue with utilizing the text book. You can download the book into a PDF format also if the reader has issues with internet connectivity. Using the text-book on-line gives access to items such as videos, and interactive activities that you can otherwise not access in a PDF.
I noticed no grammatical errors.
Cultural and social determinants related to medication administration is addressed as part of the legal and ethical considerations for medication administration.
This is book is a great resource that a pharmacology class could utilize very easily for pre-licensure students and as a review/resource for those looking to expand or reexamine their knowledge.

ADN level of material that covers all the required areas of pharmacology for the 2 year program. It is a "need to know" without getting bogged down in the "nice to know." Glossary is easy to use, There are some newer medications and new classes of... read more
ADN level of material that covers all the required areas of pharmacology for the 2 year program. It is a "need to know" without getting bogged down in the "nice to know." Glossary is easy to use, There are some newer medications and new classes of drugs missing that make the book somewhat dates.
In the antidiabetic chapter only one brand of rapid insulin is shown which may be construed to endorse only one type of rapid insulin. That may be because it was the first one produced in the 1990s. This chapter needs much updating to include the new class of antibiabetic medications such as GLP1s and SGLT2s.
The book lists calcitonin as the one drug to treat osteoporosis. There are many additional drugs and should be mentioned.
The endocrine chapter is terribly out of date , especially the antidiabetic section which does not include the newer insulins. It should at least include the newest drugs included as the first step according to the ADA guidelines. The sitagliptin picture is a Russian label. Only 1 DDP4 is mentioned but no GLP1 or SGLT2 classes which are so popular today. Osteoporosis drugs are also not up to date. Missing in the osteoporosis section are Risedronate (Actonel), Ibandronate (Boniva), aintravenous (IV) infusions Zoledronic acid (Reclast).
Denosumab (Prolia, Xgeva) might be used in people who can't take a bisphosphonate, such as some people with reduced kidney function. Students should be able to at least recognize these drugs.
It is written for the community college level which is very useful for this population. The diagrams and pictures clarify the textual explanations to make it clear.
The style of writing continues throughout each chapter. The organization for each chapter is consistant.
The book is designed so that each chapter has interactive excercises including quizzing, flashcards, and what I feel is most important, critical tining activities. The length of each chapter is digestable and keeps the readers interest interspersed with graphics and tables that summarize the medications presented in each chapter.
The chapters are orgainzed according to class which is easiest to understand.
It was difficult at first to find the "next" on the bottom right of the page which was in very small print. That could be larger. Using the table of contents was easy but to go fluidly from page to page was difficult at first. Charts and pictures were displayed correctly and were not a distraction.
I found no errors in grammar or spelling.
Using drug labels from other countries such as Russia may be offensive to some. In general, the book is non discriminatory.
Tony Guerra who wrote Memorizing Pharmacology uses this book in his podcasts and evidently his classes. His review of the critical thinking excercises from each chapter are really a valuable asset to the book. Pairing the two resources, I have found is an excellent way of covering pharmacology.

The book covers majority of the classifications of medications with a strong emphasis on nursing implications and safe medication administration. It includes action, indication, nursing considerations, adverse effects, patient teaching/education,... read more
The book covers majority of the classifications of medications with a strong emphasis on nursing implications and safe medication administration. It includes action, indication, nursing considerations, adverse effects, patient teaching/education, and a medication grid for each classification. I also like that it includes a chapter on legal and ethical considerations for medication administration.
Medication information is up to date. It is a great book to help nursing students learn medications.
The medication information included is up to date. New medications are continuously being developed, and it would be easy to add those to this book.
Medications are grouped by concept/system it affects and then broken down even further into pharmacological classification in each chapter.
Each chapter starts with a basic concept overview to help the reader better understand the action of medications. Chapters are organized in the same format and includes the same important information for safe medication administration. A glossary is included at the end of each chapter.
It is easily divisible into smaller reading sections with medications being broke down into pharmacological classifications within each chapter.
Medications are group together by body system they work on, and the pharmacological classifications are appropriately placed.
The table of contents includes hyperlinks to take the reader directly desired section of the book.
No obvious grammatical errors.
The book has a section dedicated to cultural and social determinates related to medication administration and provides specific examples. The book also provides links to additional resources for the reader to learn more about cultural considerations.
I appreciate the interactive and critical thinking activities throughout each chapter. The activities can help students apply their learning and assess their understanding of the content.

The Nursing Pharmacology OER by the Wisconsin Technical College System authored by Chippewa Valley Technical College is comprehensive for entry level nursing students that covers areas aligned with our curriculum and end of program student... read more
The Nursing Pharmacology OER by the Wisconsin Technical College System authored by Chippewa Valley Technical College is comprehensive for entry level nursing students that covers areas aligned with our curriculum and end of program student learning outcomes in pharmacology. The Table of Content was easy to read and well organized. Each chapter covered the learning objectives, an introduction, basic concepts and principles, medication types, effects, considerations and safety in preparation and administration, module learning activities and interactive activities, critical thinking activities and a glossary. Answer keys were provided at the end of the book. The references were evidenced-based and comprehensive.
Information, figures, tables were found to be evidenced-based, error-free, and unbiased. Appropriate references are found in each section. Some references used were more than 5 years old which I am sure will be updated. I would recommend referencing the answer keys as well.
This book is definitely a good resource for the first semester nursing students taking up pharmacology for the first time as well as graduate nurses seeking to review topics covered in the various chapters. The length of each chapter and subsections were not so lengthy to lose the interest of the reader, making it easy to understand and remember.
The language and glossary helped the reader to have a clear understanding of the technical terminology in pharmacology. The table of content and organization of topics were clearly mapped out. The book was easy to read and understand specially for first year nursing students as well as advancing students in nursing.
The consistency in the presentation of information in each chapter were formatted in the same way starting from learning objectives, introduction, basic concepts and principles, medication types, effects, considerations and safety in preparation and administration, module learning activities, interactive activities, critical thinking activities and a glossary. Answer keys were provided at the end of the book. References were evidenced-based and comprehensive.
The text in each chapter was easy to read, comprehend and divided into smaller reading sections. The modules can be easily subdivided for discussion and assignments. There is an excellent flow of topics from one module to the next.
The topics covered basic concepts and principles in pharmacology progressing to application of concepts in the nursing process with emphasis in safety, effects, patient education as well. The division of the modules into the various body systems and functions were logical and clear.
I did not see any interface issues. It was easy to navigate and find specific topics through the table of contents and search button. The different formats of online, ebook, pdf were all well organized, and easy to use. I suggest seeing page numbers in the table of contents.
No issues found in grammar.
Relevant cultural and social determinations were included in each chapter. I did not see any culturally insensitive entries in the book. More examples could be included in the learning activities related to medication practices from other cultures or race.
I am so glad for the opportunity to explore and use OER resources. I will definitely promote this resource to my students and co-faculty.

Excellent layout and depth of information for the entry level nursing student read more
Excellent layout and depth of information for the entry level nursing student
Reviewing the most up to date information, relevance to healthcare/nursing and medication information was accurate
Modern, easy to read and pertinent for all nursing student educational plans
Simple yet on a level students will learn and can apply the knowledge in the classroom and clinical setting
The layout of the textbook and the chapters is systematic for the learner. I like the strategic design for my style of teaching.
Sections are arranged based on medication classes. Students can easily review the key topics and move to the next section with ease.
Great! I like the layout and would consider adopting this text for my pharmacology classes.
Seamless navigation through sections, offering a variety of learning and visuals to aid in the learning process.
Appropriate use of grammar with no identified errors
Evidence of inclusion of culturally relevant topics, no evidence of insensitive or offensive dialogue.

The book is comprehensive throughout. The glossary and index make it easy to find subject matter. Most of the general material that I typically cover in my pharmacology course is covered within this textbook, though some specifics are missing... read more
The book is comprehensive throughout. The glossary and index make it easy to find subject matter. Most of the general material that I typically cover in my pharmacology course is covered within this textbook, though some specifics are missing (i.e. Types of oral medications and definitions of different portions of the formulary or more examples of different drug types)
I looked through most of the material and I did not find anything that appeared erroneous.
The book was current with material that I cover in my course. Also the other videos and web content were current and easy to follow.
The text was extremely easy to read and clear. The depth of the text content itself was toward surface level, but the critical thinking exercises helped for deeper thinking.
I feel the text was very consistent, however, I do think there could have been more foundational terminology, specifically related to the formulary of drugs, even if it was just added to the glossary.
The modularity was great with this resource. It was well broken down in easy to read segments with different exercises and films intertwined.
I felt this was well organized, with understanding the basics of pharmacology and then going more into direct drugs.
Easy to navigate, and having the content easily accessible from the web or ebook interface was even more helpful.
I am not the best at spelling and grammar, but I did not notice anything incorrect with what I reviewed.
I did not find the book to be culturally insensitive. I did not find very much regarding culture specifically in the sections which I reviewed.
I thought this book was a valuable resource. My biggest advice would be to include some more about the basics of pharmacology, including more on safe medication administration. Include drug formulation and more about standardization. Go into some pharmacological history, and how drugs are developed as well. Understanding development can be the basis of understanding drugs. In the future, if it could be linked with an OER drug guide for more medication profiles and examples, that would assist students greatly.

This textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students as a basic comprehensive pharmacology textbook. The book includes links to DailyMed for reference to information about medications from the National Library of... read more
This textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students as a basic comprehensive pharmacology textbook. The book includes links to DailyMed for reference to information about medications from the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. Each chapter starts with learning objectives. Quizzes are found in each chapter with the answers and rationales provided at the end of the text. Critical thinking activities and interactive activities are included. A glossary is found at the end of each chapter. The source is comprehensive for an introductory nursing pharmacology text.
The textbook includes accurate nursing pharmacology information with supporting evidence citations and references. The content is without content errors, and unbiased.
Any nursing pharmacology textbook would require frequent updating due to the rapid dynamic state of the topic. The Nursing Pharmacology textbook is up to date. Due to the comprehensiveness of the text, it will be a project to update, but doable.
The Nursing Pharmacology textbook content is clear. It includes figures, images, and tables to organize some content. Critical thinking activities and interactive activities are included to promote and check understanding. The answers to interactive knowledge checks are found in the answer key sections at the end of the book. There are many appropriate terms that are defined and described. Abbreviations are spelled out at the first use.
The format of the chapters throughout the Nursing Pharmacology text are consistent. Chapter features, such as interactive activities include a consistent format and terminology.
Each chapter of Nursing Pharmacology starts with learning objectives. The chapters include headings and subheadings to present the content in smaller chunks, using an organized fashion. Quizzes are found in each chapter with the answers and rationales provided at the end of text.
Nursing Pharmacology is a well-organized text that flows well. There are ten chapters in the text and answers to the quiz questions in each chapter are found at the end of book. The tables, images, and figures are helpful and point out the key ideas. A glossary is found at the end of each chapter.
The navigation is consistent throughout the text. The links were all in working order. Good use of white space is present.
The Nursing Pharmacology book is free of grammar and spelling errors.
The Nursing Pharmacology textbook is free of culturally insensitive language or biases. The examples used are diverse. Names used in the case examples could be more inclusive of a variety of cultures.
Nursing Pharmacology is a well-written book that is a positive addition to the Open Textbook Library. Many thanks to the authors, editors, and reviewers for their work with this book!

The text is comprehensive and at an appropriate level for pre-licensure students. The glossary is excellent, as is the Table of Contents. read more
The text is comprehensive and at an appropriate level for pre-licensure students. The glossary is excellent, as is the Table of Contents.
The text is mostly free of bias or errors and is up-to-date and accurate. I wondered why only the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act was spelled out in detail, but perhaps this text is only planned for use in Wisconsin? A more general section on the Nurse Practice Act, which is different in every state, but meets the same purpose in every state, would make the text available to a broader audience. Also, in the section on peak and trough blood levels, the text said the peak level is drawn at the time the drug is administered. That is not usually the case for most drugs. Most peak levels are drawn 30 to 60 minutes AFTER administration, so that is an error that should be corrected in the next edition. Another phrase that is widely used, but not actually accurate, is the phrase "placental barrier". The placenta is not a true barrier and lets almost everything through in some level - sometimes the same blood level the mother has, so too high a level for a fetus or neonate. While pregnancy needs to be considered in medication administration, if a student learns the placenta is a barrier in their first semester, it is hard to reteach later that unlike the blood-brain barrier, the placenta is an organ, not a barrier. Students should know that every drug will have a pregnancy category listed in the prescribing information, so that could be addressed without labeling the placenta as a barrier.
Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.
The text is well written and clear, and provides adequate context and/or explanations for any jargon/technical terminology used.
The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The inclusion of the glossary is a great addition.
The text is easily divided into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. The text is not overly self-referential and can be easily reorganized and realigned with various subunits of a course without presenting much disruption to the reader.
The topics in the text are presented in a logical, clear fashion. The overview of the cardiac system and the coagulation cascade might be a bit much for novice students.
The text is free of navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader. It offers a clear and straightforward read.
The text contains no grammatical errors. A discussion of parenteral injections had an oddly worded sentence: "For example, injections are often painful and cause a break in the skin, an important barrier to infection." To students with lower literacy levels or for whom English is a second language, that sounds like the break in the skin is an important barrier to infection - which is backwards. Perhaps: The skin is an important barrier to infection, and injections, which can be painful, also break that barrier. Again, one sentence is easily addressed, so not a deterrent to using this textbook.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It makes use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. The section on ethics is a great addition to culturally sensitive nursing care.
This is an excellent introductory text. I think it could be enhanced near the end by adding a description of the two main methods of administering naloxone. The drug is discussed, but the text does not state how it can be administered. The section on Wisconsin law and the Wisconsin NPA is a little odd in a general textbook, but if specific state law has to be included for some reason, faculty can easily lead a discussion on the NPA in the state the course is taught in, as that is likely the state where pre-licensure students would administer medications in a clinical practice setting.
Table of Contents
- I. Kinetics & Dynamics
- II. Legal/Ethical
- III. Antimicrobials
- IV. Autonomic Nervous System
- V. Respiratory
- VI. Cardiovascular & Renal System
- VII. Gastrointestinal
- VIII. Central Nervous System
- IX. Endocrine
- X. Analgesic and Musculoskeletal
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This open access Nursing Pharmacology textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students. It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes. This book is not intended to be used as a drug reference book, but direct links are provided to DailyMed, which provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States.
About the Contributors
Chippewa Valley Technical College