Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care
Glynda Rees Doyle, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Jodie McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Copyright Year:
Publisher: BCcampus
Language: English
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The glossary reads well and accurately. I appreciate that each chapter starts with basic skills and moves to more advance skills, the flow works well. It is also helpful that the PDF glossary has links that will send you directly to the page when... read more
The glossary reads well and accurately. I appreciate that each chapter starts with basic skills and moves to more advance skills, the flow works well. It is also helpful that the PDF glossary has links that will send you directly to the page when clicked.
The book seems to be as accurate as standards are currently
While the content is up-to-date, it could use some expansion. I would have liked to see more information and guidance and proper dawning and doffing of PPE for different types of isolation precautions during procedures.
The book remains clear and precise
The book remains consistent and professional throughout its terminology
The text would be easy to assign certain chapters out of the text. Its blocked off nicely that there won't be any overlap. One could mix and match the chapters to fix their course outline
The order the chapters are aligned makes the flow nice as it starts of with basic skills and moves to more advanced ones.
While no interface issues are obvious, the text is quiet dry. It reads much like a PDF flow chart.
None that I could identify
The text does not come across insensitive or offensive
Pieces of this textbook would benefit any patient care/health care setting. It covers proper infection control, basics of patient assessments, body mechanics/fall risk. It is not only inclusive of nursing programs. The way it is formatted would allow you to pull specific chapters to fit your programs needs. This text does read like a PDF flow chart, which is supplemental to the ease of reading it. But it does become difficult to hold your attention for long periods of time. Overall good, straight forward information!

This is a quick reference style source for clinical procedures. It is also compiled as a "checklist" style that is easy to read. Could easily be modified to fit specific settings. I don't believe it is intended to be an in depth, nor all inclusive... read more
This is a quick reference style source for clinical procedures. It is also compiled as a "checklist" style that is easy to read. Could easily be modified to fit specific settings. I don't believe it is intended to be an in depth, nor all inclusive source, but an overview to guide persons who are either new to the profession(s) or those who are encountering an unfamiliar procedure.
I could not locate any inaccuracies.
I feel this book would be an excellent resource for first semester nursing or any health related professions, to familiarize the student with basic procedures and tests. Or as a review resource for later semesters.
Precise without "extra" commentary.
Uses medical terminology without overuse of jargon.
The chapters are consistent with the titles.
Organized from "easy" to more complex procedures.
The graphics are easy to read and understand. Downloads easily. I am particularly impressed with the checklist format.
Did not note any grammatical errors.
The Diabetes section would be more applicable (for the US) if the results were translated from the Canadian Diabetic Association Standard reporting results to the US standards. That would be simple to accomplish for use in the US, given the flexibility of the Creative Commons copy-writing system.
This would be a valuable resource for beginning level students in health related fields. Nursing students would benefit as well as health related careers, and medical students. I saw some possible applications that would benefit physical therapy curricula as well.

Glossary of terms is very concise and easy to view. The content of the book describes many key clinical procedures performed by various health care providers- though some are very specific to nursing. read more
Glossary of terms is very concise and easy to view. The content of the book describes many key clinical procedures performed by various health care providers- though some are very specific to nursing.
There were multiple errors in spelling noted throughout the text. As a respiratory therapist, I focused specifically on oxygen therapy to check for accuracy and some of the Fi02 percentages for devices were not what we currently teach in the U.S.
Content is certainly relevant but finding the best placement for the information may be a challenge. Portions of the book would be best suited for an introductory course while others are much more specific and could be placed strategically within a program's curriculum.
The text is not overly jargon based and the description of terms is adequate for even a novice medical reader.
Each chapter is aligned similarly with a brief introduction, a procedure checklist, special considerations, and a summary. I enjoyed the additional resources (videos/links) and critical thinking questions.
Content is appropriately divided into more manageable sections.
The text is well-organized and has a logical flow of topics.
Several pages were cut off on the right side of the page in the pdf version.
No grammatical errors noted; however, misspellings were present.
The text did not seem to be culturally insensitive.

I appreciate the step by step checklists provided, to add to the safety of procedures. Important nursing procedures were included. With the changing healthcare environment, one suggestion would be to include implementation of procedures in... read more
I appreciate the step by step checklists provided, to add to the safety of procedures. Important nursing procedures were included. With the changing healthcare environment, one suggestion would be to include implementation of procedures in non-hospital settings, such as homecare settings.
Presentation of materials appears accurate and professional.
Content is currently relevant and applicable.
Great clarity for all readers.
Easy to read and follow due to the consistency in presenting content
Along with consistency, the structure of each chapter, including the resources, checklists, and highlights were beneficial to the reader.
Very structured flow in each chapter – very organized.
Navigated through textbook with ease, with quality images displayed throughout textbook.
None noted.
Note minimal references to varying cultures. There could have been more diversity displayed in examples throughout textbook.
Great supplement to educational settings, or reference for healthcare settings.

Most areas needed for a nursing procedure manual are covered in this book. However, I did notice some basic skills were missing, such as starting intravenous catheters, feeding, and hygiene. The index and glossary are effective for ease in... read more
Most areas needed for a nursing procedure manual are covered in this book. However, I did notice some basic skills were missing, such as starting intravenous catheters, feeding, and hygiene. The index and glossary are effective for ease in identifying and locating information.
I had difficulty finding any errors sources of confusion in the text. Good use of space, graphics, pictures, tables, etc.
Since this book is related to basic nursing care, I think the content could be maintained with minor revisions/updates as needed.
I think that the overall clarity was excellent. However, I would supplement sections that use specific equipment with pictures/procedures for my institution's specific equipment. I do not think this is a flaw of the book. I think this is a flaw for all books and schools. We all use different equipment and procedures that are constantly changing and evolving.
The text is written terms and a format that is very straightforward. Steps are broken down and explained. Additional information and considerations provided. I appreciated that the students can select links to source out to addition more specific information from within the text.
Excellent use of tables, graphics, and pictures throughout text. No lengthy blocks of reading. Organized in a logical, manageable sections of information.
Step-by-step organization and flow are very important to beginning students learning new nursing processes and procedures. Checklists provide structure for evaluation.
I viewed the book through the online format. The text, images, charts, graphics, etc, were free from distortions. I did not experience any navigation problems.
I did not find any grammatical errors.
Authors used mannequins for images to demonstrate nursing procedures, skills, and anatomical locations. Some content was Canadian specific.

I believe this text could be used for nursing programs to supplement what is being used in the skills portion of a nursing course. I feel it only lacks the theory of delegation and assignment behind the skills. Few nursing programs could use this... read more
I believe this text could be used for nursing programs to supplement what is being used in the skills portion of a nursing course. I feel it only lacks the theory of delegation and assignment behind the skills. Few nursing programs could use this book to replace a nursing text book. It would be a great supplement to the learning of hands on skills.
Despite being a book originating in Canada, many of the references include CDC guidelines. Many of the citations are current. Many of the citations use books that we currently use in our program for both ASN and PN students.
Statement under the IM injection section clearly states the new policy of not aspirating before injecting and states that facilities sometimes still do. This shows me that the book is up to date with current practice and research.
The links to the the other places in the book help the clarity of the book. This gives students a quick way to reference other material. Pictures next to steps in skills are great especially the respiratory breath sound assessment.
This text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. It is easy to navigate.
This book is organized well. The table of contents link make finding a specific page in the book very easy. The bold words catch a readers eye to important data.
The topics in the text are presented in a logical, easy to complex fashion.
I reviewed the book in the online format. I had no problems with navigation, distortion of images and other display features.
I see no grammatical errors.
I see no culturally insensitive wording in this text. The blood administration references Jehovah Witness in a sensitive way.
I would like to see a link at the top of the glossary page to cut to a letter in the glossary. I also believe the glossary could be a bit more comprehensive.
I did not expect this book to be equal to the practices of the United States but I now feel that best practices are very similar in both countries.

The book covered most of the areas which I expected to see in a nursing procedure manual, but there were a few exceptions. There was no mention of basic nursing procedures such as bathing, feeding, and ambulating patients. There was also no... read more
The book covered most of the areas which I expected to see in a nursing procedure manual, but there were a few exceptions. There was no mention of basic nursing procedures such as bathing, feeding, and ambulating patients. There was also no discussion of IV insertion.
Errors were rare in the text. There were a few places where the language was confusing.
The content of this text is relevant to current nursing practice. Nursing practice is constantly changing, so it is difficult to determine how long this book will remain current. It is highly modular, so it would not be hard to update it as needed.
Overall the clarity was excellent. There were a few passages which I felt might be confusing to a student unfamiliar with the procedures being discussed. This problem could be ameliorated by supplementing this manual with other textbooks covering those same procedures.
The content is consistent in style. The checklist format provides structure to the narrative and gives the student a straightforward way of evaluating how well she/he is following the procedures.
The book is highly modular. Each chapter and even the individual sections of the chapters can stand alone.
The text flows evenly and the book is highly readable. The progression is logical.
The book is published in an .epub format. The interface is dependent on the reader which is chosen. After experimenting with several unsatisfactory readers I finally found the Sumatra pdf reader which displayed the book in a satisfactory manner. It would have been helpful to have had guidance on which reader to use from the start.
I did not detect any errors in grammar, spelling or usage.
Some of the content was Canadian specific such as the use of milliosmols to measure glucose and the directions for how to report adverse medication events. Most of the content applies outside the Canadian context. Most of the illustrations showed mannequins rather than actual humans. There could have been more effort at racial and ethnic inclusiveness.
This would be an excellent supplemental resource for courses in nursing foundations, nursing assessment, and medical surgical nursing.

The text provided step-by-step checklists for basis nursing procedures. The text title implies that this is patient safety book yet most often reads like a nursing procedure book. Safety is very important with all nursing procedures and safety... read more
The text provided step-by-step checklists for basis nursing procedures. The text title implies that this is patient safety book yet most often reads like a nursing procedure book. Safety is very important with all nursing procedures and safety step are included in each procedure checklist, just not quite what I was expecting.
Content appears accurate yet is very specific to Canada and mostly speaks to inpatient hospital care. Each checklist does remind readers to verify procedures based on their hospital policies/procedures. Images and step-by-step guides included mention of specific aspects of medical supplies which may not translate to other facilities and supplies. An example of this is the use of IV tubing with specific instructions to use the "blue" port.
Most of the text is basis nursing and will not require frequent updates. Parts of the text, including the use of paper records, already seem outdated.
The book is written clearly and provides adequate context for terminology used.
Consistency related to terminology seemed appropriate. Some procedures were not included in checklist, only in provided references. Special consideration related to age and facilities outside of the inpatient hospital setting where inconsistent.
The book is divided into easily divisible reading sections with addition learning resources such as videos and online resources for each section.
The organization and flow of the text was appropriate. Some areas seemed a little out of order including the section on IV medications which was explained before reference was given on how to insert a peripheral line. A step-by-step insertion checklist was not included in the text although online resources were provided.
The book was slow to download from page to page, but was easy to navigate. Many images demonstrated procedures/anatomy on simulation mannequins which was distracting. Images of live patients would have been more effective especially when providing examples of anatomy, wounds, sutures, etc.
I did not find any grammatical spelling error during review.
The book is not inclusive of diversity. The majority, if not all, of the pictures within the text are of Caucasians. No special considerations are offered related to race, ethnicity, or background. Very little consideration of age.

I felt the book was very comprehensive as a basic nursing skills text for foundational theory and practice. read more
I felt the book was very comprehensive as a basic nursing skills text for foundational theory and practice.
I found no errors in the skills presented. I liked the critical thinking exercises in the chapters and would like to see more.
Text theory and skills content is very relevant to current practice standards. Agree that future updates to this text will be minor.
Enjoyed the step-by-step approach utilizing pictures on how to perform certain skills. Also appreciate how the text clarifies focused assessments, highlights patient safety and provides up-to-date pictures of medical equipment.
Text content has clear objectives and theory flows well from one concept to the next more advanced concept.
Liked key take aways at end of each chapter and online resource links for additional references as needed.
The checklists in table format are easy to comprehend and make setting up equipment for these procedures easy.
Appreciate the complications and related interventions, and safety consideration highlights provided.
Checklist summary is a great idea.
Each chapter flows well and progresses well into more advanced concepts/skills without causing confusion.
Very simplistic and straight forward images/charts that are important when learning about foundational concepts and skills.
I found no grammatical errors.
Uncertain if I observed any comments related to cultural relevance.
Students really appreciate practice exam questions.
Faculty really appreciate critical thinking based questions to be introduced at a very early stage in the student's educational journey.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1. Infection Control
- Chapter 2. Patient Assessment
- Chapter 3. Safe Patient Handling, Positioning, and Transfers
- Chapter 4. Wound Care
- Chapter 5. Oxygen Therapy
- Chapter 6. Non-Parenteral Medication Administration
- Chapter 7. Parenteral Medication Administration
- Chapter 8. Intravenous Therapy
- Chapter 9. Blood Glucose Monitoring
- Chapter 10. Tubes and Attachments
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All 88 checklists are also summarized, and hyperlinked to the original checklist, in the appendix.
About the Contributors
Glynda Rees Doyle teaches at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Vancouver, British Columbia. She completed her MSN at the University of British Columbia with a focus on education and health informatics, and her BSN at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Glynda has many years of national and international clinical experience in critical care units in South Africa, the UK, and the USA. Her teaching background has focused on clinical education, problem-based learning, clinical techniques, and pharmacology.
Glynda is involved in several interprofessional research projects within BCIT and also in collaboration with other Canadian nursing schools, studying the impact of mobile devices laden with clinical resources, social networks, and e-portfolios on nursing students and their education. Her interests include the integration of health informatics in undergraduate education, and the impact of educational technologies on nursing students’ clinical judgment and decision making at the point of care to improve patient safety and quality of care.
Glynda currently sits on the Research Ethics Board at BCIT, is a digital health peer leader for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing and Canada Health Infoway, the communications director for the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association, and a member of the American Medical Informatics Association’s Education and Nursing Informatics Working Groups.
Jodie McCutcheon teaches in the undergraduate BSN program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). She is currently the nursing lab coordinator for the BSN program. She completed her BSN at the University of Victoria and came to BCIT to teach with experience in medical, geriatric, and cardiac nursing, as well as leadership experience as a nurse educator and clinical coordinator at VGH. She completed her MSN at the University of British Columbia with a focus on clinical education and online learning.
Jodie chose to become an educator because she wanted to impact the future of nursing by preparing individuals to practise safely and effectively in a complex health care environment. Jodie has many years of teaching experience in problem-based learning, skill acquisition, and course development for the nursing program and allied health care programs at BCIT. Her interests include lab education and simulation as effective teaching strategies to promote learning. Jodie is involved in many Interprofessional Education (IPE) projects at BCIT. Her primary passion in nursing education is the promotion of patient safety and quality initiatives and teaching strategies in the School of Health Sciences at BCIT. She is the co-chair of the patient safety and quality committee in the BSN program and has brought various safety initiatives to BCIT, including Change Day and Canadian Patient Safety Week. Jodie is a member of the BC Lab Educators committee, Western and Northern Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, and the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning.