Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals
Brent Burbridge, University of Saskatchewan
Evan Mah, University of Saskatchewan
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9780888806116
Publisher: University of Saskatchewan
Language: English
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Although some areas of the book are more applicable to MD’s rather than diagnostic radiology students (example ACR Appropriateness Criteria in chapters 6-16), radiology tech educators could extract applicable content for film critique and... read more
Although some areas of the book are more applicable to MD’s rather than diagnostic radiology students (example ACR Appropriateness Criteria in chapters 6-16), radiology tech educators could extract applicable content for film critique and pathology classes. Chapter 17 would be an excellent resource for a film critique class. Chapter 17 has excellent images provided of labeled and non-labeled anatomy!
I did not see inaccuracies in content, however, with any health care resource, information is constantly changing, and content becomes quickly obsolete. It would be very easy to add updates to the content provided.
Content appears up to date. It would be interesting, in Chapter 9, to add images and content about COVID! Diagrams and equipment pictures, for the most part, are current.
The book is easy to read and the images are excellent.
Terminology, content, and abbreviations are consistent throughout the book.
Table of Contents is easy to follow. Chapters are ‘reader friendly’ with the appropriate amount of content included in each chapter. Educators in diagnostic radiology could use this resource to supplement the course textbook. The Abbreviations chapter was good because some radiology tech programs do not include medical terminology in the curriculum.
Looking at the table of contents, the reader knows exactly the information provided in each of the chapters. Chapters are in a logical order.
No interface issues were observed. Radiographic images were of high quality and there were no navigation issues.
No grammatical errors were observed.
Cultural insensitivity was not noted. There is nothing mentioned about ethnicity or race. This resource is about medical imaging and pathology.
There are very good diagrams of the x-ray tube provided. Chapter 17 is a great reference for looking at normal anatomy on an x-ray image; labeled and unlabeled. The pediatric chapter (chapter 15) was also very good. Many radiology tech students get limited clinical experience working with children during school clinical rotations. This chapter offers an excellent overview of tumor specific pathology and basic imaging of children. Overall, this book is an excellent resource to accompany the primary textbook for radiologic technology students.

Some of the areas and ideas do not apply to the technologist. The contents of the text are appropriate for medical physicians. The index is effective. There isn't a glossary for this text. The abbreviations under the forward would be better in an... read more
Some of the areas and ideas do not apply to the technologist. The contents of the text are appropriate for medical physicians. The index is effective. There isn't a glossary for this text. The abbreviations under the forward would be better in an appendix.
The textbook is accurate for the time frame in which it was written. Newer technological information can be easily added
The link to the Online Dicom Image Navigator (ODIN) image repository is an excellent supportive tool that is used in conjunction with the text. Up to date information should be provided on modern X-ray tubes (cold cathode), digital versus conventional imaging, and radiation protection (shielding) which should be relatively easy to add.
The textbook provides concise, lucid, and adequate technological context for medical physician students and interns.
The text is not consistent with professional titles, specifically in the "CanMEDS Roles Pertinent to Undergraduate Medical Education" section.
This is an enormous textbook. One-stop, all in one text! The textbook is divided into sections that are easily applied in various courses.
Some chapters could be reorganized and realigned for better contextual flow e.e Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 should be
flipped to flow better with Chapter 3
Image quality for all images is excellent
The text is well-written and contains the critical components of organization, coherence, mechanics, and language use.
The textbook pedagogy connects with realistic medical scenarios and images that are culturally relevant
An adaption of this textbook would be an excellent resource for technologists in imaging.

The material is comprehensive and covers all relevant topics, however the wording at times, is awkward and a bit clunky. The text could be revised for clarity and conciseness. It is at times, difficult to read because the topic is presented in a... read more
The material is comprehensive and covers all relevant topics, however the wording at times, is awkward and a bit clunky. The text could be revised for clarity and conciseness. It is at times, difficult to read because the topic is presented in a long, and wordy manner.
The material presented is accurate, however it could updated in areas to be more timely and reflective of current practice. The section on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) located on pages 137-142 is overly simplified and in need of revision. There are many more imaging pulse sequences currently in use, however the text only mentions T1 and T2 imaging pulse sequences. In addition, the explanation provided to the reader which attempts to explain how MRI generates an image is overly simplistic and inaccurate. This area of the text needs to be revised.
The material presented in the text is relevant to current practice in radiography and diagnostic medical imaging and could easily be updated as appropriate.
The text is logically organized and covers a broad range of relevant topics in radiography and diagnostic medical imaging. At times the verbiage is awkward and wordy making it difficult to assess the main point of a paragraph. It is my feeling that many areas of the text could be revised for clarity and conciseness. For example, this sentence is awkward and runs on with useless verbiage:
"Some patient become anxious, dizzy, or syncopal and may faint or lose consciousness during procedures that they
are unfamiliar with or are causing them pain". - page 70.
The message gets lost in the awkward verbiage. Syncope and fainting mean the same thing and it doesn't seem necessary to repeat this in a single sentence.
The text maintains a consistent theme and stays focused on the topic of radiography and diagnostic medical imaging. Some of the terms are not universal, however the author has provided a glossary of abbreviations and terms at the beginning of the text which serves as a good reference.
The text is fairly well modulated and could easily be divided into smaller reading assignments at various points in a course. In fact, if I were using this in class, I would definitely break the reading assignments into small chunks and use them to supplement another text. In some places, the text seems poorly organized and combines topics that are not especially relevant to one another. However, the material presented in accurate and relevant and includes nice illustrations.
The text is fairly well organized, however there are a few places where the subtopics don't seem to fit well with the main topic presented.
The illustrations are nicely done and the radiographic images presented are of good visual quality and relevant to the topic of discussion.
Grammar and syntax are okay. There are a few places that could be revised for conciseness and clarity.
The text hits the right note in regard to cultural sensitivity.
The text is in need of a few updates and revisions to more accurately reflect current practice in radiography and diagnostic medical imaging. It is a comprehensive text that provides a nice, general overview of diagnostic radiography and other relevant imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, Sonography and Mammography.

This text covers all important aspects of radiology reading for undergraduate students. The glossary is easy to read and follow. read more
This text covers all important aspects of radiology reading for undergraduate students. The glossary is easy to read and follow.
I did not see any biasis that would affect the material in this book.
The textbook is organized in a way that updates won't be hard to add as needed.
The book is easy to read and the discription of the images are excellent and confirms the images impression.
The appropriate terminology is used to described the diagnostic images.
The books topics are based on body systems, which is good, as the student will be able to locate the body system they are studying in the text.
The books organization is based on body systems, which is good, as the student will be able to locate the body system they are studying in the text.
The is free of interface issues, and the images clarity is great, easy to see and identify each diagnostic images.
The text is free of grammatical errors.
No culture was disrespected in anyway, all images were free of biasis and the author did not disclose this race, ethnicity or background.

This open book is very easy to comprehend, especially for a new radiologic technology student. read more
This open book is very easy to comprehend, especially for a new radiologic technology student.
I did not see any errors.
This book is up to date and arranged in a way that necessary updates will be easy to implement.
This book uses terminology that is easy to understand for an entry level student.
The text is consistent in terminology and framework.
The book is organized and divided into sections, making it easier for students to navigate through.
The text is presented in a logical and clear fashion.
The books interface is straightforward and does not confuse the reader.
The book does not seem to contain grammatical errors.
The book is not offensive or insensitive in anyway.
The virtual simulated DICOM application is amazing. This is something I will be sharing with my students in the clinical setting. I have recommended this book to the Director of Radiology.

The book Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals has a deep list of definitions related to medical imaging. The index includes an overview of topics included in the chapters. read more
The book Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals has a deep list of definitions related to medical imaging. The index includes an overview of topics included in the chapters.
The book provides thorough explanations and radiographic images with sound resources. It is accurate and demonstrates patient cases which provide insight into the imaging modalities which should be used for diagnostic accuracy.
The text provides solid timeless information to inform readers of the basic principles of imaging physics and radio-biology. New advances could be added at any time to the chapters which are included.
Yes, the text is easy to understand. A complete glossary of terms has been included to provide full explanations to specific acronyms.
The book is easy to follow. The chapters outline specific criteria and a recognizable framework.
Yes, the text could be used in a multitude of courses related to a specific imaging modality or area of focus related to MRI, ultrasound, fluorosccopy, mammography, CT and general x-ray.
Yes, the text is well organized and easy to follow.
There is an informational guide which provides insight into how to use ODIN and PACS tools. Very complete and applicable to users.
No grammatical errors were discovered.
No cultural bias was discovered.
This book is a great resource for medical students and radiologic technology students. It provides an overview of specific imaging modalities and the application of radiologic technology principles.

Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals provides a comprehensive overview of Imaging within the field of Radiologic Technology. Anatomy, Pathology, Radiation Protection, and various imaging procedures are included in the text. Missing from... read more
Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals provides a comprehensive overview of Imaging within the field of Radiologic Technology. Anatomy, Pathology, Radiation Protection, and various imaging procedures are included in the text. Missing from the text is radiographic positioning of various anatomy, however, routine images are described and annotated for easy comprehension.
The content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. The content accurately reflects the chapter objectives.
The content is up to date. Links are provided for further information.
The text is clear and concise. Medical terminology abbreviations are included in the abbreviation section for quick review. Chapters include text boxes providing a summary of important content.
The text is consistent in terminology and overall framework. Each chapter includes references relating specifically to the chapter. Attributions to case studies are present throughout the text.
The author does a good job of separating the content into small sections/chapters. Readers can click links directly to navigate to new content. Chapters are not overwhelming with material and allow for review of specific categories before moving on to the next. This book would be a great resource for supplementary material within a program of study.
The content is organized in a logical fashion. Chapter objectives are clear and concise. The book takes the reader on a journey through radiation protection principles, imaging techniques, contrast media, imaging, and pathology. Case studies are organized by anatomical categories.
No interface issues noted. The online Dicom Image Navigator includes several tools to help navigate and investigate images fully. Images have good detail and demonstrate excellent image quality.
No grammatical errors noted.
The content of the book does not have any cultural issues. No cultural references were made. This book would be considered not applicable in terms of cultural insensitivities.
Some of the equipment represented in the text are outdated. Imaging equipment and technology change rapidly. Updates to these graphics would be recommended.
Case studies are organized systematically and create an opportunity for advanced knowledge and critical thinking.

An overview of multiple areas and ideas of the subject matter related to general Radiology is found throughout this text. Chapter 3 could have explained "quantity and energy" as mAs and kVp. Another term is Medical Radiation Technologist, but in... read more
An overview of multiple areas and ideas of the subject matter related to general Radiology is found throughout this text. Chapter 3 could have explained "quantity and energy" as mAs and kVp. Another term is Medical Radiation Technologist, but in the US we are considered a Radiologic Technologist. However, these terms may be considered normal in Canada. The text provides a table of content with clickable links to each chapter. A background in pathology and basic anatomy is warranted. While the author provides a long list of abbreviations at the beginning of the book, no glossary or index is found at the end of the book. Case Studies were very effectively laid out, but background information on the disease could be useful too.
The content is accurate. The book does not appear to have any errors and unbiased.
The text content and Organizational Guidelines are up-to-date. All links are clickable and will direct you to the book's intended destination. The text is easily editable for whenever new updates arise.
The text is written for what the title suggests, for an "undergraduate". Therefore, you will need to have some knowledge of diagnostic radiology and other modalities under the radiology umbrella, pathology, and pathophysiology. The author provides some reference to the jargon used in radiology (i.e., acronyms and images) throughout the text. For example, a chest x-ray is written as "CXR". However, no glossary or index is included at the end of the chapter or the book.
Text is consistent in terms of terminology and framework. All chapters end with an "Attribution" section.
The author provides you with an easy way to navigate through the book. The table of contents has clickable links to each chapter, and subchapters, so you can easily travel to the intended page without scrolling. All clickable links are underlined and are in blue instead of black.
The topics are organized in a logical, clear fashion. The first chapter provides the reader with an overview of the book and the interactive PACS, ODIN. The next 4 (2-5) chapters provide the reader with a background in the following: Diagnostic Radiology, Mammography, Ultrasound, MRI, Fluoroscopy, CT, Angiography, and Nuclear Medicine, their equipment, and examples of their images. The following chapters (6-16) are divided into different anatomic categories (i.e. Brain and Spine, Chest, etc.). These chapters are further broken down into the identification of each category's general anatomy, and then into different pathological case studies. The final chapter (17) provides the reader with a means to test their knowledge. This chapter includes labeled and unlabeled images. All chapters are concluded with an "Attribution".
No interface issues or distortion of images are apparent. All links are clickable and direct you to the desired location. The images are located in the middle of the pages, before and after the text, and are of good quality. The author used ODIN (Online Dicom Image Navigator), an interactive PACS system. Navigating to this site was no problem and you are able to edit the images without any added problems to their computer. However, when using the Digital PDF, when attempting to navigate back to the text, it returns you to the beginning of the text (Title Page). It will not direct you back to your previous location. The Digital PDF was easily downloaded but had a lot of white spaces, and text appearing lower on the page than normal. The options to read the book from the main page and EPUB were easy to read and resembled a physical book. Not a lot of white spaces here and ODIN links popped up on another page so you don't lose your place while reading.
The text is well written and does not appear to have any grammatical errors.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive. The author provided multiple text and imaging of which only the anatomy and pathology were discussed. No cultural references were made.
This book is extremely insightful. While I do not see myself adopting this book entirely for a class, I do believe this book could be used as supplemental material in the following courses: Imaging Physics, Advanced Procedures, and Sectional Anatomy.

The authors have navigated the unique challenge of prioritizing and featuring essential material necessary for a foundation in safe, effective, and quality patient care practices in medical imaging. As noted in the foreword, the resource is... read more
The authors have navigated the unique challenge of prioritizing and featuring essential material necessary for a foundation in safe, effective, and quality patient care practices in medical imaging. As noted in the foreword, the resource is intended to inform the reader and gain the reader's interest in the field of diagnostic imaging. To this end, the text provides concise and foundational material to be used as a "stepping stone to further information in this area."
The provided material is accurate. Important practices, theories and principles are introduced. For some, an in-depth discussion is provided in this work. For others, an appreciation and relevance is established so that readers will react in an appropriate manner in practice until they have opportunity to explore further.
The content is up-to-date. The organization of the material provides a framework to edit and update material as necessary and inevitable in any medical field. As an example of relevance, a step by step guide covers the use of the Online DICOM Image Navigator (ODIN); the software that is used in viewing medical images from the text's library. The format of the ODIN section of the text is such that if the software is updated, then the text may be readily edited. In addition, the format of the ODIN section also lends to updating the text's image library.
The introduction, abbreviations, and chapters 1 - 5 provide building blocks to critique case studies and information provided in the remaining chapters. Terms, concepts, and principles are introduced and explained in a manner that leads to reader comprehension or respect for the subject. For instance, the inverse square law is addressed in the radiation protection section. Without going into specific math examples, the reader will understand that distance from the radiation source is of the upmost importance in carrying out radiation protection measures.
The amount of material may vary some per subject or per chapter. This is due to the context of the text as an introductory resource for diagnostic imaging. Some subjects need more explanation "up-front" as compared to others in early learning regarding the field. Considering the intention of this resource in providing knowledge for initial practice, some terms are used without much explanation. Otherwise, the text would be altered to an in-depth discussion of many topics in diagnostic imaging and detract the reader from needed breadth of understanding.
Although fundamental in design, there are sections of the text that could stand on their own for a non-introductory diagnostic imaging course. In particular, the case studies could be used at various points in a medical imaging course or in another type of health science course.
The organization of the text is well-thought-out. The narrative, pace, and flow of information leads the reader through the material and to each next step.
Overall, the text offers a conducive reading format. A recommendation for Chapter 2-Principles of Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection- should be considered. The chapter's highly important safety topic necessitates illustration to understand the abstract nature of ionizing radiation. Other than Chapter 2, the remaining sections of the text present a user friendly interface along with many excellent illustrations, tables, graphs, photographs, and medical images.
No grammatical errors noted.
Overall, the text is relatively culture neutral in terms of information being presented. Narratives are often backed up with diagrams, medical images, and equipment images as compared to images of imaging professionals and/or patients. A discussion in a case study for breast imaging presents the prevalance of breast cancer in women. This information adds "meaning" to the importance of breast imaging and as a mechanism for breast cancer screening. Although not intended as a public health text, similar discussion in the section on cardiovascular imaging could be beneficial since cardiovascular health is also a leading public health concern in North America (work was produced in Canada).
I would recommend this book as a supplement to categorical texts such as imaging informatics, imaging anatomy and pathology, imaging physics, and image procedures.

In terms of diagnostic imaging, it is very comprehensive in the coverage of radiographs, but not as much in other imaging tools such as MRI, Ultrasound, Nuclear imaging, etc. They are included in a good overview in chapter 3, but the focus falls... read more
In terms of diagnostic imaging, it is very comprehensive in the coverage of radiographs, but not as much in other imaging tools such as MRI, Ultrasound, Nuclear imaging, etc. They are included in a good overview in chapter 3, but the focus falls more heavily on radiography. However, the text provides ane excellent introduction to radiography for students.
I do not notice any errors in the information. Some variance between US and Canadian regulation/oversight, but many examples use the American College of Radiography guidelines. Information is current and sample cases are relevant.
Medical texts are difficult as information quickly becomes obsolete, this is very current and provides a good overview of the information that introduces complex concepts clearly.
The information is very clear and concise. It is very easy to get heavy on jargon or technical specifics, however, this text offers a very clear introduction to materials and procedures. It presents the theory and background well.
Some chapters offer more depth than others, however, each is consistent in terms and clarity.
I intended to include specific chapters in modules, I feel that it is easy to assign by chapters and subtopics. While the information builds, it is not necessary to begin in chapter 1 in order to understand the following chapters.
The text features a logical flow. The interface is easy to navigate for access to topics and supplemental information. The ODIN modules are helpful adjuncts as well.
I had no issues with the digital interface with my laptops, however, I did not try to access it from a tablet or phone as many students do.
No issues noted
There is nothing insensitive that I noted about this text. The focus is on imaging techniques and pathologies, very limited information regarding race, ethnicity are included. A variety of pathologies and health states are presented. Most images are of diagnostic images rather than people performing or receiving them.
I feel this text will make an excellent adjunct for imaging and diagnostic course modules for health sciences students in North America.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Chapter 2 – Principles of Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection
- Chapter 3 – Principles of Imaging Techniques
- Chapter 4 – Contrast Media in Radiology
- Chapter 5 – Approach to Reviewing X-ray Imaging
- Chapter 6 – Brain and Spine
- Chapter 7 – Breast
- Chapter 8 – Cardiovascular
- Chapter 9 – Chest
- Chapter 10 – Gastrointestinal and Abdominal
- Chapter 11 – Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Chapter 12 – Head and Neck
- Chapter 13 – Interventional / Vascular (Invasive)
- Chapter 14 – Musculoskeletal
- Chapter 15 – Pediatric
- Chapter 16 – Urogenital
- Chapter 17 – Normal, Reference Images, Unlabelled and Labelled
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Diagnostic Imaging principles and concepts are augmented by the presentation of images for common clinical conditions. Guiding principles related to minimizing radiation exposure and requesting the most appropriate imaging examination are addressed.Static images are enhanced by the ability to access images stored and displayed on an Html-5 compatible, Dicom image viewer that simulates a simple Picture Archive and Communication system (PACS). Users can also access other imaging from the Dicom viewer (ODIN), beyond the basic curriculum provided, to further advance their experience with viewing diagnostic imaging pathologies.
About the Contributors
Brent Burbridge, MD, FRCPC
Evan Mah, BSc (Kin)