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    Natural Sciences Textbooks


    Read more about Fundamentos teóricos de química orgánica

    Fundamentos teóricos de química orgánica

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ruiz-Sánchez, Herrera-Feijoo, and Correa-Salgado

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Fundamentos teóricos de química orgánica es una obra integral que proporciona una comprensión sólida de los principios fundamentales de la química orgánica, dirigida tanto a estudiantes como a profesionales. El libro abarca desde los conceptos básicos de la química del carbono hasta la complejidad de las biomoléculas, estructurando el contenido de manera lógica y progresiva. El Capítulo I explora las propiedades de los compuestos orgánicos, los elementos básicos y las formas de representación; seguido del Capítulo II que profundiza en los enlaces covalentes, la hibridación del carbono y las estructuras moleculares. El Capítulo III detalla los grupos funcionales y las reacciones comunes, como adición, eliminación, sustitución y oxidación, mientras que el Capítulo IV aborda la isomería estructural y estereoisomería. Posteriormente, los Capítulos V, VI y VII describen alcanos, alquenos y alquinos, respectivamente, cubriendo definición, formulación, nomenclatura, propiedades y métodos de obtención. El Capítulo VIII trata los hidrocarburos cíclicos y el Capítulo IX los hidrocarburos aromáticos, como el benceno. Además, el Capítulo X se enfoca en halogenuros de alquilo, mientras que los Capítulos XI a XV abordan alcoholes, fenoles, tioles, éteres, aldehídos y cetonas, detallando su definición, formulación, propiedades, obtención y nomenclatura. El Capítulo XVI y el Capítulo XVII discuten ácidos carboxílicos y ésteres, respectivamente, y los Capítulos XVIII a XX cubren aminas, amidas y nitrilos. Finalmente, el Capítulo XXI introduce polímeros naturales y sintéticos, y el Capítulo XXII aborda bioelementos y biomoléculas esenciales para la vida, como carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos, proporcionando una base teórica robusta complementada con ejemplos prácticos y aplicaciones, convirtiéndose en una referencia esencial para cualquier persona interesada en la química orgánica.

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    Read more about Human Evolutionary Demography

    Human Evolutionary Demography

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Burger, Lee, and Sear

    Publisher: Open Book Publishers

    License: CC BY

    Human evolutionary demography is an emerging field blending natural science with social science. This edited volume provides a much-needed, interdisciplinary introduction to the field and highlights cutting-edge research for interested readers and researchers in demography, the evolutionary behavioural sciences, biology, and related disciplines. By bridging the boundaries between social and biological sciences, the volume stresses the importance of a unified understanding of both in order to grasp past and current demographic patterns. Demographic traits, and traits related to demographic outcomes, including fertility and mortality rates, marriage, parental care, menopause, and cooperative behavior are subject to evolutionary processes. Bringing an understanding of evolution into demography therefore incorporates valuable insights into this field; just as knowledge of demography is key to understanding evolutionary processes. By asking questions about old patterns from a new perspective, the volume—composed of contributions from established and early-career academics—demonstrates that a combination of social science research and evolutionary theory offers holistic understandings and approaches that benefit both fields. Human Evolutionary Demography introduces an emerging field in an accessible style. It is suitable for graduate courses in demography, as well as upper-level undergraduates. Its range of research is sure to be of interest to academics working on demographic topics (anthropologists, sociologists, demographers), natural scientists working on evolutionary processes, and disciplines which cross-cut natural and social science, such as evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, cultural evolution, and evolutionary medicine. As an accessible introduction, it should interest readers whether or not they are currently familiar with human evolutionary demography.

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    Read more about Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

    Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Harris

    Publisher: University of West Florida Pressbooks

    License: CC BY

    Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability is a college-level Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on the most relevant environmental science issues and addresses ways to incorporate sustainable practices. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, human population growth, and incorporating sustainable approaches in our communities, economies, and environments. This resource is targeted at environmental science students.

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    Read more about Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Introduction to Genetics

    Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Introduction to Genetics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Simons

    Publisher: ROTEL

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This resource is written for an introductory or intermediate-level college genetics course. The work begins with an exploration of DNA and genome structure, including landmark experiments that contributed to our early understanding of the relationship between DNA, genes, and traits. It continues with the central dogma of molecular genetics: the molecular mechanisms that allow cells to use the information stored in DNA. It also discusses the cause and effect of mutation. The molecular processes are then linked back to classical transmission genetics experiments.

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    Read more about Electrolysers, Fuel Cells and Batteries: Analytical Modelling

    Electrolysers, Fuel Cells and Batteries: Analytical Modelling

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Haverkort

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    Electrochemical engineering deals with electrochemical devices like electrolysers, fuel cells, and batteries. While several excellent books exist in this long-standing and still growing field, their focus is usually on chemistry or phenomenology. In this textbook, we focus on mathematical modelling of the physical phenomena involved. Instead of resorting to numerical modelling, the aim is to derive simplified analytical models that maximise understanding. Porous electrodes, ion mass transport, and multiphase flow are central themes in this book. Examples include modelling the water saturation in a fuel cell diffusion layer, the gas fraction and current distribution in an alkaline water electrolyser, the potential distribution in a binary electrolyte inside porous battery electrode, and the concentration distribution in the flow channel of a redox flow battery. This makes for a diverse, challenging, and stimulating journey, for both students and researchers.

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    Read more about Radiobiology Textbook

    Radiobiology Textbook

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Baatout

    Publisher: Springer

    License: CC BY

    This open access textbook focuses on the various aspects of radiobiology. The goal of radiobiological research is to better understand the effects of radiation exposure at the cellular and molecular levels in order to determine the impact on health. This book offers a unique perspective, by covering not only radiation biology but also radiation physics, radiation oncology, radiotherapy, radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine, space radiation biology & physics, environmental and human radiation protection, nuclear emergency planning, molecular biology and bioinformatics, as well as the ethical, legal and social considerations related to radiobiology. This range of disciplines contributes to making radiobiology a broad and rather complex topic. This textbook is intended to provide a solid foundation to those interested in the basics and practice of radiobiological science. It is a learning resource, meeting the needs of students, scientists and medical staff with an interest in this rapidly evolving discipline, as well as a teaching tool, with accompanying teaching material to help educators.

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    Read more about Alternativas de alimentación para rumiantes

    Alternativas de alimentación para rumiantes

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Cargua-Chávez, Carrillo-Cruz, and Cedeño-García

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Se examina estrategias para optimizar la alimentación de rumiantes mediante el cultivo y manejo de diferentes forrajes en Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador. En el primer capítulo, se destaca cómo el encalado y la fertilización mejoran el rendimiento del maíz, enfatizando en dosis óptimas de nutrientes. El segundo capítulo aborda la fertilización orgánica del pasto Mombasa bajo sombra de naranja, resaltando la superioridad de la pollinaza en el incremento de rendimiento y calidad del forraje. Los capítulos siguientes se centran en la edad óptima de corte para maximizar la biomasa del pasto Cuba OM-22, el manejo del King Grass como alternativa forrajera para el sector ganadero, y el desarrollo del forraje verde hidropónico de sorgo y maíz a dos densidades de siembra, demostrando que técnicas específicas de manejo y cultivo pueden significativamente influir en la productividad y sostenibilidad de la alimentación rumiante. A través de estos estudios, el libro propone soluciones prácticas y sustentables para mejorar la nutrición de rumiantes en entornos tropicales.

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    Read more about Fundamentos de Bioquímica Vegetal

    Fundamentos de Bioquímica Vegetal

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Correa-Salgado, Herrera-Feijoo, Ruiz-Sánchez, and Guamán-Rivera

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Se establecen los principios bioquímicos fundamentales que rigen el desarrollo de las plantas, explorando la composición y estructura de sus células. Además, se aborda la fotosíntesis como un proceso metabólico esencial. El metabolismo de biomoléculas, que incluye el transporte de nutrientes y la síntesis de carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y otros compuestos, es analizado en profundidad. Asimismo, se abordan temáticas cruciales como la respiración celular en plantas, la biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios y el papel de las hormonas vegetales en el crecimiento y desarrollo. La enzimología vegetal, con énfasis en la cinética enzimática, se presenta como un componente esencial del metabolismo vegetal. Además, se examinan los mecanismos de defensa de las plantas frente al estrés abiótico y biótico, abordando la morfogénesis y los desafíos que enfrentan las plantas en su entorno. El libro concluye con una visión hacia el futuro en la investigación de la bioquímica vegetal.

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    Read more about Ultrasound Physics and its Application in Medicine

    Ultrasound Physics and its Application in Medicine

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Thapaliya, Sithole, Welsh, Dana, and Marshall

    Publisher: PALNI

    License: CC BY

    Ultrasound has a wide range of medical applications. Some of these include obstetrics (monitoring the progress of pregnancy), oncology (monitoring the growth of tumors), cardiology (visualizing the heart function and physiology), biopsy (guiding needles in various procedures), and physiotherapy. For example, today, an estimated 60-70% of pregnant women in the United States undergo ultrasound examination during pregnancy. An estimated 250 million fetal ultrasound examinations are performed every year in the USA. In the last few decades, ultrasound technology has expanded to medical imaging in various other specialties: Anesthesiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, General Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN), Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Physiatry, Sports Medicine, and Surgery. The increasing demand in the use of ultrasound technology in various biomedical fields points to a future in which medical professionals will be required to possess a general knowledge of ultrasound technology. While currently most medical professionals rely on technicians to perform the imaging studies, there can be a high degree of operator dependent results. Therefore, a solid foundation of the technological properties of ultrasound would give health care providers a competitive advantage in the future. This is one of the first goals of this textbook. This textbook also covers general aspects of diagnostic ultrasound providing an excellent reference for both beginners and professionals. In addition, this textbook has end-of-the-chapter experiments that will help educators conduct labs for students and any other learners to enhance their learning and solidify the practical skills.

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    Read more about Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict Management

    Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict Management

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Rafferty

    Publisher: James Cook University

    License: CC BY-NC

    This peer reviewed eBook introduces readers to foundational concepts in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, personality psychology and social psychology to help explain why conflict occurs, how it develops and how it may be managed and/or resolved.

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