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    Read more about Electromechanical Systems - 1st Edition

    Electromechanical Systems - 1st Edition

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    Chad Davis, University of Oklahoma

    Copyright Year:

    Last Update: 2024

    Publisher: SHAREOK

    Language: English

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    Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

    Table of Contents

    • Preface
    • LabVIEW Overview
    • Module 1 - Number Systems and Character Encoding
    • Module 2 - Digital Logic
    • Module 3 - Measurement and Instrumentation Overview
    • Module 4 - Sensors
    • Module 5 - Power Systems
    • Module 6 - Electric Machines
    • Module 7 - Computer Communications
    • Appendix A - Step by Step Guide to Digital, Analog, and Counter IOs in a DAQ

    Ancillary Material

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    About the Book

    This eBook was written as the third installment in the series that coincide with three engineering courses taught at the University of Oklahoma (ENGR 2431, ENGR 2531, and ENGR 3431). These courses were designed to provide non-major students – those not majoring in electrical or computer engineering (ECE) – a foundation in various ECE topics. ENGR 2431 is a prerequisite for both ENGR 2531 and ENGR 3431 and it is recommended that the DC Circuits book be studied prior to beginning the eBooks created for the other two courses. The following topics are covered in this book: LabVIEW Overview Module 1 – Number Systems and Character Encoding Module 2 – Digital Logic Module 3 – Measurement and Instrumentation Overview Module 4 – Sensors Module 5 – Power Systems Module 6 – Electric Machines Module 7 – Computer Communications Appendix A – Step by Step Guide to Digital, Analog, and Counter IOs in a DAQ

    About the Contributors


    Chad Davis, University of Oklahoma

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