Para vivir con salud
Kathryn Joy McKnight, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jill Kuhnheim, Lawrence, Kansas
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Publisher: Kathryn Joy McKnight and Jill Kuhnheim
Language: English
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Kathryn Joy McKnight and Jill S. Kuhnheim propose their textbook as a means of teaching close reading skills in the context of health to broaden students' understanding of care. By teaching students to read while considering literary techniques,... read more
Kathryn Joy McKnight and Jill S. Kuhnheim propose their textbook as a means of teaching close reading skills in the context of health to broaden students' understanding of care. By teaching students to read while considering literary techniques, and cultural ties, the authors suggest that students will develop empathy and have meaningful experiences with the text. The first half of the book provides a cursory review of how to read different genres (narrative, poetry, theater, film) appropriate for third-year students. The second half groups primary texts into themes: empathy and medicine, cultural understandings of health, experiencing illness, sex and gender, mood, and death. A glossary provides easy access to topics. The authors have gone through considerable effort to provide the primary sources, but when they could not, they offer guidance on where the instructor can find them. The breadth of content is wide, but not superficial. While instructors will likely want to expand on the readings with their personal teaching approach, the chapters offer ample resources to aid the instructor's course development.
I did not find any typographical or content-related errors. The authors warn users that hyperlinks may change.
Kathryn Joy McKnight and Jill S. Kuhnheim comment in their opening video that by including literary analysis into multilingual, multicultural medical students' education, universities and colleges can encourage students to find joy in literature, translate reading skills into being more empathetic medical professionals, and learn more about the many Spanish-speaking cultures within the United States. However, given the broad spectrum of topics covered under the umbrella of health (race, gender, class) and the use of older and contemporary canonical texts, I see this textbook (if not many parts) as a vehicle for achieving common learning objectives in Spanish, or Hispanic Studies programs.
The textbook is well-planned out with the first half focused on literary analysis divided into genres (narration, poetry, etc.) and the second half consisting of the primary sources, contextual information, and reading comprehension questions. The first half includes a significant amount of analytical jargon that is glossed and easy to understand. The sections on narration and poetry are particularly comprehensive but accessible to the target demographic of students.
In their introduction, Kathryn Joy McKnight and Jill S. Kuhnheim state that their selected texts highlight how the notion of health can be complicated by culturally based identities, such as gender, class, race, etc. The selection of primary texts and corresponding comprehension questions are consistent with this perspective, offering the instructor the space to guide discussions. While at times more questions could be provided, the primary readings evidence the authors' stated intent.
The structure of the textbook is easy to follow. There are not unreasonably large blocks of language; headings and subheadings aid comprehension. One suggestion for later adaptions would be to include a "Return to the Top of the Page" option to ease the user experience of the electronic version.
The textbook is well-structured and easy to navigate.
I saw no issues with navigation, distorted images, or any other confusing elements.
I did not find any grammatical errors.
The primary texts vary in their origins, providing an eclectic assortment of views on health. The varying genres allow students to experience stories, film, poetry, and theater. There is a consorted effort to be inclusive, recognizing the diversity of sex, gender, and language structures in the Spanish-speaking world. An instructor could easily supplement to provide an even broader array, particularly when it comes to the more controversial themes of sex and sexual orientation.
I look forward to using this textbook in a future class!

The book does a great job presenting a new approach to the study of cultural and literary production in Spanish from the perspective of the medical professions. This perspective gives a new air to the cultural studies of the area without losing... read more
The book does a great job presenting a new approach to the study of cultural and literary production in Spanish from the perspective of the medical professions. This perspective gives a new air to the cultural studies of the area without losing the rigor and clarity in the presentation of topics and materials. At the same time, it allows the texts presented to be reinterpreted in the light of this new perspective, giving them a new ecosystem of meaning. The way the book is organized allows this approach to be clear, and gives the student new opportunities for professional and pedagogical growth in language and literature and culture.
The book is organized in a way that allows to approach the proposed perspective without losing accuracy in the topics or the sense of cultural relevance of the contents. The focus given to care and medicine does not detract in any way (and even highlights under a new perspective) the understanding of the proposed texts. Additionally, the structure chosen to present the different chapters is clear and guides the reader/student concisely and accurately on the topics and relevance of the different texts.
The book presents a new and refreshing perspective in the field of Latin American literary studies. By linking cultural and literary production with issues of health and care, the book not only brings to the fore an essential linkage in the current context of Spanish departments throughout the ecosystem of higher education in the United States, but in doing so gives cultural production a new perspective from which it can be valued. This intersection is the book's most important feature and ensures its relevance in two seemingly dissimilar fields: the current state of advanced Spanish language teaching in the United States, and new critical approaches to canonical and contemporary texts in the literary production in Spanish.
The book is divided into two sections. The first is dedicated to the different genres: narrative, poetry, theater. This section fulfills a didactic function and introduces the topics in a clear and direct way, preparing the student for the intervention of the second part of the book. This second section organizes the primary texts into thematic sections organized around different themes: identity, body, gender, etc. Each section is opened by an introduction that contextualizes the topic and prepares the student for reading and building links between texts and their respective sociocultural context.
Despite its innovative character, the book presents the themes and texts in a consistent manner, maintaining the clarity, quality and relevance of the texts and analyses attempted. The second part of the book manages to be innovative without changing the tone or quality with respect to the first part. It is important to note that special attention is paid to provide the context of the texts further back in time, as well as the use of online references and hypertext to give clarity to the reading.
The structure of the book allows it to be consulted in parts without the danger of losing its relevance or clarity. The presentation of the materials and topics using the scaffolding approach also allows for a clear and modular reading of the texts that allows them to be consulted separately without detriment to the clarity and relevance of the topics and contents.
The book is presented in a really organized way that allows a better understanding of the proposed dual structure. The fact that the book is organized chronologically makes it much easier for the instructor and students to navigate through the text.
The book is presented in an easily accessible format that aids comprehension and accessibility of the text. There are no problems with images or graphics. The reader is never distracted or confused by the presentation of the book.
The book does not have grammar of spelling errors.
Given the innovative nature of the book's approach to the presentation of texts and topics, linking the discussion of health care and health care with cultural and literary production in Spanish, the texts themselves are of immense cultural relevance, offering both students and instructors the tools necessary not only to analyze and study the,, but also to make them relevant to some of the most important contemporary discussions about access, equity, and social justice.
This book is a refreshing addition to the field of cultural studies and the humanities in general, and to literary studies in particular. It proposes a new and pertinent change in the way the discipline is taught and how to intervene in the debate about the future of literary and cultural studies in Spanish.

The book objective is to combine the knowledge of Spanish as a language and cultural understanding of topics related to health and literature. It has two sections, The first one has five chapters that offer resources on how to read and understand... read more
The book objective is to combine the knowledge of Spanish as a language and cultural understanding of topics related to health and literature. It has two sections, The first one has five chapters that offer resources on how to read and understand literary genres, like narrative, poetry, theater and cinema. The second section t has seven chapters, all of them containing texts related to the topic of health and healthcare in the Spanish-speaking world. The chapters include a comprehensive perspective about Medicine and the cultural nuances in how to practice it with cultural competence. For example, the first chapter covers the topic of "Medical Experience, Fiction, and empathy", and focuses on how to understand the experience of illness from the side of health professionals and patients; the second chapter, "Our Health Concepts are Cultural", includes texts that deal with traditional medicine, cultural perceptions about birth and giving birth, notions about food and diet, etc. The third chapter's title, "Disease as Experience", contains a rich diversity of texts that deal with specific diseases, and how they are represented. The fourth chapter, "Medicine as Knowledge and Human Activity", starts with a text called "What is Medicine?" and follows with texts dedicated to rural doctors, and laboratory workers. It provides a historical perspective about Medicine, since it includes texts from the Inquisition times, to the 19th century and the end of the 20th century. Chapter five, "Body, Gender, and Sexuality", includes a variety of genres, such as narrative, reportages, poetry, and films, to address the connection between culture and sexuality, as well as the prejudices and realities of the topic. Chapter six, "Moods", refers to the relationship between health and emotions, political and cultural contexts. Finally, chapter seven, "The End of Life", deals with death though the use of literary texts and movies that represent that experience from a variety of perspectives, also in a diverse historical and geographical contexts. I find this book very valuable for my culture and health classes in Spanish.
The book covers a variety of perspectives and countries, and it is carefully organized to offer both the instructor and students a comprehensive understanding of the importance of cultural references and tradition regarding health and healthcare. The texts used are carefully selected, each part includes an introduction to the matter, and offer valuable tools, such as a glossary of terms, a guide to read different cultural expressions, and a variety of short-stories, theatrical pieces, movies, reports, etc., that make it a great resource for creating a course.
I have never found a book that combines a literary and cultural approach to health and health care. I believe this book is an incredibly valuable resource for professor of Spanish and that teach Spanish for Healthcare. It goes beyond basic concepts and vocabulary, to offer an integral and stimulating survey of health topics as represented in literature and film. It is so complete that any instructor can create a course using this as a textbook.
The book is well organized by topics. It offers key concepts and directions on how to use it, how the content is organized, and how to take advantage of the content. Each chapter offer a preliminary section about the ideas presented, and each chapter follows a chronological order, as well as the same order in presenting texts and films. Because of this, it makes easy to understand the progression of the concepts, texts, and films presented. The division in sections, one dedicated to the understanding of the genres included in the book, and the other one to the specific materials related to each health topic, is also a welcome feature of this book.
The quality of texts, the historical awareness of the materials included, the diversity of countries and cultures represented in each section and chapter, are consistent and coherent. Despite copyright limitations, that the authors note in the book, each section and chapter are carefully structured, well organized, and offer quality cultural content.
The book is divided in two sections, each with a specific objective. Each section is clearly defined, same with each chapter. It is easy to find the materials in each section and chapter. The instructor can easily select texts, sections or chapter he or she wants to use.
As previously said, the book is organized in two sections, each with a clear objective. Each chapter focuses in a specific area, and the topics in each chapter are clearly identified with headings and sub-headings. The texts are also organized in chronological order, so the instructor can decide in which period to focus. It also allows for the instructor to select a specific topic or chapter. Superb organization.
I downloaded the PDF version, and it allowed me to read through very easily. It is also flexible, as it offers other options to download. The fact that it can be easily uploaded to Blackboard is a plus for me, personally.
I read extensive parts of the book, as well as the original texts in Spanish. I did not find grammar or spelling errors in this book.
Since it brings together topics of health care in literature and the arts, and focuses on the importance of culture and cultural context in healthcare, the book is impressive as a cultural reference for students in any discipline dealing with health care and Spanish-speaking patients, either in the US or abroad. It presents cultural topics both in a chronological order and organized by the matter discussed. It is a great tool for instructors and students interested in culture and healthcare for Spanish speakers.
I am really glad that I found this text. I will share it with my colleagues, and I think it is a valuable resource for instructors and students of Spanish.
Table of Contents
Descargar el libro (Downloading the book)
About the cover illustration
Introduction for Instructors
Goals and Learning Objectives
I. Parte I: Los géneros expresivos y cómo leerlos
Capítulo 1: The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University Reading Guide for Reflective Practice
Capítulo 2: Cómo leer la narrativa
Capítulo 3: Cómo leer la poesía:
Capítulo 4: Cómo leer el teatro
Capítulo 5: Cómo leer el cine
- II. Parte II: Unidades temáticas
Capítulo 1: Las experiencias médicas, la ficción y la empatía
Capítulo 2: Nuestros conceptos de salud son culturales
Capítulo 3: La experiencia de la enfermedad
Capítulo 4: La medicina como conocimiento y actividad humanos
Capítulo 5: Cuerpo, género y sexualidad
Capítulo 6: Estados de ánimo
Capítulo 7: El final de la vida
Glosario de términos literarios y cinematográficos
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
We are asking anyone who adopts this webbook or uses portions of it in their teaching to please let us know at this link (click here).
Para vivir con salud: Leyendo la salud y la literatura is the first textbook to introduce literary and textual analysis of Hispanic literature through the lens of health, illness, and medicine. The book meets the needs of the fast-growing numbers of Spanish majors and minors who are preparing themselves for careers in healthcare, in which they will engage Hispanic communities. These students seek advanced-level study of Hispanic culture and language that prepares them to communicate about health-related issues. While a growing number of literature departments teach Spanish courses with a health focus and most require their majors and minors to take an introductory course in literary or textual analysis, the crucial connection between the study of literature and professionalization in healthcare is generally not being made for or by these students.
The movements of Narrative Medicine and Health Humanities have shown persuasively that healthcare providers benefit from a humanistic preparation that promotes empathy across difference; builds an understanding of how culture, language, and history shape our knowledge of health, illness, and medicine; and trains students in narrative competence to better understand and collaborate with patients and colleagues. Para vivir con salud is designed especially for the often-required Introduction to Hispanic Literature or Introduction to Textual Analysis course in most college Spanish programs, allowing individual sections to be transformed into a learning experience that prepares health professionals and brings them into greater engagement in literary and cultural studies in the Spanish major or minor.
Para vivir con salud includes classics of Hispanic narrative, drama, and poetry—pieces by authors such as Cervantes, Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Martí, Neruda, Castellanos, Pizarnik, and Morejón, less-well-known literary authors and a wealth of other types of cultural texts. While the primary genres of poetry, narrative and drama are well represented, the book includes expository essays, journalism, memoir, testimony, song, film, television, and visual art. It presents voices and experiences from the diverse Hispanic world, including European, Creole, Indigenous, Mestizo, Afro-Hispanic, Latinx, and Jewish perspectives. Selections are almost evenly divided between male and female authors. While the latter half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century comprise a little more than half of the selections, about 20% of the texts pre-date the twentieth century. Seventeen countries are represented, including the United States.
About the Contributors
Kathryn Joy McKnight, Univeristy of New Mexico
Jill Kuhnheim, University of Kansas