DC Electrical Circuit Analysis: A Practical Approach
James M. Fiore, Mohawk Valley Community College
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781654515478
Publisher: dissidents
Language: English
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This is very good addition to DC circuit analysis. It discusses the major areas of DC circuits. read more
This is very good addition to DC circuit analysis. It discusses the major areas of DC circuits.
Very good addition to DC circuits. First few chapters are bit unnecessary but still it is good.
Good clarity. It would be good to add few more practical examples.
This is something that author can further improve.
Overall good organization. Reorganization of first few chapters would be necessary.
I did not find any grammatical issues.

The book provides appendices that provide supporting material to the main body of the book. It does lack a glossary, though given the excellently laid out modules, a glossary would be redundant. read more
The book provides appendices that provide supporting material to the main body of the book. It does lack a glossary, though given the excellently laid out modules, a glossary would be redundant.
The content is accurate, well laid out, and provides an abundance of metaphors for first timers learning electrical basics. Additionally, the book discusses basic scientific principles, and logical ideas to provide a basis of understanding and ensure a firm grasp of foundational concepts for advancing into DC electrical laws and theories.
Many of the items discussed in the book are foundational and key to fundamental electrical work, and have been in use, and continue to be used to date.
As mentioned prior, the author works hard to state ideas with applicable metaphors that help with the understanding of the subject matter.
The author uses terms consistently and provides definitions in a manner that build up as the text continues.
The chapters are well divided, and build towards a strong understanding of the chapter material, and align with the objectives set forth at the beginning of each chapter.
The book is well laid out in a modular fashion, each chapter pertaining to an electrical law, or set of laws that work in tandem with one another. This should make searching for the needed equations or concepts easy and quick.
The interface functions well, and takes you to the marked location.
The book is grammatically sound, and the equations are clearly linked to the prior sentences.
No offending material found by this reader.
This is a well laid out, accessible book for DC circuit analysis. The chapters are clearly marked, equations easily linked, and the photos do not suffer any major image issues.

This is a very good textbook. It covers a great range of DC circuit topics while featuring meaningful discussions, examples, exercises and simulations with solid technical perspectives. Still, there are some limitations. The main limitation of... read more
This is a very good textbook. It covers a great range of DC circuit topics while featuring meaningful discussions, examples, exercises and simulations with solid technical perspectives. Still, there are some limitations. The main limitation of this textbook relates to the author choice for computer simulation environment. The developed simulations impact would be significantly enhanced if a commercial-grade software package was used, e.g. Matlab or Multisim. Additionally, there are minor editorial issues, and writing style could be more consistent and concise. However, these limitations do not jeopardize the textbook applicability and quality. This is a very good overall textbook that significantly supports the Open source literature on DC circuits.
Content is accurate, well described through discussions and supported by descriptive figures, examples, as well as a good amount of exercises. The main "limitation" is due to the textbook size, which can affect students self guided study through this textbook.
The textbook addresses foundation topics on electrical engineering education. Therefore, naturally ensuring its relevance and longevity.
The textbook is very descriptive and clear on its discussion. Its writing is featured in a conversational style which "can" support students as they read it. However, this is not the preferred writing style for a technical textbook under this reviewer perspective. As well, I personally fell discussions get too long at times.
The book is very consistent on its discussions and overall technical perspectives. Under an editorial perspective, there are style aspects that could be more consistent, still they do not meaningfully affect the textbook readability.
The textbook presents clear and consistent modules.
The textbook is very organized, presenting content in a logical and clear perspective.
The textbook interface is well developed.
It is a very well written textbook with minor errors that do not affect the textbook readability.
I found it a very good textbook and would like to congratulate the authors for their efforts toward the development of this textbook. My two cents here are: 1) simulations are great, still they could be more meaningful using commercial-grade software; 2) writing could be more concise.

This book is very well written and an excellent resource. It provides clear and concise physics approach to understanding circuit components and the analysis of DC circuits. The physics approach is complemented with excellent explanations and... read more
This book is very well written and an excellent resource. It provides clear and concise physics approach to understanding circuit components and the analysis of DC circuits. The physics approach is complemented with excellent explanations and examples of practical devices that go beyond just resistors, capacitors, inductors and dependent sources. The introduction section gives a clear and important review of numerical reporting including significant digits, resolution, scientific and engineering notation. The introduction also gives an excellent look at problem solving exemplifying the scientific method, critical thinking and logical fallacies. However, it does not discuss an engineering approach to problem solving methods. The initial chapters gently guide the reader though series resistive circuits, to parallel resistive circuit to series and parallel resistive circuits to advanced circuit analysis techniques. These chapters give a good practical understanding of many types of resistive devices as well as a great introduction to instrumentation and laboratory. Multisim is used to demonstrate circuit simulations of the examples solved. The textbook is great for an algebra based course. The current-voltage relationships of inductors and capacitors. only include the derivative relationship (not the integral relationship) and the relationships are given and related to the physics as as opposed to derived from KVL or KCL differential equations. RLC transient circuits are not covered in this textbook. For a course aligned with a calculus based curriculum some material would need to be added to the content delivery.
This book is an excellent and accurate reference. I only had a few problems with presentation of the content. In the chapter on series resistance, voltages and currents referenced in the problem solution were not labeled on the diagram. This problem was resolved in later chapters when nodes were labeled and nodal voltages or double script notation was employed. Another presentation weakness is that the unit of ohms (omega) is not presented on the circuit diagrams. I was also troubled by the use of epsilon as opposed to e for the exponential function.
This book relevant and remain so for long time. It is an excellent resource and could be used in an algebra based Engineering curriculum stand alone. I also believe it to be an excellent resource for students who what to learn electrical circuit analysis later in life. For a calculus based curriculum, it is a great resource, but missing key math integration and RLC transient analysis.
This book is very clear and well written.
The book maintains consistent terminology and style throughout making it easier for the reader to advance through the well organized topics.
The flow of content from chapter to chapter was in reasonable step sizes for learning. Each chapter was organized in a similar fashion.
The books organization, structure and flow was logical and clear.
Navigating the PDF is straight forward. Some links to external sources are included and worked seamlessly as did advancing to links in the appendix.
The book was very well written in terms of both grammar and composition.
I commend this book for referring to the RoHS directive (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and making reference to the environment in some of the reference links included. The voice in the text is clear and not offensive in any way.
Excellent free textbook. It has ample examples and many problems at the end of each chapter. There is also a Laboratory manual written by the same author to supplement the textbook.

Could use the addition of power factor correction and motors. Overall, a good selection of topics, so rating should be more like a 4.4 or 4.5. read more
Could use the addition of power factor correction and motors.
Overall, a good selection of topics, so rating should be more like a 4.4 or 4.5.
All problems worked out correctly.
Basic theory book, will not go obsolete.
Clarity is sufficient for good engineering program. Subject is presented a bit advanced for engineering technology and mechanical engineering (non-electrical) students. Magnetism, in particular, is a bit more detailed than it needs to be. An electromagnetism class usually covers magnetism in the detail covered herein.
Math level is appropriate for pre-calculus level. Explanations work at the pre-calc/calc 1 level EE student.
Well paced, typical of a good DC analysis book. Inclusion of some reactive components is a plus, but the presentation is a bit advanced for using for a EET class.
Typical of a good DC analysis book.
Well edited, particularly for a "free" text.
Well edited, particularly for a "free" text.
Ohm's Law is outside of cultural considerations.
For a lecture & test source for instructors, it's pretty good. The reading level is more appropriate for EE than EET students. The book needs lecture supplementation and is not suitable for self learning.

Friore has an excellent introduction, discussing not just the fundamentals of sig. figs., engineering notation, etc., but also critical thinking and the scientific method. The text covers the content of a first-term introductory electrical... read more
Friore has an excellent introduction, discussing not just the fundamentals of sig. figs., engineering notation, etc., but also critical thinking and the scientific method. The text covers the content of a first-term introductory electrical engineering course on DC electronics, hitting on all of the major learning outcomes with the exception of operational amplifiers (and logic circuits, if that's something you're interested in teaching).
This book is accurate, with only a couple errors associated with end-of-chapter exercises. The author and editors have done a thorough job with this text.
Fiore's book is up-to-date, and its content and construction are such that the text will remain relevant for a long while. The author also maintains (frequently updates) several other textbooks in addition to this one--including laboratory manuals for both DC and AC electronics, and one on programming with C and Arduinos--that you can use to complement this textbook.
Fiore's prose is a pleasure to read. It is both fun and informative, and is clear with high information density. The text does a good job of using both words and mathematical expressions to describe important concepts and relationships.
The text is consistent in terms of its organization, terminology, and voice.
Chapters could be reorganized or omitted as needed, and each chapter is split in to sections that can be easily broken-up without much disruption to the reader.
Fiore presents topics in a self-consistent, logical manner, and it is reasonable to organize the flow of a course based off of the text.
The text has a clear interface, with not glaring issues or inconsistencies. The PDF version could use more navigational links beyond the ones from the table of contents to the start of each chapter, but it does include links to sources (ex. to Wikipedia for resistivity values).
Fiore's grammar is clear.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive but, largely as a product of its subject, it does not make use examples that include a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds (or, rather, examples that include these at all!). The instructor will need to ensure that they build an inclusive community of learning without relying upon this text to do the heavy lifting.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Fundamentals
- Chapter 2: Basic Quantities
- Chapter 3: Series Resistive Circuits
- Chapter 4: Parallel Resistive Circuits
- Chapter 5: Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
- Chapter 6: Analysis Theorems and Techniques
- Chapter 7: Nodal & Mesh Analysis, Dependent Sources
- Chapter 8: Capacitors
- Chapter 9: Inductors
- Chapter 10: Magnetic Circuits and Transformers
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Welcome to DC Electrical Circuit Analysis, an open educational resource (OER). The goal of this text is to introduce the theory and practical application of analysis of DC electrical circuits. It is offered free of charge under a Creative Commons non-commercial, share-alike with attribution license. For your convenience, along with the free pdf and odt files, print copies are available at a very modest charge. Check my web sites for links.
This text is based on the earlier Workbook for DC Electrical Circuits, which it replaces. The original expository text has been greatly expanded and includes many examples along with computer simulations. For the convenience of those who used the Workbook, many of the problem sets are the same, with some re-ordering depending on the chapter.
About the Contributors
James M. Fiore
My name is Jim and I'm the resident dissident, programmer and author. I've been a college professor for many years teaching in the areas of electrical engineering technology, computer programming and the science of sound. I'm also a musician and an endurance athlete. I established dissidents in the late 1980s as a way to offer various software items that I created, figuring that other people might find them useful as well. Some of these have been commercial and some have been freeware. I also write a lot, including published college text books and lab manuals. Recently, the open educational resource movement has gained momentum (no doubt at least partly propelled by the rising costs of college tuition and texts).