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    Distance Education Textbooks


    Read more about The Asynchronous Cookbook

    The Asynchronous Cookbook

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry, Middlebury College

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Whether you're teaching mostly in person but looking for some regular, asynchronous activities to add to your course, or teaching a fully online course, this resource is for you. The activities in this cookbook draw on research and good practice in online course design to provide recipes - concise and specific instructions and examples - for adding asynchronous activities to a course. Meaningful interaction between students and instructors is a key ingredient in all of these recipes.

    (9 reviews)


    Read more about Learning in the Digital Age

    Learning in the Digital Age

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Asino, Bayeck, Brown, Francis, Kolski, Essmiller, Green, Lewis, McCabe, Shikongo, Wise, and Fulgencio

    Publisher: Oklahoma State University

    License: CC BY

    This book is designed to serve as a textbook for classes exploring the nature of learning in the digital age. The genesis of this book is a desire to use OERs in all my teachings, coupled with the realization that the resources that I was looking for were not available and as such I needed to contribute in creating them. It is thus a small attempt to contribute to the vast repository of Open Educational Resources. When discussing learning in the digital age, most focus on the technology first. However, the emphasis made in this book is that it’s about the learner not just the technology. One of the things that is easy to lose track of when talking about learning in the digital age is the learner. Technology is important and it has significant impact but it is still about the person who is using the technology. Many people conflate learning in the digital age with technology in today’s age. This important misconception is common and results from our failure to examine our understanding of what “learning” really is. Of course, Most of this depends on a person’s epistemology. There are numerous definitions of what learning is and often they come to how a person sees the world. Some argue that learning is about a change in behavior due to experiences, others state simply that learning is being able to do something new that you were not able to do before. Regardless of what side you choose, to understand what learning in the digital age is, one has to understand what learning itself is. I am immensely thankful to the authors for sharing their ideas freely and for the reviewers who volunteered their time to give feedback.

    (3 reviews)


    Read more about Foundations of Educational Technology

    Foundations of Educational Technology

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Thompson

    Publisher: Oklahoma State University

    License: CC BY-NC

    This text provides a a graduate level introduction to the field of educational technology.

    (2 reviews)


    Read more about Hybrid-Flexible Course Design

    Hybrid-Flexible Course Design

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Beatty

    Publisher: EdTech Books

    License: CC BY

    This volume provides readers with methods, case stories, and strategies related to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design so that they may make decisions about using it themselves and even begin their own HyFlex course (re)design. More specifically, based on the needs identified for their course(s), readers will be able to a) determine if and how HyFlex course design could help them solve critical needs, b) take advantage of emerging opportunities to improve their education practice, enabling them to better serve more students, c) gain an awareness of the HyFlex design, d) find their own innovative HyFlex solution to their specific challenges, and e) begin the HyFlex implementation process using strategies similar to those used by instructors described in this book. The volume describes the fundamental principles of HyFlex design, explains a process for design and development, and discusses implementation factors that instructors have experienced in various higher education institutions. These factors include the drivers, the variations in implementation approaches and constraints, and the results (e.g., student scores, student satisfaction). A series of worksheets provides specific guidance that can be used by individuals or teams engaging in HyFlex design projects at their own institution. Case reports from institutions and faculty who have successfully implemented HyFlex-style courses provide a rich set of real-world stories to draw insights for a reader’s own design setting.

    (5 reviews)


    Read more about Creating Online Learning Experiences

    Creating Online Learning Experiences

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Crosslin, Benham, Dellinger, Patterson, Semingson, Spann, Usman, Watkins, Dellinger, Heiser, Riviou, and Usman

    Publisher: Mavs Open Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This handbook explores many of these topics for new and experienced designers alike, whether creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between.

    (16 reviews)


    Read more about Learning to Learn Online

    Learning to Learn Online

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Learning Centres, Page, and Vincent

    Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

    License: CC BY-SA

    Learning to Learn Online helps you prepare for online learning success by introducing you to the online learning environment and your role as a learner within it. As you come to understand yourself as an self-directed learner, you will also be introduced to effective learning strategies: time management for online learners, information management, professional communication, and reading strategies. Welcome to your online learning journey!

    (10 reviews)


    Read more about Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines and Effective Practice from Around Globe

    Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines and Effective Practice from Around Globe

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hirtz and Harper

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY-SA

    Education for a Digital World contains a comprehensive collection of proven strategies and tools for effective online teaching, based on the principles of learning as a social process. It offers practical, contemporary guidance to support e-learning decision-making, instructional choices, as well as program and course planning, and development.

    (10 reviews)


    Read more about Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media

    Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Dron and Anderson

    Publisher: Athabasca University Press

    License: CC BY-NC-ND

    Within the rapidly expanding field of educational technology, learners and educators must confront a seemingly overwhelming selection of tools designed to deliver and facilitate both online and blended learning. Many of these tools assume that learning is configured and delivered in closed contexts, through learning management systems (LMS). However, while traditional "classroom" learning is by no means obsolete, networked learning is in the ascendant. A foundational method in online and blended education, as well as the most common means of informal and self-directed learning, networked learning is rapidly becoming the dominant mode of teaching as well as learning.

    (6 reviews)


    Read more about Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction

    Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hewett, DePew, Guler, and Zeff Warner

    Publisher: WAC Clearinghouse

    License: CC BY-NC-ND

    Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction, edited by Beth L. Hewett and Kevin Eric DePew, with associate editors Elif Guler and Robbin Zeff Warner, addresses the questions and decisions that administrators and instructors most need to consider when developing online writing programs and courses. Written by experts in the field (members of the Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee for Effective Practices in OWI and other experts and stakeholders), the contributors to this collection explain the foundations of the recently published (2013) A Position Statement of Principles and Examples Effective Practices for OWI and provide illustrative practical applications. To that end, in every chapter, the authors address issues of inclusive and accessible writing instruction (based upon physical and mental disability, linguistic ability, and socioeconomic challenges) in technology enhanced settings.

    (7 reviews)


    Read more about Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning - 2nd Edition

    Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning - 2nd Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Bates

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY-NC

    Teachers, instructors and faculty are facing unprecedented change, with often larger classes, more diverse students, demands from government and employers who want more accountability and the development of graduates who are workforce ready, and above all, we are all having to cope with ever changing technology. To handle change of this nature, teachers and instructors need a base of theory and knowledge that will provide a solid foundation for their teaching, no matter what changes or pressures they face.

    (24 reviews)