Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
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Jean-Paul Olivier
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2021
Publisher: Lyryx
Language: English
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Table of Contents
PART 1: Mathematic Fundamentals for Business
- Chapter 1: How To Use This Textbook
- Chapter 2: Back to the Basics
- Chapter 3: General Business Management Applications
PART 2: Applications in Human Resources, Economics, Marketing, and Accounting
- Chapter 4: Human Resource & Economic Applications
- Chapter 5: Marketing and Accounting Fundamentals
- Chapter 6: Marketing Applications
- Chapter 7: Accounting Applications
PART 3: Applications in Finance, Banking, and Investing: Working With Single Payments
- Chapter 8: Simple Interest: Working With Single Payment & Applications
- Chapter 9: Compound Interest: Working With Single Payments
- Chapter 10: Compound Interest: Applications Involving Single Payments
PART 4: Applications in FInance, Banking, and Investing: Working With A Continuous Series of Payments (Annuities)
- Chapter 11: Compound Interest: Annuities
- Chapter 12: Compound Interest: Special Applications of Annuities
PART 5: Applications in Finance, Banking, and Investing: Amortization and Special Concepts
- Chapter 13: Understanding Amortization & Its Applications
- Chapter 14: Bonds and Sinking Funds
- Chapter 15: Making Good Decisions
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Business Mathematics was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student. It takes a systematic approach to helping students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). This process is found throughout the text and in every guided example to help students develop a step-by-step problem-solving approach.
This textbook simplifies and integrates annuity types and variable calculations, utilizes relevant algebraic symbols, and is integrated with the Texas Instruments BAII+ calculator. It also contains structured exercises, annotated and detailed formulas, and relevant personal and professional applications in discussion, guided examples, case studies, and even homework questions.
About the Contributors
Jean-Paul Olivier has been teaching Business and Financial Mathematics, as well as Business Statistics and Quantitative Methods for the past 21 years. He is a dedicated instructor interested in helping his students succeed through multi-media teaching involving PowerPoints, videos, whiteboards, in-class discussions, readings, online software, and homework practice. He regularly facilitates these quantitative courses and leads a team of instructors. You may have met Jean-Paul at various mathematical and statistical symposiums held throughout Canada (and the world). He has contributed to various mathematical publications for the major publishers with respect to reviews, PowerPoint development, online algorithmic authoring, technical checks, and co-authoring of textbooks. This text represents Jean-Paul’s first venture into solo authoring