Understanding the “General Principles of Food Hygiene” (including GHP and HACCP) published in 2020 by Codex Alimentarius, and its applications on food industry and catering in Taiwan
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I-Yuan Chiang, Kainan University
Chia-Ho Hsu
Meng-Yu Lin
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9789869292955
Publisher: Software Liberty Association, Taiwan
Language: Chinese
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Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Features of the New General Principles of Food Hygiene, and about this Book
- Chapter 2: General Principles of Food Hygiene: Introduction and Terms Definition
- Chapter 3: General Principles of Food Hygiene: Good Hygiene Practice: Introduction and Control of Food Hazards
- Chapter 4: General Principles of Food Hygiene: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for Its Application
- Appendix: Comparison of HACCP 12 steps from Codex, USDA, USFDA, ISO 22000, and HACCP regulations/guidance of Taiwan
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
The Codex Alimentarius published a new version of ‘’General Principles of Food Hygiene’’ in November 2020. The series of the document has been critical for countries/organizations to develop and revise their food regulations/certifications. Thus, the new release will trigger revisions on food regulations/certifications.
We translated ‘’General Principles of Food Hygiene’’ and added food regulations and GHP/HACCP examples from Taiwan to this book. Therefore, it could be a nice stepping stone to understand food regulations and the food industry in Taiwan.
About the Contributors
I-Yuan Chiang (Editor/corresponding author), Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Kainan University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Email: iychiang1809@gmail.com
- PhD: Food Science, Cornell University, NYSAES (New York State Agricultural Experiment Station), Geneva campus, NY, USA.
- BS & MS: Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Skills/Licenses/ Public services
- HACCP consultant.
- Lecturer of Food sanitation and HACCP training program, recognized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
- Member of the Food Committee, Consumer Protection Foundation, Taiwan.
- 2017-2020: The member of Genetically Modified Foods Consultative Council, the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Chia-Ho Hsu, Quality Control Supervisor of CHIAYI LUCKY TOP FISHES COOPERATION, Taiwan.
Email: yasashihato@gmail.com
- Associate Bachelor, Department of Food Science, Taipei University of Marine Technology
Skills or Licenses
- ISO 22000/FSSC 22000/HACCP consultant
- Occupational Safety and Health license, level II.
- Course Instructor of the topic: Experiences of facing USFDA Factory international inspection program, hosted by the Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Taiwan.
Working Experiences
- WEN'S FROZEN FOOD CORP./Quality Control Supervisor
- SHIN RONG BUSINESS CO., LTD./ Quality Control Supervisor
- SU-SUN SEAFOODS SUPPLY CO., LTD./ Quality Control Supervisor
- BLUE SKY FOODS CO., LTD./ Health Management staff
Meng-Yu Lin, Specialist and Lecturer of food safety and R&D
- BS, Department of Food Science, National Ilan University, Taiwan
- MS, Institute of Food Science, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Skills or Licenses
- ISO 22000/FSSC 22000/HACCP consultant/auditor
Work experiences
- FU-FRUIT CO., LTD. Quality Assurance Supervisor
- Chinese HACCP Development Association Northern service center specialist Upwelling CO., LTD. Purchasing specialist
- Chinese HACCP Development Association Technical assistance specialist Taian-food CO., LTD. Management trainee of Prepared food sector