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    Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology

    (3 reviews)

    Richard E> West, Brigham Young University

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    Publisher: EdTech Books

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Tian Luo, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University on 7/13/23

    It covers the historical roots, the relevant theoretical foundation, and the current landscape of the field of IDT. read more

    Reviewed by Gregory Zobel, Associate Professor, Western Oregon University on 12/5/22

    Robust sections with multiple chapters on the the field's history, main emphases, professionalization and career. Diverse and helpful collection of multiple perspectives, voices, and backgrounds. read more

    Reviewed by Samantha Blevins, Instructional Designer & Learning Architect, Radford University on 6/25/21

    I can't seem to think of a more comprehensive book on LIDT than this one. All facets of LIDT are covered in this texts, with many of the "IDT greats" authoring chapters within this text. read more

    Table of Contents

    • Cover
    • I. Definitions and History
    • II. Learning and Instruction
    • III. Design
    • IV. Technology and Media
    • V. Becoming an LIDT Professional
    • VI. Preparing for an LIDT Career
    • Final Reading Assignment

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    About the Book

    This book received the 2018 AECT Outstanding Book Award!

    "What is this field?" "Where have we come from as a discipline, and where are we going?" "What do I want to study?" These and other questions are typical for new students in the field of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. This textbook is designed to help answer these questions and provide the quickest route to understanding the history and current trends in the field. After surveying classic theories and writings, as well as more recent applications of theory and practice, students will be better prepared to chart their own course and careers within the discipline. This book is designed to support foundations courses common in departments, as well as seminars on current trends and issues.

    About the Contributors


    Dr. Richard E. West is an associate professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. He teaches courses in instructional design, academic writing, qualitative research methods, program/product evaluation, psychology, creativity and innovation, technology integration skills for preservice teachers, and the foundations of the field of learning and instructional design technology.

    Dr. West’s research focuses on developing educational institutions that support 21st century learning. This includes teaching interdisciplinary and collaborative creativity and design thinking skills, personalizing learning through open badges, increasing access through open education, and developing social learning communities in online and blended environments. He has published over 90 articles, co-authoring with over 80 different graduate and undergraduate students, and received scholarship awards from the American Educational Research Association, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, and Brigham Young University.

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