Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual
Habib Ahmari, University of Texas at Arlington
Shah Md Imran Kabir, University of Texas at Arlington
Ginny Bowers
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781648169977
Publisher: Mavs Open Press
Language: English
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This is a very straightforward lab manual for 10 fluid mechanics experiments, there is clear explanation for each experiment; contains summary of the experiments, objective, theory behind the test followed with clear equations for what should be... read more
This is a very straightforward lab manual for 10 fluid mechanics experiments, there is clear explanation for each experiment; contains summary of the experiments, objective, theory behind the test followed with clear equations for what should be calculated, videos explained how to do the experiments, link for accessing the excel workbook for each experiment, what results expected to be reported with tables and excel spreadsheets. Finally, Using the template provided for each experiment helps students to prepare for lab report very clearly. I really recommend it for undergraduate students.
Content is mostly error free and unbiased; the only notice that I found is that the link of excel spreadsheet for Experiment #3: Energy Loss in Pipe Fittings does not exist.
For classical fluid mechanical experiments and based on the apparatus that presented. This content is mostly up to date. However, it does not include any advanced measurement techniques.
A very clear presentation of the material and detailed explanations for each experiment, in addition, through the videos they provided within the text, the operating of the equipment is very clear.
The text is consistent in terms of terminology and framework.
The lab manual is well organized
The topics in the lab manual are presented in a standard order following the general pattern of many fluid mechanics textbooks. Also, the flow of sections is very logical and organized.
The page of contents contains links to access the reader to each experiment individually if click in that link. References are provided. Overall, the text is free of significant interface issues and is very easy to navigate.
I did not notice significant grammatical errors while reading this text.
The text did not discuss culturally sensitive information. The text is not offensive in any way.
This is a straightforward lab manual. I am using the first three experiments listed on it with my fluid mechanics class, I recommended this lab manual to my students with the material that I provided, my students found this lab manual very useful.

This is a good introductory lab manual, but only contains 10 experiments. The subjects covered are common to most fluid mechanics courses and the associated materials are well done, but a wider variety of topics and equipment/apparatuses would be... read more
This is a good introductory lab manual, but only contains 10 experiments. The subjects covered are common to most fluid mechanics courses and the associated materials are well done, but a wider variety of topics and equipment/apparatuses would be helpful.
Content appears to be error-free & unbiased, but to fully evaluate this each of these experiments would need to be completed with the associated equipment to insure accuracy.
Content is completely up-to-date with current fluid mechanics instruction. Since fluid mechanics is a very mature field and fluid equipment is relatively consistent technology. However, it would be helpful to have alternative training equipment options that would allow for broader application.
This lab manual appears to me to be completely clear and relatively free of unnecessary jargon. The technical terminology used is appropriate for students in an introductory fluid mechanics course, but could be challenging for someone unfamiliar with this field of study.
Overall this lab manual is very consistent, but there is some variability in how external resources are referenced. That being said, I do not believe these minor differences would be a problem for students using this text.
This manual is organized into 10 individual experiments that can be organized in any way an instructor would prefer to use them. Within each experiment, individual subsections are clear, well organized and easy to adapt. As mentioned before, it would be helpful if sections for alternative equipment/apparatuses were available.
Topics follow the organization of a standard fluid mechanics course and allow for scaffolding of knowledge. Modular approach does allow for custome organization if desired.
I reviewed the downloaded PDF format of this manual which worked fine. The table of contents with links to individual experiments was helpful and allowed for relatively quick navigation to the desired section. The front material had some unnecessary empty space that makes sense as a printed document, but was less helpful when used as a digital resource.
I did not come across any grammatical errors.
The subject matter, fluid mechanics lab exercises, did not reference or discuss culturally sensitive information. Topics were covered in a highly technical way that appear to be equally inclusive to individual that represent a variety of races, ethnicities and backgrounds.
Overall this is a good lab manual for an introductory fluid mechanics course, but requires an institution to have the specific equipment used in the exercises. While these apparatuses are relatively common & somewhat generic, this limits the applicability of this book. A more general approach might have broader appeal, but would likely be less helpful in the performance of the experiments. Sections for other brands of lab training equipment would be helpful, but it would be impossible to cover all the different types of fluid training options available on the market and in use in institutions.

Covers most major areas of a standard undergrad course, but does not include an index/glossary. read more
Covers most major areas of a standard undergrad course, but does not include an index/glossary.
Accuracy is pretty easy to come by in an engineering context.
Fluid mechanics, while a relevant field, is not a modern one. This is reflected in this text; very few things should have to change in order to maintain its relevance.
While the book is clear in what it does say, it could benefit from more thorough explanations.
The book appears to be consistent in it's use of terminology, as well as the framework in which it presents itself.
Because the book is a laboratory text, it is, by definition modular. The sections are independent and able to be rearranged at will.
The text follows what I would consider to be a standard order for concepts in a fluid mechanics course.
There are several outside references to videos/spreadsheets/etc. that break up the flow of the text significantly. In addition, the numbering of each lab starts over at step 1 in very large numbers, while the headings for the individual labs are not as prominent, so that can lead to some confusion in finding/referencing a particular lab.
There were no grammatical
I'm marking 5, but it's not really relevant to this text.
I like this text well enough that I do plan to use it with my Fluid Mechanics class this spring. The most severe drawback is that it assumes a very particular set of apparatuses for lab, which are not necessarily accessible to some of the smallest programs. I will, however, use this opportunity to have my students design and build the apparatuses that they will use for class, to give them some design practice as well.

The text covers most basic areas in experimental fluid mechanics. read more
The text covers most basic areas in experimental fluid mechanics.
The content is error free. However, many figures in the textbook do not show clarity and are sometimes confusing with too much detail in small spaces.
The text covers many important basic fluid mechanics related experiments that are very important in undergraduate fluid mechanics. However, most experiments use basic equipment and the authors did not make any attempt to introduce basic advanced measurement techniques like PIV. There are quite a few PIV systems specially designed for undergraduate education.
The authors are sufficiently clear in their explanations and presentation of the material. However, the instruction with regard to operating the equipment is missing. While it is difficult to put out a specific set of 'general' instructions for operating the equipment, the authors could have used the equipment available in their laboratory and could have written down the operating instructions for that specific equipment. That would provide a general sense of how similar instruments could be operated and how the data could be collected.
The lab manual is, in general, consistent within the framework of basic fluid mechanics experiments for undergraduates.
The text is well divided into compact modules which are complete experiments in themselves.
The topics are presented in a logical fashion in increasing order of difficulty and follows the general pattern of many standard fluid mechanics textbooks.
Some of the images in the lab manual are too 'congested'. There are too many details that are fit into a small space. One suggestion is to split up the figures into multiple sub figures.
The lab manual reads well and is mostly free of grammatical errors.
This reviewer did not find anything in the lab manual that is culturally insensitive.
Table of Contents
- Experiment #1: Hydrostatic Pressure
- Experiment #2: Bernoulli's Theorem Demonstration
- Experiment #3: Energy Loss in Pipe Fittings
- Experiment #4: Energy Loss in Pipes
- Experiment #5: Impact of a Jet
- Experiment #6: Orifice and Free Jet Flow
- Experiment #7: Osborne Reynolds' Demonstration
- Experiment #8: Free and Forced Vortices
- Experiment #9: Flow Over Weirs
- Experiment #10: Pumps
- References
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and laboratory procedure of ten experiments. The manual also includes educational videos showing how student should run each experiment and a workbook for organizing data collected in the lab and preparing result tables and charts.
About the Contributors
Habib Ahmari, University of Texas at Arlington
Shah Md Imran Kabir, University of Texas at Arlington
Ginny Bowers