The Open Education Network community creates and shares resources that everyone can use:

Certificate in Open Education Librarianship
The Certificate in Open Education Librarianship is available as a professional development opportunity in a cohort, and as an openly available curriculum.

Creating a Socially Just Open Education
Watch this video featuring Jasmine Roberts-Crews, Lecturer in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, as she explores how to design open education programs with social justice in mind.

Data Dashboard Documentation
The Data Dashboard Documentation shows you how to collect and manage data about programs, events, workshops, adoptions, and enrollments for your open education initiatives.

Guidebook to Research on Open Educational Resources Adoption
Read this guidebook to learn about OER adoption impacts and open textbook efficacy.

Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop Demo
Watch this workshop presentation to see how to engage faculty in the possibility of adopting an open textbook to increase educational equity.

Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop Slide Deck
This adaptable slide deck is the foundation for the one-hour Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop. It’s designed for faculty who would like to understand how open educational resources (OER) can make education more affordable and equitable.
Paper by Abraham Barrera is licensed CC BY 3.0; Video by Alfa Design is licensed CC BY 3.0; Binoculars by Lakshisha is licensed CC BY 3.0; Slideshow by IconSrc is licensed CC BY 3.0.
When you join the Open Education Network, you join a community that is advancing open educational resources (OER) adoption in higher education. With members in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K., we offer an ideal environment for you to learn successful strategies from helpful colleagues who are eager to share resources and recommendations. We offer faculty engagement strategies, professional development, and infrastructure, so that you can make student learning more equitable and inclusive at your institution.
Faculty Engagement Strategies
When you introduce OER to faculty, you want to be sure you’re using proven strategies.
Our workshop focuses on understanding students’ financial predicament and its impact on their academic success. We introduce faculty to open textbooks and the benefits they offer pedagogical practice, student learning and engagement. Faculty are then invited to engage with open textbooks by writing a brief review of a book in the Open Textbook Library.
Interested in facilitating OER adoption on your campus or throughout your institution, consortium, or statewide system?
Professional Development
We’ll teach you how to lead effective workshops that maximize open textbook adoption, and demonstrate how open textbooks lower student costs and increase educational equity. If you’re part of a higher education system or consortia, we’ll teach you how to scale the workshop strategy to engage faculty. Learn more about our current workshops.
The Open Textbook Library is an integral part of the faculty workshop strategy, and includes more than 1,500 open textbooks. As a member, you can invite your faculty to review a textbook and evaluate if it may meet their students’ needs. Around 70% of the Open Textbook Library’s growing collection includes faculty reviews.
Data Dashboard
The Data Dashboard is designed to meet your data collection and tracking needs for higher education open education programs. As a program administrator, you can collect and manage data about programs, events, workshops, adoptions, and enrollments. The Data Dashboard also supports data collection directly from instructors and faculty regarding adoptions, enrollments, and open textbook reviews.
The Open Education Network community creates and shares resources that everyone can use:

Certificate in Open Education Librarianship
The Certificate in Open Education Librarianship is available as a professional development opportunity in a cohort, and as an openly available curriculum.

Creating a Socially Just Open Education
Watch this video featuring Jasmine Roberts-Crews, Lecturer in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, as she explores how to design open education programs with social justice in mind.

Data Dashboard Documentation
The Data Dashboard Documentation shows you how to collect and manage data about programs, events, workshops, adoptions, and enrollments for your open education initiatives.

Guidebook to Research on Open Educational Resources Adoption
Read this guidebook to learn about OER adoption impacts and open textbook efficacy.

Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop Demo
Watch this workshop presentation to see how to engage faculty in the possibility of adopting an open textbook to increase educational equity.

Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop Slide Deck
This adaptable slide deck is the foundation for the one-hour Introduction to OER Adoption Workshop. It’s designed for faculty who would like to understand how open educational resources (OER) can make education more affordable and equitable.
Paper by Abraham Barrera is licensed CC BY 3.0; Video by Alfa Design is licensed CC BY 3.0; Binoculars by Lakshisha is licensed CC BY 3.0; Slideshow by IconSrc is licensed CC BY 3.0.