Crop Adaptation and Improvement for Drought-Prone Environments
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Ndjido Ardo Kane, ISRA/CERAAS
Daniel Foncéka, ISRA/CERAAS
Timothy J. Dalton, Kansas State University
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2024
Publisher: New Prairie Press
Language: English
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Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Editorial Team and Contributors
- Part I: Socio-Economic Analysis of Dryland Crops Production
- Part II: Advanced Phenotyping and Crop Modelling for Adaptation to Drylands
- Part III: Genetic Diversity and Improvement of Dryland Crops
- Chapters' corresponding authors
- Book Abstract
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This book focuses on three important elements in the development of cereal and legume crops in semi-arid West Africa. The first section illustrates the socioeconomic factors that affect the food system for these crops and contains an overview of crop production and consumption in the region. Then, important inputs that affect system productivity are presented: preferences for new seed varieties, yield response to fertilizer, counterfeit herbicides, climate information, and the way farmers develop expectations about the weather events that shape cropping outcomes. The final chapter of section one is dedicated to understanding urban consumer preferences for processed food products derived from pearl millet.
The second section addresses the state of the art of phenotyping and the modeling of crop adaptation to dryland farming systems. Chapters in section two focus on the regional network for phenotyping, high throughput phenotyping in field situations, root architectures, and crop ideotypes. In addition, empirical evidence is presented on root and soil interactions and the effectiveness of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs to assess sorghum physiology.
Finally, the third section investigates the genetic diversity and improvement of dryland crops. Chapters in this section focus on biodiversity and agricultural system sustainability, orphan crops such as fonio, and the utilization of a regional germplasm collection in the improvement of cowpea, groundnut, pearl millet, and sorghum.
About the Contributors
Dr. Ndijido Ardo Kane’s research in Canada led to key contributions in deciphering the genetic basis of vernalization in wheat, as recognized by the Faculty of 1000 Biology in 2003. He worked for the agroindustry and holds a US patent on reducing the negative effects of tobacco in human health. In his home country of Senegal, he coordinated the Agrobiodiversity Management and Biotechnology program. Lately, he uses genomics tools to identify traits governing crop performance in response to climate change. Codirector of an international joint lab (LAPSE), Director of ISRA/CERAAS, the lead center of the ECOWAS Regional Center of Excellence for Dry Cereals and Associated Crops, he is also the author of numerous publications.
Dr. Daniel Foncéka is a researcher working for CIRAD, France. He is outposted at ISRA/CERAAS, where he focuses on the genetic improvement of cultivated peanut varieties through the exploitation of wild species’ genomes. Dr. Foncéka has developed several permanent interspecific populations that are used to map QTLs for important agronomic traits. He is also deploying GWAS to mine alleles for drought tolerance in the cultivated germplasm. Dr. Foncéka served as Scientific Coordinator at ISRA/CERAAS and has contributed to its acknowledgement as a center of excellence on dryland crops for West and Central Africa. Additionally, he leads a network of crop scientists called Innovation and Plant Improvement in West Africa (IAVAO, French acronym for Innovation et Amélioration Variétale en Afrique de l’Ouest).
Dr. Timothy J. Dalton is a Professor of International Agricultural Development in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, USA. With over 25 years of experience in ex-post and ex-ante assessment of new agricultural and food technologies in Africa, Asia, and the United States, he studies how new varieties of sorghum, rice, and maize affect food system productivity, production risk management, and consumer nutrition. He received a B.A. from Columbia University, an M.S. from the University of Illinois, and a PhD. from Purdue University. He is the author or coauthor on over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has received more than US$37 million in competitive research funding from state, federal, industry, and foundation sources.