Open Pedagogy


The Open Education Network is a diverse community that supports one another in leveraging the power of open pedagogy. With members in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K., we offer an ideal environment for you to learn successful strategies from helpful colleagues who are eager to share resources and recommendations. We offer faculty engagement strategies, professional development, and infrastructure to help you move ahead with your open pedagogy goals. 

Faculty Engagement Strategies

When your faculty decide to transform their curriculum through open pedagogy, it can be an isolating endeavor. That’s why we’ve created Faculty Learning Circles on Open Pedagogy. We train librarians and other faculty partners to lead learning circles so that you can help faculty navigate open licensing, FERPA considerations, copyright questions and more.

Learning Circle participants also have access to Ask a Librarian: Open Pedagogy Help Sessions. These 30-minute consultations are with our Open Educational Practices Specialist. 

You may also be interested in our Certificate in Open Pedagogy.

This impactful curriculum firmly asserts student well-being as the foundation to pedagogical innovation, a process that will no doubt lead to healthier and more inclusive OEP implementations.

Abbey Elder
Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian
Iowa State University

Now...I can use open pedagogy deliberately and, I hope, effectively to make assignments that are more motivating for my students and that have an impact on the community. 

Tamara Powell
English Professor
Kennesaw State University

Whether you need an introduction to open pedagogy, would like to join a learning circle, or are interested in earning a certificate, we’re here for you.

Professional Development 


As a member, you’re invited to join our Train-the-Trainer: Introduction to Open Pedagogy Workshop. It’s designed to equip you with strategies you need to effectively deliver our Introduction to Open Pedagogy Workshop to a faculty audience, as well as prepare you to facilitate an Open Pedagogy Learning Circle. Learn more about our current workshops.

Learning Circles

The Open Pedagogy Learning Circle is a collaborative, resource-rich learning environment. We facilitate seven synchronous, virtual one-hour sessions every semester. Join our Learning Circle to share, learn, discuss, and create open pedagogy. Please sign up on our interest list to be emailed details the next time we offer an Open Pedagogy Learning Circle.



We’re continuing to develop the Open Pedagogy Portal, launched in 2023. This open repository offers faculty concrete open pedagogy examples for redesigning their curriculum.