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    American Literatures Prior to 1865

    (1 review)

    Scott D. Peterson, St. Louis, MS

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: University of Missouri - St. Louis

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Susan McKinnis, Instructor, Allen Community College on 9/30/22

    The book includes major authors of the period. Although it is not as comprehensive as a Norton anthology, the selections offered are certainly adequate for an introductory survey class; the section on the Native American experience appears... read more

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Unit I. Colonial Literature- Puritan Beginnings - Smith, Bradford, & Morton
    • Unit II. Colonial Literature - Puritan Beginnings - Winthrop, Bradstreet, & Sewall
    • Unit III. Colonial Literature- Puritan Beginnings - Mather, Williams, & Rowlandson
    • Unit IV. Colonial Literature - Of the Revolution - Franklin, Crevecoeur, Paine
    • Unit V. Colonial Literature - Jefferson & the Federalist Paper
    • Unit VI. Colonial Literature - John & Abigail Adams- John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
    • Unit VII. Colonial Literature - Wheatley, Pontiac, & Occom
    • Unit VIII. Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery - Seneca & Iroquois
    • Unit IX. Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery - Pima, Cherokee, Penobscot, & Passamquoddy
    • Unit X. Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery - Peyote Cult & Origin of Disease and Medicine
    • Unit XI. Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery - De Vaca & The Pueblo Revolt of 1680
    • Unit XII. Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform - Garrison & Grimke
    • Unit XIII. Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform - Whittier & Child
    • Unit XIV. Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform - Stanton & Fern
    • Unit XV. Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform -Davis & Douglass
    • Unit XVI. Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform -Equiano, Truth & Stowe
    • Unit XVII. Literature of the New Nation - Irving & Cooper
    • Unit XVIII. Literature of the New Nation -Emerson o& Thoreau
    • Unit XX. Literature of the New Nation - Hawthorne- Blithedale Romance
    • Unit XXI. Literature of the New Nation - Melville
    • Unit XXII. Literature of the New Nation - Melville - "Benito Cereno" Part II
    • Unit XXIII. Literature of the New Nation - Poe
    • Unit XXIV. Literature of the New Nation - Poe (Continued)

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    About the Book

    This work was created as part of the University Libraries’ Open Educational Resources Initiative at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

    A web version of this text can be found at

    This anthology of American Literatures Prior to 1865, is organized chronologically into four units, focusing on Colonial Literature, Literature of Native American Perspectives and Discovery, Literature of Nineteenth Century Reform, and Literature of the New Nation. It includes introductions to the many authors included to enhance the reader's contextual understanding of the chosen texts. This anthology is essential reading for any student or scholar of Early American literature.

    About the Contributors


    Scott D. Peterson, University of Missouri-St. Louis

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