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    Applications of Educational Technology

    (4 reviews)

    Susan Stansberry, Oklahoma State University

    Copyright Year:

    Last Update: 2024

    Publisher: Oklahoma State University

    Language: English

    Formats Available

    Conditions of Use

    Attribution-NonCommercial Attribution-NonCommercial
    CC BY-NC


    Learn more about reviews.

    Reviewed by Kathryn Webb, Director of Nursing Simulation, Associate Professor, University of Saint Francis on 8/22/24

    This text is comprehensive and well organized to enhance educator's understanding of applying technology tools for education is various classrooms. read more

    Reviewed by Samantha Blevins, Instructional Designer & Learning Architect, Radford University on 8/22/24

    The text is pretty comprehensive of the educational technology field. However, it might be of interest to add a chapter on assistive educational technologies, as teachers will inevitably be faced with supporting students who need assistive... read more

    Reviewed by Jason Parks, Professor of English, Anderson University on 8/17/24

    This textbook is full of excellent resources for teachers at all levels. Each chapter is thorough and provides multiple videos, links to additional resources, and provides explanations of how these concepts apply at various grade levels. The... read more

    Reviewed by Zita Podany, Adjunct faculty, Education Dept., Portland Community College on 8/15/24

    This OER is an interactive open textbook for EDTC 3123 Applications of Educational Technology at Oklahoma State University. Though the content is geared towards Oklahoma state standards, it can be easily adapted to other states and colleges. The... read more

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Cover Page
    • OpenOKState Spotify Playlist
    • Learning to Learn any Technology
    • Differentiated Learning with Educational Technology
    • Instructional Design
    • Technology Integration
    • Assessing Learning
    • Online Intelligence
    • Curating Open Educational Resources
    • Using Technology Resources in Different Learning Environments
    • Lesson Makeover
    • Communication and Collaboration with Parents and Students
    • Innovative Pedagogies
    • Digital Media Production
    • Project Based Learning
    • Digital Citizenship
    • About the Author

    Ancillary Material

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    About the Book

    Welcome to the Applications of Educational Technology eBook. The resource comes alongside the Oklahoma State University Emerging Technologies and Creativity Research Lab, where students in this class will play and help in transforming education through creative habits!

    The purpose of this online resource is to serve as an interactive open textbook for EDTC 3123 Applications of Educational Technology at Oklahoma State University. We invite you to ask questions, contribute resources, and participate in making this a living, collaborative resource for all educators!

    About the Contributors


    Susan Stansberry, Oklahoma State University

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