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    Philosophy Textbooks


    Read more about Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind

    Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Rebus Community

    License: CC BY

    Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind surveys the central themes in philosophy of mind and places them in a historical and contemporary context intended to engage first-time readers in the field. It focuses on debates about the status and character of the mind and its seemingly subjective nature in an apparently more objective world.

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    Read more about Logical Reasoning

    Logical Reasoning

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Dowden

    Publisher: Bradley H. Dowden

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    The goal of this book is to improve your logical-reasoning skills. These skills are also called "critical thinking skills." They are a complex weave of abilities that help you get someone's point, generate reasons for your own point, evaluate the reasons given by others, decide what or what not to do, decide what information to accept or reject, explain a complicated idea, apply conscious quality control as you think, and resist propaganda. Your most important critical thinking skill is your skill at making judgments─not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning.

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    Read more about Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy

    Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Wilson

    Publisher: Open Book Publishers

    License: CC BY

    Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint addresses in a novel format the major topics and themes of contemporary metaethics, the study of the analysis of moral thought and judgement. Metathetics is less concerned with what practices are right or wrong than with what we mean by ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’

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    Read more about Inferring and Explaining

    Inferring and Explaining

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Johnson

    Publisher: Portland State University Library

    License: CC BY

    Inferring and Explaining is a book in practical epistemology. It examines the notion of evidence and assumes that good evidence is the essence of rational thinking. Evidence is the cornerstone of the natural, social, and behavioral sciences. But it is equally central to almost all academic pursuits and, perhaps most importantly, to the basic need to live an intelligent and reflective life.

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    Read more about An Introduction to Philosophy

    An Introduction to Philosophy

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Payne

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY-NC

    The goal of this text is to present philosophy to newcomers as a living discipline with historical roots. While a few early chapters are historically organized, the goal in the historical chapters is to trace a developmental progression of thought that introduces basic philosophical methods and frames issues that remain relevant today. Later chapters are topically organized. These include philosophy of science and philosophy of mind, areas where philosophy has shown dramatic recent progress. This text concludes with four chapters on ethics, broadly construed. Traditional theories of right action is covered in a third of these. Students are first invited first to think about what is good for themselves and their relationships in a chapter of love and happiness. Next a few meta-ethical issues are considered; namely, whether they are moral truths and if so what makes them so. The end of the ethics sequence addresses social justice, what it is for one's community to be good. Our sphere of concern expands progressively through these chapters. Our inquiry recapitulates the course of development into moral maturity. Over the course of the text, the author has tried to outline the continuity of thought that leads from the historical roots of philosophy to a few of the diverse areas of inquiry that continue to make significant contributions to our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in.

    (7 reviews)


    Read more about An Introduction to Ontology Engineering

    An Introduction to Ontology Engineering

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Keet

    Publisher: Maria Keet

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This first general textbook An introduction to ontology engineering has as main aim to provide the reader with a comprehensive introductory overview of ontology engineering. A secondary aim is to provide hands-on experience in ontology development that illustrate the theory. The book is divided into three blocks:

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    Read more about Keys to Understanding the Middle East

    Keys to Understanding the Middle East

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Payind and McClimans

    Publisher: The Ohio State University Pressbooks

    License: CC BY-SA

    This book is intended for readers who have never studied the Middle East, or experts who may wish to fill gaps in their knowledge of the region from other disciplines. Whether for establishing or deepening one's knowledge of the region, these fundamentals are important to know. The languages, cultural, religious and sectarian communities of the region, and selected turning points and influential people in history are starting points for gaining an understanding of the diverse contexts of the region. It isbased on introductoryand graduatecourseson thecontemporaryMiddle East, which the Center's director, Dr. Alam Payind, has been teaching for the past 30 years. The book's co-author,Melinda McClimans,hastaught these and other courses with him, as well as her own,for the past 15years. The material isintendedengage with diverse – even conflicting – culturaland historicalperspectives,andways of perceivingboth Middle Easternandworld historyfrom perspectives within the region. It is not intended to reinforce a monolithic or matter-of-fact perception of the region.For this and many other reasons, images are an important aspect of the knowledge presented. Each chapter starts with links to its image galleries, along with other visual aids and key elements.

    (9 reviews)


    Read more about Words of Wisdom: Intro to Philosophy

    Words of Wisdom: Intro to Philosophy

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Ondich

    Publisher: Jody Ondich

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Words of Wisdom can come from anyone. In this text we discuss topics ranging from "Are Humans good by nature?" to "Is there a God?" to "Do I have the right to my own opinion?" Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year. Wise people come in all shapes and types, and from every culture on earth. We have poetry and folktales, sacred writings and letters. Dialogues and interviews, news columns, Ted Talks, You Tube recordings and even comedy are all a part of the content in this text.You will be most successful reading this on line. The formatting in the downloadable versions is not wonderful. There is work being done by the software, but in the meantime, you will want to use it by clicking here on "read book:".

    (5 reviews)


    Read more about Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined

    Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Robeyns

    Publisher: Open Book Publishers

    License: CC BY

    How do we evaluate ambiguous concepts such as wellbeing, freedom, and social justice? How do we develop policies that offer everyone the best chance to achieve what they want from life? The capability approach, a theoretical framework pioneered by the philosopher and economist Amartya Sen in the 1980s, has become an increasingly influential way to think about these issues.

    (1 review)


    Read more about Six Ways of Being Religious

    Six Ways of Being Religious

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Cannon

    Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Company

    License: CC BY-NC

    The book proposes the hypothesis that six generic ways of being religious may be found in any large-scale religious tradition such as Christianity or Buddhism or Islam or Hinduism: sacred rite, right action, devotion, shamanic mediation, mystical quest, and reasoned inquiry. These are recurrent ways in which, socially and individually, devout members of these traditions take up and appropriate their stories and symbols in order to draw near to, and come into right relationship with, what the traditions attest to be the ultimate reality.

    (7 reviews)