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    Read more about University Physics I: Classical Mechanics

    University Physics I: Classical Mechanics

    (1 review)

    Julio Gea-Banacloche, University of Arkansas

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Mitchell Stephenson, Assistant Professor, University of Montana - Western on 1/29/20

    Gea-Banacloche's text reviews the classic topics of physics (linear and angular kinetics and kinematics) in a linear manner before delving more deeply into more advanced topics of waves and thermodynamics. This is a great opportunity to prepare... read more

    Table of Contents

    • 1 Reference frames, displacement, and velocity
    • 2 Acceleration
    • 3 Momentum and Inertia
    • 4 Kinetic Energy
    • 5 Interactions and energy
    • 6 Interactions, part 2: Forces
    • 7 Impulse, Work and Power
    • 8 Motion in two dimensions
    • 9 Rotational dynamics
    • 10 Gravity
    • 11 Simple harmonic motion
    • 12 Waves in one dimension
    • 13 Thermodynamics

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    About the Book

    This is a “minimalist” textbook for a first semester of university, calculus-based physics, covering classical mechanics (including one chapter on mechanical waves, but excluding fluids), plus a brief introduction to thermodynamics. The presentation owes much to Mazur’s The Principles and Practice of Physics: conservation laws, momentum and energy, are introduced before forces, and one-dimensional setups are thoroughly explored before two-dimensional systems are considered. It contains both problems and worked-out examples.

    About the Contributors


    Julio Gea-Banacloche, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

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