Trauma-Informed School Practices: Building Expertise To Transform Schools
Anna A. Berardi
Brenda M. Morton
Copyright Year:
Publisher: George Fox University Library
Language: English
Formats Available
Conditions of Use

I found the book to be comprehensive. It provided a thorough review of developmental models and trauma-informed models. The authors provided a complete explanation of their Triphasic model while incorporating a large body of foundational knowledge... read more
I found the book to be comprehensive. It provided a thorough review of developmental models and trauma-informed models. The authors provided a complete explanation of their Triphasic model while incorporating a large body of foundational knowledge on trauma-informed practices. Specifically, the authors do a great job aligning the developmental models with trauma, reviewing ACES, and reviewing the simple (yet very nuanced) concept of attunement.
I appreciated the accuracy of this book. The authors provided accurate, yet clear and simple descriptions of very complex topics.
I honestly couldn't put this book down! I am adopting this for a counseling course, and I anticipated using it "despite" the educational focus. After review, I appreciate this book, "because of" the educational focus. Many of my students will seek employment in schools as either school counselors or school-based clinicians. The perspective of educators and their lived experiences in schools is valuable for my students when thinking about trauma-informed services.
In addition, the authors do a fantastic job of providing clear and understandable cases, exercises, and metaphors that can be used in a variety of settings.
This book outlines all technical jargon and uses clear and understandable metaphors when describing complex topics, such as neurobiology.
The book was consistent in both writing and terminology. The reader is left with clear understanding of trauma and trauma-informed work.
One of the major strengths of this book is its modularity. The beginning chapters offer an excellent review of developmental theory, attachment theory, and neurobiology. The next sections provide a comprehensive review of the authors' model, and the last chapters discuss strategies to implement the model. All of them could be divided and used separately.
I found the book to be organized and flowed well between complex concepts.
I did not have any issues with the interface.
I did not find any issues with the book's grammar or writing.
I appreciated the cases that focused on diverse students. One suggestion for future writing would be to create a section on racial trauma and other forms of institutionalized trauma.
I highly recommend this book for courses reviewing trauma-informed practices and/or courses preparing students to enter educational fields.

I appreciate how the text provides a comprehensive overview of trauma-informed practices and ways to strategically build and advocate for a trauma-informed school and district. read more
I appreciate how the text provides a comprehensive overview of trauma-informed practices and ways to strategically build and
advocate for a trauma-informed school and district.
Content reads as unbiased. Several supplemental resources are shared to build knowledge and understanding of topics.
Content is relevant and serves an interdisciplinary text. I am considering sharing in a school counseling course.
Material is presented in a clear manner.
The text is consistent and easy to navigate.
The text flows well and provides charts, images, quotes, and formatting which enhance the overall flow of reading.
The structure of the text allows the reader to have a better understanding of the current issues impacting schools and how to
navigate using a trauma informed lens.
No interface issues were observed.
The text is well edited, no grammatical errors were observed.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive. More examples, case studies, and supplemental content on racial trauma and intersectionality could provide another layer of understanding to better support students.
Excellent resource!

The textbook is clear and provides an excellent foundation for developing/increasing knowledge necessary to address the education base needed to understand and implement trauma-informed practices. Excellent use of citations. read more
The textbook is clear and provides an excellent foundation for developing/increasing knowledge necessary to address the education base needed to understand and implement trauma-informed practices. Excellent use of citations.
The text is comprehensive, with detailed examples and references to recent research and case studies. Links to resources and excellent appendices are quite helpful for those who wish to delve further into a topic.
Highly relevant to all partners in the educational system, with excellent treatment of important theoretical bases. The format would be easily adaptable to updates/additions as needed.
The text is well-written, with excellent use of clear examples of concepts/theories/methods being addressed.
Each chapter follows an understandable, consistent format that includes an introductory section as well as an end-of-chapter summary.
The effort put into this area was time well-spent. Sections are all well-organized and linked well although they also are strong standing alone.
Well-paced with smooth flow into each section.
I normally prefer a print copy however I read this in the PDF format and was pleased with the structure as well as use of color throughout. Very user-friendly.
No errors noted.
Overall, culturally sensitive however I feel it would profit from a wider scope that includes viewing the unique trauma associated with individuals with disabilities, etc. The focus seems to be mostly on individuals dealing with family-based trauma to the exclusion of those dealing with trauma associated with other factors.
Overall, I found it to be an informative and excellent resource and well worth including in a trauma-informed teaching curriculum.

This text is appropriate for school leaders as well as classroom teachers. The authors provide a wonderful blend of theory, policy, current school issues, and practice ideas to transform schools. Furthermore, they address multiple essential... read more
This text is appropriate for school leaders as well as classroom teachers. The authors provide a wonderful blend of theory, policy, current school issues, and practice ideas to transform schools. Furthermore, they address multiple essential elements of educational system transformation towards trauma informed practices: parents and families, teacher preparation, and program evaluation. The work is well-cited and provides opportunities for self-reflection. Additionally, the case studies are helpful in adding to the understanding of these complex topics. Especially helpful is their attention to each type of competency within trauma-informed care: perceptual, conceptual, executive, and professional.
This work aligns with other Trauma-Informed texts, and provides a scaffolded process of changing learning environments to be more caring and supportive of academic and social growth. The authors provide their background and state the grounding assumptions of their work.
Trauma-informed practices are exceedingly relevant, following the past few years of social unrest and responses to the COVID pandemic. Furthermore, the lack of resources within schools and high-poverty neighborhoods that add to toxic stress and trauma are longstanding issues that will not be resolved quickly. This book will remain relevant into the future, as the field expands and interdisciplinary scholarship and practice expand. Updating the book will not be cumbersome, given the book's framework and organization. My hope is that more discussion of cultural relevance is added in the future.
I intend to use this book with pre-service undergraduate teachers because the clarity of the writing is one of this books' strengths. Students will benefit from the Terminology and Book Overview sections at the front of the book. Within each chapter, the authors identify desired outcomes and use call-out boxes to expand on important concepts and ideas. These are reader-friendly means for organizing and clarifying ideas. The authors clarify the Trauma-Informed Tri-Phasic Model by outlining foundational principles, dispositions, stages of developing the model at the school level, and describing describing school practices to sustain trauma-informed practices.
Yes, this text's consistency of language and formatting across the chapters is high.
As I read, I was able to identify how I would align sections of this book with my course outcomes. The 12 chapters each have a manageable amount of information that could be discussed in a weekly module, with clear objectives stated. I appreciated the chapters providing theoretical frameworks and realities of schooling so I can center the whole child/system. I do not want trauma-informed practices to be approached as a set of technical skills that can checked off as mastered. This work requires critical thinking, and the chapters provide opportunities to scaffold complex practices.
See above,
I didn't have problems as I went from chapter to chapter, or within chapters.
I saw no grammatical issues.
This book misses opportunities for infusing explicit discussion of culturally relevant practices. This is not surprising, however, given the marginalization of culturally relevant teaching and behavior management within the InTASC standards. While self-awareness and expanding a trauma-informed practice require understanding of pre-conceived notions behavior and openness to disrupting the binaries such as good/bad, us/them, the text could explicitly discuss race as one of those binaries that is constructed within schools. Furthermore, issues of historical trauma and institutional trauma perpetrated by schools would fit into several sections of this book. I will engage my students in those discussions to supplement this text.
I am excited to use this informative and helpful book next semester.

This text provides a thorough background in trauma-informed practices as well as providing concrete strategies for implementation. read more
This text provides a thorough background in trauma-informed practices as well as providing concrete strategies for implementation.
The content provided on trauma-informed practices provides accurate and current best practices not only for supporting students but also self-care for educators who may be experiencing secondary trauma and burnout.
The text is incredibly relevant to current educational perspectives designed to support student learning. There is a great deal of interest in this topic as educators continue to learn about how dysregulated behavior due to trauma and chronic stress can impact the learning process.
The text is well written and provides a coherent path to understanding trauma and trauma-informed school practices.
There is consistent terminology used throughout the text. The terminology is also consistent with the broader terminology used to describe various aspects and competencies of trauma-informed school practices.
The text is divided into three sections with relevant chapters and titles for each section. It could easily be divided for instructional purposes and has a plethora of references to support the content.
The topics and chapter headings are provided in a logical progression throughout the book. It begins with a foundational overview and principles of trauma-informed practices. Subsequent sections include implementation strategies along with ways to sustain trauma-informed school environments long term.
The text is very easy to navigate, including links which provide additional resources.
No grammatical errors were noted.
The text is written in a manner which is culturally sensitive and includes a variety of examples from cross cultural perspectives.
This is an excellent resource for public schools as well as teacher preparation programs in higher education. It is extremely relevant and includes an excellent roadmap for creating trauma-informed educational environments. I would highly encourage this text as a meaningful and significant resources for all educators.

Very clear and provides useful guide to how book is set-up and background terminology read more
Very clear and provides useful guide to how book is set-up and background terminology
From my perspective, the book is provides a foundation insights about trauma informed practices. Authors are experts in the field and draw on existing literature to frame their work. The content is relevant, practical, and useful for schools looking to implement practices to support students experiencing trauma.
This book is relevant as can be and comes at a time when trauma informed practices are becoming a focus of K-12 schools. Also highly relevant with the current time frame of American and global societies dealing with a pandemic.
The book is written in a very approachable way. The introduction sections include a focus on terminology to assist the reader as they move through the text.
The book is consistent in terminology and structure chapter to chapter. Love that each chapter starts out with key outcomes and concepts.
Yes. Easy to break up and each chapter includes section that can easily become a focus in class or outside of class.
Each chapter or section will include many of the following elements:Desired Outcomes; Key Concepts; Chapter Overview; Case Examples; Exercises; Worksheets; Call-Out Boxes:; Resources for Further Reading:
The chapters flow well together and are oriented in a logical sequence that build one another.
Each chapter is extremely easy to navigate as they are each structure and outlined in a similar fashion.
No issues here that I could identify.
No issues here that I could identify.
This is a great resource that could be very useful to a number of different audiences within the school of education,

I am impressed with the details and organization of this textbook. Coming from an adjustment counselor perspective this is a great resource to use for educating school personnel and formatting presentations and self reflection activities using... read more
I am impressed with the details and organization of this textbook. Coming from an adjustment counselor perspective this is a great resource to use for educating school personnel and formatting presentations and self reflection activities using their modules and activities.
The examples are well met with research and recent case studies and events, which is helpful to tie concepts to
It is easily understood from a mental health perspective and can be adapted to those who may not have such background through tho get out lesson plans and guidance
I was surprised how easily readable this text is. From what I did read the writing and languages used was appealing to the topic and to the reader. Engagement through was also a plus and highly recommended for those wanting to incorporate engagement into class and or presentation discussion. This isn’t a topic that can be lightly talked about and it’s often a hard conversation to discuss so having the resource and text to back up possible change is powerful
It feels consistent from the areas I read. It would be beneficial to have a print copy but for those computer savvy and depending the format you’re teaching, material in this could easily be changed into a PPT and using the worksheets to engage
The content flows smoothly from foundational principles to implementation to sustaining practices. Interactive areas presented throughout to support knowledge and learning checkmarks
Everything seemed to flow
I saw no concern here from what I reviewed
I noticed no grammar errors
The book adapts a trauma informed care approach tat incorporates cultural sensitivity and awareness
As a professional who is trained and certified in trauma informed care and carries a heavy case load of clients with past and or current trauma this is a great resource. I would have loved this book when working in the schools as a school adjustment counselor to help guide the school and coworkers/teachers/administrators to understand learn and practice from this mind frame

This comprehensive text offers a strong foundation in trauma-informed practices for educators, school administrators, school-based counselors and those willing to participate in the improvement of our school systems. The text guides us in applying... read more
This comprehensive text offers a strong foundation in trauma-informed practices for educators, school administrators, school-based counselors and those willing to participate in the improvement of our school systems. The text guides us in applying attachment theories and neuroscience, with the help of clarifying case examples and action plans. The interactive worksheets with that ask for personal reflection, aid in the process of developing trauma-informed competence
The research, description of current school environment and challenges, are all accurate and clearly presented. The detailed appendices offer accurate and valuable resources.
The text is relevant and desperately needed! The model they use emphasizes 4 guiding principles – attachment focused, neurobiology-informed, strength-based, and community-driven. Ethics and multicultural inclusion are highlighted throughout.
The text is clear and accessible for an audience with a background in education or mental health. The descriptions and case studies give the reader a clear picture. The chapters are introduced in an accessible way with desired outcomes, key concepts, and the chapter overview presented in blocks. There are engaging chapter exercises.
The format is consistent throughout. Because of the many worksheets in the appendix, the textbook is best in a printed format.
The text is well organized with 3 sections, divided into a total of 12 chapters. The information is presented in a manageable way that works well for a semester course.
The content flows smoothly from foundational principles to implementation to sustaining practices. Images, descriptions, case studies and exercises support the flow.
I reviewed a print copy of the book and the sections along with appendix worked together well. The blocks of highlighted information and the various images help the reader to clarify and process the information.
I saw no grammatical errors.
The authors thoroughly incorporated multicultural awareness into their guide for trauma-informed competence.
I desperately needed this textbook 30 years ago when I was teaching elementary school in New Haven, CT. My 8 and 9-year-old ESL students came to me having witnessed domestic violence (there was a DV shelter in our neighborhood), a student whose father was just killed in a drive-by shooting, a student who just found out his father had AIDS, a student whose home was just raided by police, students had family members struggling with addiction, and so much more. I was passionate about teaching, cared deeply for the students, and was very aware that I did not have the knowledge and skills needed to address the educational impact of trauma. I ended up returning to school for a Master’s in Social Work with a focus on school-based counseling.
I am hopeful that administrators and other leaders will develop trauma-informed competence, and then set the tone for the school and community.

The text is detailed in its overall approach to defining trauma in students PK12. It aligns a bedrock of what is seen in the modern classroom with current research in TI educational settings. Part 1 of the textbook is specifically relevant to... read more
The text is detailed in its overall approach to defining trauma in students PK12. It aligns a bedrock of what is seen in the modern classroom with current research in TI educational settings. Part 1 of the textbook is specifically relevant to educators in Adult Basic Education as our students have exited the PK12 systems unsuccessfully, dominantly due to trauma in the middle school and/or high school years. There is no index at the end of the book. The glossary of words is within the text when used.
This text is on target. It is intended for incoming educators that are preparing to teach content and strive to meet the often-overwhelming affective needs in the PK12 classroom. The instructor’s affective needs are also often returned to so these new teachers will recognize that their needs may deter or support their work with students.
Sections 2 and 3 outline the Tri-Phasic model of TISP are realistic, achievable, and sustainable practices to support the student, parent, teacher, and school. It is mentioned that TISP can also be applied to higher education. In ABE, unmitigated stress and trauma is the one underlying issue that students share. The approach in higher ed around TI classrooms and departments seems uneven and unsustainable, and it would be insightful to have this issue addressed. An outlined approach to how the Tri-Phasic model would be applied in higher ed would be needed as we don’t work with students’ outside support system (i.e., parents) and departments are largely staffed with adjunct faculty who are often unable to be consistent with a department's structure.
Text is relevant and up-to-date. The text is concurrently usable as a textbook and ongoing reference as educators explore and build TISP. Additions and modifications would be easily placed as needed without changing the content in place. There also is a TISP Survey in the Preface that introduces to the reader the potential personal relevancy of the content to come.
The text is accessible for intended audience. The beginning of the book has a section for labels and baseline terminology. The clinical terminology within the text is necessary as it is the metalanguage of the discipline, so readers will need the terminology for ongoing research. Case studies and popular movies are used to demonstrate how different terms and themes are applied in different settings. This is helpful for a new teacher who doesn’t have the classroom experience and may see only the use of case studies as technical and expectant, while the movie examples may be more readily understood as they are already familiar. The end of chapter has resources for further learning for use for further clarification or research.
The terminology and framework are consistent and thorough. When helpful, certain terms are given a historical context. The exercises for the reader reinforce the terminology and TISP framework that are central to the textbook. The reader can begin internalizing the practices before applying them to their own classrooms or departments.
The modularity is usable for an education class online or f2f. It’s also adaptable for a teacher or department to use as a tool as they create TISP at work. For example, Section 1 (parts of Ch. 3-4), Section 2 (parts on Educator, Ch 7-9), and Section 3 (Ch. 11) could be used as a subunit in a university class or as a workshop on Educator as Person in a Teaching and Learning workshop at your school.
The structure and layout of the text are easy to skim and read. The beginning of the textbook is helpful as it explains the purpose of its organization. The progression of content is logical as it first focuses on the student in the classroom, then moves out to the parent, then educator and school reinforcing the Tri-Phasic Model of cycling back around to ensure support of all stakeholders in the process.
The textbook is easy to navigate. Links were connected to intended content and used appropriately. The headings, pop out blocks, color usage and graphics are used in a logical format. There are not a lot of open stock pictures that are usually used to break-up text blocks. This approach simplifies the pages and focuses on the content.
No apparent errors in grammar.
The text does seem culturally inclusive. The text begins with the idea that TISP is to support all stakeholders, not just the students with “unmitigated stress and trauma”. For these approaches to work, the community driven inclusion starts with the attachment focused approach. Examples include different social identities in case studies, but there isn’t a section of the textbook that explicitly focuses on the stress or trauma that social identities may aggregate for students or staff.
My department has done formal TI training with Trauma Informed Oregon, and a collaborative effort and application of TISP within our department would be a logical move. I found this book very applicable to my adult ed classroom and to the issues that arise at the faculty line and administrative levels. I hope to use it as a book club offering this year.

A very detailed and thorough “soup to nuts” manual from understanding the neurobiology of trauma, and behavioral manifestations, to establishing a culture of safety, to the steps necessary to develop, implement and evaluate Trauma Informed Schools. read more
A very detailed and thorough “soup to nuts” manual from understanding the neurobiology of trauma, and behavioral manifestations, to establishing a culture of safety, to the steps necessary to develop, implement and evaluate Trauma Informed Schools.
This text is well written, culturally sensitive, comprehensive, clear and easy to follow. I did not see any evidence of bias. I did not see any grammar or spelling errors.
Up to date, and completely relevant material. Not that I think they will be necessary, but it would be quite easy to provide updates. For example, context and activities regarding how the recent pandemic and social injustices might exacerbate trauma and behavioral issues for students and classrooms.
Easy to read and follow, clear examples provided. Nomenclature was identified and explained well. Examples and connections to theory and practical applications and activities were very helpful.
The format was consistent throughout. I appreciated the summary of previous chapters at the beginning of each new section and the connection between them. It was very easy to click back and for the between chapters to revisit some of the material. Terms were consistently defined and explained throughout.
The authors did a great job organizing the material into sections that could be easily read in small or large chunks of time. The material was easy to follow. The first section really provided the foundation for the remainder of the text, and the later chapters could be realigned if needed without disruption to the reader.
This was well written in a logical fashion. The first section provided foundational information. Later chapters provided additional context and activities to reinforce concepts and knowledge. Though written primarily for PreK-12, I found myself taking notes about how the TISP could be adapted to the college setting, and will be bringing it to our Trauma Informed committee.
It was very easy to navigate through this text. The links all worked well, it was easy to maneuver between sections, chapters and appendices. Graphic were easy to read and displayed well.
I did not see any grammatical errors.
The authors did a great job discussing diversity in schools in a very sensitive way. Some examples that come to mind would include schools in urban areas vs other areas without focus on a specific race or ethnicity. Additionally, some of the case examples included students who were raised by grandparents, loss of parents, witnesses to addiction or violence and the impact that these events have had on behavior and learning.
It is not often that I can sit down and enjoy reading a text from cover to cover and get as much out of it as I did this one. I have taken many pages of notes! I am thinking about ways that I can make my students feel that our classes are a safe learning community where we can all share freely and learn from each other! Since we will be remote again for the fall 2020 semester due to COVID 19, student engagement and retention will be even more challenging. This has given much food for thought. My college has established a trauma institute and has offered professional development trainings and trauma informed teaching initiatives. I will be recommending this book to our committee as we move forward in our work. Thank you for this opportunity.

This text is quite thorough, providing a detailed description of trauma for today's children and youth, with interesting vignettes about particular students to demonstrate concepts. The text unpacks the very structures that impact students:... read more
This text is quite thorough, providing a detailed description of trauma for today's children and youth, with interesting vignettes about particular students to demonstrate concepts. The text unpacks the very structures that impact students: classroom, community, educators, schools, and districts with detailed action plans to move forward. Despite the fairly clinical tone of voice, the authors make a concerted effort to introduce terms throughout the text in a way that is very accessible. What is missing is a racial equity lens. Race has significant historical and contemporary impact on the classroom, especially in Oregon and this ought to be featured more prominently. Race is only briefly mentioned and somewhat buried with a term such as "multicultural inclusion".
The text appears to be accurate with no errors that I could observe. Data and various studies are referenced in order to present an accurate picture.
This text addresses a very relevant concept for educators today. As the text points out, educators are exhausted from the challenges they face in today's classroom and lack the necessary tools to effectively succeed with their students. This model offers more than a set of strategies, it describes a cultural shift in how educators meet the problems they face, and even how the conceptualize "the problems". Self-awareness is a critical first step for educators. The text cites recent data and studies. What makes it less relevant a lack of a racial equity frame which would make this excellent text more relevant. Also, the term "Healing Centered Engagement" is a term to consider or at the very least address perhaps in the conclusion. Language is extremely important and centering the 'trauma' rather than the 'healing' is problematic and potentially triggering depending on the audience. One student, in critiquing the term, stated " I am more than what happened to me, I am more than my trauma" (https://medium.com/@ginwright/the-future-of-healing-shifting-from-trauma-informed-care-to-healing-centered-engagement-634f557ce69c). Even discussing these distinctions would make the text more relevant.
The text is quite lucid using accessible prose and examples from the classroom to demonstrate concepts. The text provides clear visuals such as the Tri-phasic Model. Any technical terminology or jargon was explained.
The books is internally consistent with each chapter starting with an introductory context and concluding with a review of the concepts. The terminology is consistent throughout the text.
The text has excellent modularity and can be easily divided up into sections. The text is broken up nicely by headings and subheadings making it easier to read. The text is not at all self-referential.
The text is organized in a clear and logical fashion. The text initially describes the state of schools and nature of the challenges faced by educators, students, communities, schools and districts. The text moves the reader through a foundational understanding to implementing and finally sustaining.
I did not observe any interface issues.
The text contained no grammatical errors to my knowledge.
Several examples were provided to demonstrate the diversity of experiences for students. The text is not offensive but could be more inclusive. There are a multitude of equity issues that should be highlighted to make this text more culturally relevant, especially in terms of race, class and gender. Today's diverse audience (working and future educators) will respond better to a text that features these issues more prominently. What does it mean for white teachers to be educating black and brown children who are experiencing trauma? The impact of race in particular can not be underestimated, especially in today's world. How do middle class backgrounds of teachers impact their ability to work with students and their families in poverty? Gender has evolved somewhat recently and most definitely has created trauma for students as they navigate their identities. While the text addressed the sexist language used in the ACE test, is there an updated ACE survey that is not sexist or heterosexist? I think this would be less triggering for a diverse audience.
This is a wonderful resource on Trauma- informed practices, beyond a set of strategies- to transform the culture of schools and the current structures that maintain status quo practices. The text offers educators inward and outward facing reflection on the nature of trauma and their roles in rethinking discipline, classroom and behavior management. The text is thorough and grounded in theory and praxis. What is critically lacking is more of a racial equity lens, as well as a lens on class and gender, beyond blurry terms such as multicultural inclusion. No current education text will be fully accepted or appreciated without sufficient attention to equity, especially racial equity in today's world. Finally, language is always critical and the term “Healing Centered Engagement" should be addressed in this text, as well as the way in which we talk about trauma to those who are experiencing it.

Education is almost defined by the use of "trending" concepts like restorative justice, rigor, and trauma-informed practices. This text -- which is designed to exist as a stand-alone course on the subject -- is the exception to many resources. It... read more
Education is almost defined by the use of "trending" concepts like restorative justice, rigor, and trauma-informed practices. This text -- which is designed to exist as a stand-alone course on the subject -- is the exception to many resources. It is thoroughly grounded in the research and applications of the topic, and demonstrates how educators can do the work by virtue of its presentation. The exemplars in the Appendix provide useful and transferable
The diagrams, appendices, and visuals are well constructed and clear of apparent errors. The prose can be somewhat dense, but is aided by use of visuals/diagrams, and color-coded sections.
There is not a formal index. However, the section summary for each grouping of chapters does thorough define and operationalize the concepts.
The authors have made an effort to highlight important terminology throughout the text by using boldface. However, there is not a formal glossary at the end of each chapter, section, or the work as a whole. However, because the text is in PDF/HTML format, the reader could perform a CTRL-F function to locate the desired term.
There is not a clear bias in the text. That is, the authors have a clear desire to define and demonstrate how trauma-informed practices could be used to foster resilience and ameliorate the issues modern educators and students face. This is accomplished without apparent endorsement of a specific ideology, political position, or corporate model.
This text provides accurate information with reference to a mixture of theoretical frameworks and grounded contexts. The author's include a variety of perspectives in their illuminating cases and examples through which to view the work of creating trauma-informed educational communities. The rich, thick description of these cases allow for the reader to vividly envision how strategies could be applied. The content is timely (both in terms of the utility pf the topic, and in the examples used to illustrate the concepts). Given the alarming portrait of the needs students in PK12 schools are facing, this text will not be obsolete for some time.
The sections -- discussed in greater detail below -- are bound in a way that will be conducive to future edits.
While the text is written in an academically accessible manner (i.e., an appropriate balance of formal and colloquial tone), some of the technical terminology can feel clinical. The authors do, however, make a concerted effort to explain perceptions about what the concepts are and can mean to educational stakeholders across contexts. This aids in softening some of the more difficult jargon.
The text is internally consistent. Terms are operationalized and used with consistent intention and meaning throughout the text. Theoretical frameworks are defined and applied consistently.
The overall organization of the text/book is strong (as described above, under Content). Sometimes, there are large blocks of text that are not broken up by visuals or subheadings. Additionally, the text is in a serif font, which can be visually draining to read. The text is not overly self-referential, however, because of the organization of the sections and chapters.
The overall structure of the text is in three parts: Foundational Concepts, Creating TI Practices, Sustaining TI practices. This provides a logical modularity to the overall text. Each section is comprised of 3-6 chapters that cover specific aspects, whether definitional or applied in nature.
For example, Section I includes chapters related to describing/defining what trauma is, how it manifests in schools, and how the model described in the text is intended to ameliorate trauma in schools.
The appendices are exemplars of the worksheets and topics discussed throughout the text.
There are excellent visuals thoughout the text, and they often helpfully break up larger chunks of prose.
The HTML version of the text can be visually draining to read because it continually flows and there isn't a reference of how far into the chapter the reader has progressed. This issue, however, doesn't occur in the PDF version. Both versions are in color, and avoid distortion of visuals/images/charts. The use of colored blocks for different components of each chapter (i.e., Desired Outcomes, Key Concepts, Overview, etc.) is also helpful.
The text does not appear to contain grammatical errors, and has been carefully edited.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive. The authors have made a concerted effort to provide examples inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicity, and backgrounds. Given the topic matter and context (i.e., students with ACES, needing to cultivate resiliency in K12 contexts), the authors have demonstrated careful attention to providing examples that illustrate the benefits trauma-informed practices can bring to school communities.

The impact of traumatic stress on individuals is significant and has a a lot of variability. This text provides a comprehensive understanding of traumatic stress and adverse childhood experiences during childhood and adolescent development as well... read more
The impact of traumatic stress on individuals is significant and has a a lot of variability. This text provides a comprehensive understanding of traumatic stress and adverse childhood experiences during childhood and adolescent development as well as how this impacts learning. Teachers and administrators are challenged daily with knowing how best to educate students. This is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and well written text. The authors provide guidance with how to best prepare teachers and administrators with implementing trauma informed practices. After reading the text, I wondered if our educational systems are prepared to make a forward shift advocated by the authors.
The text reflects current thinking in the field of trauma based on a sound theoretical foundation and best practices.
This text is timely as traumatic stress and adverse childhood experiences are significant barriers to the learning process. School systems are constantly searching for effective models to support students and promote learning. The Trauma-Informed School Practices Tri-Phasic Model involves teachers, administrators, parents and the community consistent with the American School Counselor Association recommendations to use interventions at multiple levels to enhance outcomes. The text can easily be updated as new data becomes available.
The text is clear, concise and well written. It is well organized and nicely structured for readers from different disciplines and preparation levels. The authors use real life examples, figures, and cite resources for further reading. I appreciate how the authors called out "examples" so that a reader can elect to look at the example or move forward in the text.
Very consistent layout and presentation. It is easy to move from section to section to find specific information.
The text has well defined sections which makes it easy to assign readings to students as an adjunct to classroom lectures. In addition, the design of the book into sections can be easily integrated into an online virtual teaching platform.
The delivery of information is logical and clear. The authors cited contemporary theoretical constructs succinctly and at level consistent with their intended audience. The text can also be used in parts as supplemental reading.
The text is easy to navigate. Figures can be enlarged and copied. One concern is the ability to move to the next chapter with one click.
No grammatical concerns noted.
The text did not use insensitive cultural language. This reviewer would like to see a section devoted to cultural differences within various communities and practical adaptations to the model for teachers.
I really enjoyed reading this book. I appreciated having so much information in one book: the problem, solid theory, concern for our youths and effective and practical applications.

At a time when everyone is being asked to implement "Trauma-Informed Practices" in educational communities, this text stands out as one of the most thorough and comprehensive resources for anyone looking to do this work well. Many resources gloss... read more
At a time when everyone is being asked to implement "Trauma-Informed Practices" in educational communities, this text stands out as one of the most thorough and comprehensive resources for anyone looking to do this work well. Many resources gloss over or omit important aspects of this work such as the contextual factors and systemic pressures that influence the prevalence of trauma, as well as the role of identity of the educator in this work - two topics that are included in this text in some detail.
This text provides accurate information with reference to various theories and contexts. It includes a broader perspective from which to view the work of creating trauma-informed educational communities, which allow for a more accurate discussion and application of strategies to be applied.
Content is up to date and includes relevant and current examples and trends as contexts for learning. In this field, much of what is being sold to schools and to teachers is the 'golden ticket' program that will 'solve all of your problems'. Not only does this text acknowledge that this is happening, but situated itself within this context as a useful tool for any educator to use as these programs are rolled out, with which to evaluate effectiveness and thoroughness of any such program.
The authors come from different fields (one from education and one from mental health) which provides a well-explained deeper look at the mental health aspects of this work, as well as the practical application side of implementing this work in school settings. The text is clear and provides adequate context and explanation of all technical terminology.
Text is consistent and draws from a variety of fields and perspectives.
The design of this text is very easy to use as modules. Within each section, each chapter focuses on one aspect of the work and several useful color coded boxes with text that preface each chapter and can be referenced for modules (i.e. Desired Outcomes, Key Concepts, Overview, etc).
Organization of content is logical and easy to follow.
Easy to read, no issues observed.
Text is well written and contains no errors that I noticed.
While the authors go to great lengths to include information about various populations of students and parents, and the ways in which systemic factors might influence their experiences of trauma and access to support after an event, many of the frameworks used to discuss the concept of trauma are from a similar perspective. If using this text for a course, it would be recommended to look into supplemental resources to provide more ways of viewing the prevalence of trauma. For example, an exploration of the ways in which white supremacy and colonization have and still contribute to the way trauma occurs, is acknowledged, and is exacerbated in educational communities.

This textbook is much more than a textbook. It is, in a sense, an entire course. While there is not an index/glossary, the text clearly defines terms, and builds in reminders of relevant terminology. Not only is this text helpful when thinking... read more
This textbook is much more than a textbook. It is, in a sense, an entire course. While there is not an index/glossary, the text clearly defines terms, and builds in reminders of relevant terminology. Not only is this text helpful when thinking about trauma for personal knowledge, it is a handbook for re-designing educational spaces, including classrooms and schools, to better meet the needs of children who experience trauma. The text includes handouts, assessment tools and connections to relevant resources.
As a certified Trauma Sensitive School Facilitator, I have been involved in multi-year projects that have utilized processes and procedures as described in this text. I find the information is current, accurate, and written in an accessibly way. It is introducing best practices in the field of Trauma Informed Practice.
This text is relevant across multiple positions within educational settings, and includes information specific to teachers, social workers, therapists, administrators, and community members. Often, parents and community members are left out of this conversation, and I appreciate the authors’ addition of this population. One weakness in most Trauma resources is the absence or limited reference to trauma as it relates to issues of social identity, particularly in terms of racialized violence and sustained poverty. Overall, this text leaves space for those conversations, though the field needs to improve this overall. As we continue to learn about how the brain and body respond to adverse childhood experiences, the text can be easily updated.
The text is clear and accessible. In particular, I appreciate the organization that provides foundational information, plans for implementing the practice and ways to sustain trauma informed practices. The text provides clear examples and vocabulary support. The resources are clearly marked, and the links to outside sources work.
The text is consistent in its presentation and structure. The chapters are consistent in structure, the pop-outs with additional information, case studies, vocabulary support and resources follow a pattern. I know where to look in each chapter for specific information.
The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. In fact, in the work I have done as a trauma informed practice facilitator in schools, we often use a very similar breakdown of the modules presented here—it is presented in a way that is seen as best practice in the field. Ideally, each section will allow for presentation, application and reflection as it is written—the foundations will need to be learned before moving to the implementation phase. However, these are easy to break down by chapter.
The text is developmentally appropriate in its organization. The foundational pieces are important in painting the overall picture of why we need trauma informed practices in schools, and gives a strong overview of how the body is affected by trauma, especially in childhood. The foundations will be useful for most helping professionals, and the implantation and sustaining sections of the text are useful and practical.
The text is free of significant interface issues, including navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader. It is organized well, and the links all work. While the text is not particularly colorful or full of pictures, it does provide various pop-out boxes, charts with links, resource lists with live links, etc. All of the links I interacted with worked well.
I have no concerns about the grammatical aspects of the text. All of the citations seemed correct.
I did not see any red-flags regarding the cultural sensitivity of this text. The field still has a way to go in terms of including the intersections of trauma and racialized violence and sustained extreme poverty in creating trauma informed schools. This text does leave space for those conversations at various points in the text, thought it does provide extended information about the social factors related to trauma, which is consistent with the field overall.
I was pleasantly surprised to come across this text. I’ve been working with a group of people for many years on trauma informed practices in schools, and it was so nice to see all of this information in one place. I strongly recommend this text for educators as they consider how they might build more compassionate schools by using trauma informed practices that lead to student success.
Table of Contents
Section I: Foundational Principles of Trauma-Informed School Practices
- Chapter 1: The State of Public Schools
- Chapter 2: Optimum Development and Academic Readiness
- Chapter 3: When Stress and Trauma Overwhelm Coping Resources
- Chapter 4: Trauma and Classroom Impact
- Chapter 5: Trauma-Informed Response Best Practices
- Chapter 6: The Trauma-Informed School Practices Tri-Phasic Model
Section II: Implementing Trauma-Informed School Practices
- Chapter 7: Planning for Transition to Trauma-Informed School Practices: District, School, and Educator Considerations
- Chapter 8: Implementing Trauma-Informed School Practices in the Classroom
- Chapter 9: Responding to Behavioral Disruptions Using Trauma-Informed School Practices: Principles and Practices
Section III: Sustaining Trauma-Informed School Practices
- Chapter 10: Orienting and Supporting Parents as TISP Co-Facilitators
- Chapter 11: Applying Trauma-Informed School Practices to Educator Competencies
- Chapter 12: Nurturing Effective and Sustainable Trauma-Informed School Practices
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This textbook represents the combined insight and experience of Morton, a k12 educator, and Berardi, a psychotherapist, both of whom are also university educators with extensive work experience serving districts and their teachers seeking to incorporate trauma-informed principles into their school culture and classroom. The authors identify that the field of education is now ready to deepen its level of response to the paradigm shift created by advances in neuroscience and traumatology. Hence, the primary focus is on identifying and applying trauma-informed educator competencies needed to transform districts, schools, educators, classrooms, and the field of education itself, while also including community members such as parents and board members in these processes - a total system makeover. At the conclusion of this text, the student, educator, or mental health professional will have a deeper understanding of what trauma-informed practice requires of them. This includes practical strategies on how to transform our learning communities in response to the devastating effect of unmitigated stress and trauma on our student's ability to learn and thrive throughout the lifespan.
About the Contributors
Anna Berardi, Ph.D., is the founder and director of the Trauma Response Institute, and a tenured professor of marriage and family therapy in the Graduate School of Counseling at George Fox University—Portland, Oregon. Anna began her work as a social worker, and is a licensed and practicing psychotherapist, utilizing best-practice trauma-informed approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) to facilitate healing processes for individuals and couples impacted by the lingering effects of trauma. For the past 25 years she has advocated for the needs of marginalized and under-served populations through the training of mental health professionals, including school counselors and school psychologists, serving various communities in the Pacific Northwest. Anna’s scholarly publications and conference presentations primarily focus on clinical supervision and training, social justice advocacy, and trauma-informed care.
Brenda Morton, EdD., is a tenured Associate Professor in the School of Education at George Fox University. She taught middle and high school at both public and private schools in Oregon and is a licensed administrator. In 2009, Brenda joined the faculty at George Fox University School of Education, where she works in teacher preparation with undergraduate and graduate students. Early on in her career, Brenda recognized the needs of at-risk youth and began to focus on this specific group of vulnerable learners. In 2010, Brenda and her family became a foster family to a sibling group of four. The challenges and joys of foster parenting led her to focus her dissertation on academic outcomes of foster youth. Her dissertation was an extension of her love for at-risk youth and deep desire to understand, connect, and create a path forward. To that end, she earned certification as a National Dropout Prevention Specialist and a post-doctoral certification in Trauma Response.