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    (1 review)

    Timothy Krause, Portland Community College

    Copyright Year:

    Last Update: 2024

    Publisher: Portland Community College

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Korina Mills, ESOL Faculty, Portland Community College on 8/15/24

    This OER is extremely comprehensive and covers all topics that are listed in the CCOGS for the Level 6 Academic Writing ESOL course at PCC. However, it does not contain an index or glossary. read more

    Table of Contents

    Unit 1: Moving from paragraphs to essays

    • The Writing Process 

    • What Is a Paragraph?

    • Formatting Paragraphs

    • Paragraph Practice

    • Grammar: Parts of Speech

    • Grammar: Sentence Types

    • What Is an Essay?

    • Writing Assignment: Essay 1

    Unit 2: Telling a compelling story

    • Pre-Writing

    • Paragraph Preparation

    • What Is Narrative Writing?

    • Paragraph Practice 

    • Grammar: Sequence of Events 

    • Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs 

    • Organizing a Narrative Essay 

    • Writing Assignment: Essay 2

    Unit 3: It's a process

    • Pre-Writing

    • Choosing a Topic

    • Paragraph Preparation

    • What is Process Writing?

    • Paragraph Practice

    • Vocabulary, Grammar, and Mechanics

    • Organizing a Process Essay

    • Writing Assignment: Essay 3

    Unit 4: Exactly the same or totally different?

    • Pre-Writing

    • What Is Comparison and Contrast Writing? 

    • Paragraph Practice

    • Vocabulary, Grammar, and Mechanics

    • Writing Assignment: Essay 4

    Unit 5: Good writing is rewriting

    • Focus on editing

    • Focus on proofreading

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    About the Book

    This intermediate writing course is designed for ESOL students as their first step toward academic writing in U.S. colleges. Each two-week unit integrates vocabulary, grammar, and composition in a "just in time" fashion so that students receive instruction on the key tools they need in order to accomplish new writing goals. The lessons cover a basic essay, narrative essay, process essay, and compare/contrast essay. There is also a final one-week unit devoted to editing and proofreading skills. This edition is an update and expansion of work by Delpha Thomas.

    About the Contributors


    Timothy Krause, Portland Community College

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