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    Read more about Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies

    Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies

    (3 reviews)

    Carrie Lewis Miller, Mankato, MN

    Odbayar Batsaikhan, Mankato, MN

    Elizabeth Pluskwik, Mankato, MN

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Lisa Rose Johnson, Lecturer, Old Dominion University on 7/21/24

    Game Based and Adaptive Strategies (Miller & Batsaikhan, 2021) provides seven clearly defined and well-organized chapters. The first two chapters, Chapter 1, Overview of Game-Based and Adaptive Learning, and Chapter 2, Games in Education,... read more

    Reviewed by Luis Perez Cortes, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 12/15/23

    The book is a useful introduction to the subjects and topics of interest for those looking to learn more about key terms of gamification, games-based learning, and simulations. For example, it provides useful definitions and examples to help... read more

    Reviewed by Miguel Ramlatchan, Adjunct Professor, Instructional Design & Technology, Old Dominion University on 11/23/22

    Great initial summary of the state of learning and educational gaming, game design, and simulation applications. t is a quick read with good inclusion of additional digital and multimedia resources. Another great inclusion is the links to game... read more

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Suggested Learning Outcomes
    • I. Chapter 1- Overview of the Game-Based and Adaptive Learning
    • II. Chapter 2- Games in Education
    • III. Chapter 3- Simulations
    • IV. Chapter 4- Gamification
    • V. Chapter 5-  Virtual Worlds
    • VI. Chapter 6- Faculty Showcase
    • VII. Chapter 7-  Suggested Assignments
    • Appendix I: Handout to investor groups from Investor-Entrepreneur Simulation
    • Appendix II: Handout to investor groups from Investor-Entrepreneur Simulation

    Ancillary Material

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    About the Book

    This book is designed to accompany a graduate-level instructional design course: Game-Based and Adaptive Learning, but could also be used for undergraduate teacher education or instructional design courses.

    The original texts and material for this book came from the development of a course for Brandeis University as part of their MS in Learner Experience Design program. This material can be used to teach pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and instructional designers about game-based and adaptive learning.  Assessments used in the actual Game-based and Adaptive Learning course are included in the final chapter and serve as recommendations for assessments of the learning outcomes. The material in this book pairs well with Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes by The EGG.

    The Faculty Showcase materials were developed by dedicated faculty during the course of a year-long game development workshop in which faculty were introduced to GBL, developed game prototypes, played a variety of games, and finally playtested their designs. The work they continue to do in the area of GBL is part of the inspiration for this book. If you would like to contribute your own case study, please contact me at for consideration.

    Carrie Lewis Miller, Ph.D.- editor/author- Instructional Designer, Minnesota State University, Mankato

    About the Contributors


    Carrie Lewis Miller, Ph.D., Instructional Designer, Minnesota State University, Mankato

    Odbayar Batsaikhan, Minnesota State University, Mankato

    Elizabeth Pluskwik, Minnesota State University, Mankato

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