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I think this text does a superb job read more
I think this text does a superb job
I liked the breakdown of the data that shows the cultural link of podcast. It showed charts/graphs that illustrated how gender and ethnic groups relate to podcasts that speak to their needs/wants/desires.
This book is important due to constant changing of how we receive information and entertainment. Personally my television is turned on Saturday/Sunday from the months of August to Feb. due to football.lol I am listening to podcasts pretty much everyday!
The book was able to use plan language that most readers would navigate to. Often times jargon is hard to escape but generally this book avoids that.
The text is pretty consistent in connecting to the overall point of this text.
I enjoyed how the book was broken into different sections which makes it less challenging to move through while reading.
The flow of the book wasn't perfect but generally there is no issue with what I saw.
The text is free of interface issues and was fairly easy to navigate.
I saw no grammatical errors.
This book is culturally sensitive but not in a way that readers would feel as if they were reading a children's book.
If I were to teach a class about podcasting this would be the book I would use!

Everything one needs to know about podcasting is included in this textbook. Artwork, branding, recording, editing, publishing, monetization, and legal issues all have a great deal of information on the necessary tools and best practices in the... read more
Everything one needs to know about podcasting is included in this textbook. Artwork, branding, recording, editing, publishing, monetization, and legal issues all have a great deal of information on the necessary tools and best practices in the space. Also, the art of podcasting is discussed in detail with great content on voiceover work, microphone technique, and storytelling frameworks. An exhaustive list of equipment and other digital tools are listed as well, often with how-to graphic tutorials and hyperlinks to websites, documents and YouTubers for a deeper dive. It’s an impressive manual that would also serve as a comprehensive DIY handbook as it is structured well and written in an understandable language, with any use of jargon being readily defined.
As a podcast professional for over ten years, I have found this text to be extremely accurate and unbiased. In fact, I believe that the way I teach my course is likely to be updated as I have discovered some biases I have toward certain equipment, media hosts and podcast directories that are personal and unnecessary to impart on others. The section on monetization is particularly good, I have found this topic to be overly exploited and gurufied. Olmsted simply offers a variety of practical methods to get an ROI on podcast production.
Unfortunately, as the podcasting space and digital media overall is changing at such a breakneck pace, it is difficult to predict that all of the information will still be relevant, even within a short timeframe. There have already been new product launches for recording equipment that have gained popularity with podcasters. And the use of “paywalls” in the distribution of podcasts is changing dramatically on a day to day basis. Podcasting 2.0, an initiative that enhances the functionality of RSS feeds and how that is expressed in the UI of many popular podcast apps is in a continuous state of flux with features being developed and deployed, once again, weekly if not daily. This is inescapable in any content area, but in this author has done the very best at capturing the environment as it existed at the time of publishing. Updating it however, will be straightforward. The main areas impacted by change will be software and equipment as well as certain legalities, particularly around the use of AI in production and post-production of podcasts. Still, updates will be incremental and can be explicitly addressed in class if physical changes to text and graphics cannot be readily performed.
The text is very well written. There is a fair amount of jargon in the podcasting space but the author defines all such terms in an easily understandable way. Technical terminology can often sound pedant as well, but Olmsted uses the correct amount of it without confusing the reader. With any kind of digital media, a new array of words, concepts and tools are a necessary component of learning and mastering new knowledge and skills. I really appreciate the way this book takes the reader on a deep dive, but makes sure you have all the oxygen and life support in order to get to the treasure.
The voicing is consistent throughout the book. Formatting as well. Numerous hyperlinks in the text take you to websites for more information. What we are seeing here is an expertly designed and written textbook by a person with heavy duty chops in communications skills.
All the parts of the book are pretty much interchangeable.
All topics are presented in an order that will allow an individual to master podcasting through self-study if necessary. The concepts are clearly articulated with graphics and written examples of every aspect of podcast production, in the logical order of work flow, from conception to publication and promotion.
All graphics are high resolution and offer compelling examples of what to expect in the podcast space. There are no highly contrasting font colors and backgrounds. The font is easy on the eyes and sized properly. Overall, the mechanics of the medium are engaging and interesting.
Although I have not spotted any errors, my own grammar is questionable. I do not feel qualified to make a value judgment on this. Besides, Jill Olmsted likely has forgotten more than most of us know about writing, storytelling and journalism. Rest assured that the grammar is tight.
A significant amount of content discusses diversity in a positive way. There is absolutely nothing divisive or insensitive to anyone.
I wish I had written it! It’s a masterclass in podcasting.

Tools for Podcasting by Jill Olmsted is an excellent introductory guide to podcasting, covering everything from traditional journalism interviewing techniques to suggestions for marketing podcasts online. The author has top-notch credentials as an... read more
Tools for Podcasting by Jill Olmsted is an excellent introductory guide to podcasting, covering everything from traditional journalism interviewing techniques to suggestions for marketing podcasts online. The author has top-notch credentials as an academic and medium professional with decades of experience. They appear to be exceptionally authoritative on the topics in the book. Although the title may seem to indicate a narrow focus on technology, this reviewer felt that no stone went unturned in the text’s coverage of every important topic for those wishing to podcast for journalism (or even fiction), and the text contains numerous links to outside sources for additional information thoroughly and consistently. There is, simply put, a treasure trove of information here, although numerous links are broken in the PDF e-book and corrected in the web revision. While the 2019 edition under review here is good, the web version from 2022, referred to as the “Companion Website,” contains revisions of most of the material that is out-of-date, plus other welcome additions. This will not be a point-by-point comparison of the two, as the 2019 PDF is the version available in the Open Textbook Library, but this reviewer will mention some of the differences between the two texts. Overall, students and professionals would be better served by reading the outstanding 2022 revision (which is linked to multiple times throughout the PDF e-book). The criticisms that follow are greatly outweighed by the breadth, depth, detail, and additional resources linked to that are built up from the e-book to the website revision. Some overall, specific praise is outlined in the “other comments” section below.
This reviewer is not an audio professional, but does have experience podcasting and teaching multimedia journalism, so when the author writes, “Speak across the microphone so it’s slightly to the side rather than directly into it to minimize popping p’s and t’s” in Chapter 4 on “Best Practices for Recording,” something doesn’t quite add up, as one might be using an omnidirectional mic, in which case the tip is unhelpful. This suggestion is repeated in Chapter 7 on “Voicing Tips, Exercises, Script Marking.” There are at times, but only occasionally, when dubious or vague claims are made, such as “podcasts are one of the best platforms for storytelling — it’s personal because you are directly talking to the listener. Combine that with great interviews, writing, music and sound production and the stories can be powerful and engaging. They can both reflect and lead the conversations, with people sharing their experiences.” Video, especially on YouTube, is an obvious medium that would contradict that statement, and the author seems to know this, yet overlooks it, as they later mention that YouTube is an excellent platform for audio publishing.
The book has a 2019 copyright, but appears to have been updated in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, so there is a strong emphasis at times on industry trends and interviewing concerns in that specific context (e.g. keep your microphones clean, which may be good common sense anyway) that is now out-of-date. Chapter 5 (on interviewing) is a prime example of this. As with many other elements of the text discussed here, this is corrected in the 2022 web revision. There is also information about industry acquisitions and network ownership presented that is no longer accurate, but, again, this type of information has been changed in the web version. Besides great journalism basics, there is solid advice on possibly overlooked marketing elements like podcast naming and cover art. The attention to detail in every aspect of podcasting is appreciated.
The author does an outstanding job of explaining recording and mixing techniques in language that beginners can understand. Technology used by professionals is explained in simple ways, and plenty of examples are provided that, in their absence, might make hardware and software choices difficult for those new to podcasting. The numerous audio and video examples throughout (e.g. audio samples of plosives in Chapter 7), and the script samples from actual podcasts like "The Daily" are invaluable in this context. This reviewer only found a couple of instances where specialized terms are introduced and discussed but not defined until later (e.g. XLR connectors). Finally, this could just be a matter of personal usage, but this reviewer would not offer the example of a dead cat as a means of reducing plosives as the author does, but rather mostly as a means of wind noise reduction. In an industry such as this, different people have different experiences with a wide range of technology over decades if change, so quibbles like this may not be very important.
While Tools for Podcasting is consistent throughout as far as topics and terminology goes, there are moments when it is not in terms of framework. For example, the learning objectives at the beginning of chapters are direct and simple but sometimes display an inconsistent focus: Chapter 3 presents objectives, Chapter 4 presents topics to be discussed, and Chapter 5 presents a mix of these and end-of-chapter summaries.
The modularity of this text is excellent, as the numerous different topics could easily be arranged in different ways to suit the needs of a particular course. Some multimedia journalism classes do not delve into industry history, for example, so the sections on that (Chapter 1) could be set aside, with more emphasis placed on the technical and production chapters like 3, 4, and 8. Additionally, if students already have experience with basic news writing skills, Chapter 5 and maybe 6 could not be assigned in favor of some of the more later, specialized chapters on publishing, jobs in the field, and legal issues.
There are occasional organization issues, such as when portions of the information on audiences is almost copied and reused multiple times. For example, a discussion of audiences in Chapter 1 on “Podcasting Growth, Trends, Landscape” is seen again in Chapter 4, which emphasizes recording techniques, including home studios. There are also moments when this reviewer wondered why disparate topics were grouped together in one chapter, such as Chapter 10, which discusses audience metrics, generating income and getting a job in the industry. The organization of ideas is hard to follow as section headers are sometimes not numbered or clearly hierarchical in text formatting, such as the shift from discussion of genres to how to find podcasts.
This aspect of the PDF e-book is perhaps the biggest flaw with the text, but it should be noted that almost all of the criticisms that follow have been corrected in the 2022 web revision. While the table of contents in the beginning of the actual text of PDF is detailed and easy to read, the left-hand menu contains a confusing table of contents, listing only even-numbered chapters and forcing readers to manually drill down further to access the listings and links to each following odd-numbered chapter. Furthermore, the chapters in the same menu contain listings such as “6 Chapter 2” and “18 Chapter 8,” making that navigational tool even harder to make sense of. Also, while there are excellent multimodal elements (especially visual elements such as infographics on industry trends and podcast cover images) to accompany the written linguistic text, some photos seem like stock images inserted to break up the text and don’t seem to add any meaning to the writing; e.g. people looking at their phones or talking into microphones. A couple of images are low quality and unreadable, such as the graphic in Chapter 2 on the average length of podcasts. The website, unfortunately, also has some minor navigation issues, as readers are presented with a chapter title page that one then has to follow another link to “continue to content” to actually read the chapter. Not to hammer away at this, but the e-book also suffers from many formatting quirks with text and images, a good deal of unsightly blank space (see Chapter 1 for an example) and sometimes contains text printed over image, which therefore renders it unreadable. Images are sometimes aligned differently on the page, and there are moments where there are unusual font size changes (e.g. Chapters 8 and 10), and multiple consecutive blank pages (Chapter 10). At the risk of sounding like an mp3 on repeat, these issues have mostly been cleaned up in the web version.
The entire book is well-written in clear prose that should be easily accessible to beginners. There are only a few typos (Deborah Brix rather than Birx) and commas around restrictive elements, but there is nothing that distracts from the overall invaluable advice the author provides throughout. This is a work by a professional writer, and high quality is apparent in this aspect of the text.
There is relevant and thorough discussion of diversity on both sides of the industry and the roles that women and other underrepresented groups play in the production and consumption of podcasts. This is one of the strong points of the text that is often overlooked elsewhere, and the additions and updates in the web revision only add to this excellent coverage. (Also see discussion below in "other comments").
Despite these criticisms of the 2019 version, the 2022 revision elevates this textbook to must-have status for students of podcasting. This reviewer appreciated the thorough attention to detail such as the emphasis on low-cost technology for production and the almost always specific practical advice (see Chap 4, “Techniques for Remote Phone Interviews”). Aspects of the text like “Dissecting Podcast Elements” in Chapter 6 work great by asking questions rather than giving directions. There is good advice for beginners; e.g. tips to publish and promote one’s podcasts on user-friendly WordPress sites, especially using Jetpack to keep track of listener statistics. Chapters such as 9 really shine with thorough, detailed coverage of often overlooked topics such as using podcast directories and video trailers for promotion. The author’s ability to condense and illuminate complex legal issues in Chapter 11 is exceptional, and they include further outside resources for students looking for additional assistance in this area. The appendices should not be overlooked as a slapped-on collection of minutiae, as there are good lists adding information and further resources about most of the topics covered in the book, plus offering additional information on genres, themes, and diversity issues such as LGBTQ issues related to podcasting. The author pays good attention to how their book might be used in the classroom with a great set of scaffolded assignments starting with listening and critique and moving on to creating and marketing an original episode in Appendix B. More assignments like this would be appreciated, and the author seems capable of providing them. Perhaps in the next update. Again, the revised website is a massive improvement over the e-book, with vastly improved graphics and layout, making for an easier read. The internal links reduce redundancy and help readers connect ideas like promotion better. Many videos, such as the Audacity and GarageBand tutorials in Chapter 8, are embedded in the pages of the website, so readers need not link out to access them in a more convenient manner. As a pointer to how this book could be (and is being) expanded and improved, Appendix C in the revision includes links to a discussion board in addition to the assignments, which should be helpful to increase active learning and student engagement. Final verdict: Skip the 2019/2020 PDF e-book and go straight to the 2022 website. Readers are able to access the first-rate content in this book on a variety of devices (this reviewer checked the site on their phone and found the layout and presentation to work even better than on a laptop). Everyone familiar with OER has heard this a thousand times, but why have students pay $100 for a good textbook when a better one can be had for free? This question is certainly applicable to Jill Olmsted’s Tools for Podcasting.

Tools for Podcasting provides the reader with comprehensive information about what podcasts are and how to create one. read more
Tools for Podcasting provides the reader with comprehensive information about what podcasts are and how to create one.
Tools for Podcasting references credible sources, and it is obvious, through the references, that the author conducted extensive research for the text.
The overall subject matter of the text is incredibly timely and relevant with the current explosion in podcasting; however, I think it would be beneficial to revisit Chapter 1, which includes current trends in podcasting. Since this is such a dynamic industry, elements of that chapter may need annual or biannual updating presently.
Tools for Podcasting is written in an instructive way that aids the reader who wants to apply what they learn from the text.
Tools for Podcasting uses consistent terminology and presents information in a consistent framework and both of these approaches aid in the reader's overall understanding of the content.
Tools for Podcasting would compliment a podcast production course; the chapters align with content that would need to be covered in such a course. Chapters could be read individually, over the course of a semester and would reinforce class lectures, discussions and activities.
Tools for Podcasting is organized cohesively. Each chapter begins with learning objectives. Chapters are broken into appropriate sections that make the content easier to follow. Overall, the chapters are organized in a logical way that compliments the chronology of producing a podcast.
The links did not work in the pdf version I downloaded; however, the web version of the text works perfectly.
Correct grammar is used throughout the OER.
Tools for Podcasting includes an informative section on diversity in the podcasting industry.
Tools for Podcasting is a wonderful OER for educators and students who are diving into podcast production. It's an important resource for anyone who wants to start a podcast.

The textbook covers adequate information regarding podcasting. It is clear in the ways that they explain the material, but there is no evident index or glossary at the end of the chapters or at the end of the textbook. Still, the text provides... read more
The textbook covers adequate information regarding podcasting. It is clear in the ways that they explain the material, but there is no evident index or glossary at the end of the chapters or at the end of the textbook. Still, the text provides links that reference to certain key research that allows the reader to obtain more information. Overall, despite the absence of an index or glossary, the textbook is well detailed and easy to follow.
The text is all 3 – accurate, error free, and unbiased. Due to the subject matter, there is not much room for bias. This textbook is more instructional and hands-on than others. Accuracy is significant so that students do not come across any problems when utilizing the text to help with podcasting.
It reflects the current technology that the industry uses, staying updated with new software for podcasting. Technology continues to advance, and the textbook’s updates thus far are assuring to know that any change to the text is accessible and possible.
The text is straightforward from its explanation of pre-production to post-production of podcasting. It uses clear and helpful language to improve the understanding of the process. It also provides many video links and resources that students can utilize.
Because the text is designed in an informational fashion, the text is naturally consistent with the topic of podcasting. They use the same format and layout, especially when providing links to other resources. They also repeat similar language to help readers follow and understand the content.
Sections with subtitles split up the chapters in the textbook, making it easy to assign readings as well as find them. In particular, Chapter 8 provides different editing software for podcasting, and provides sections and tutorials for each one.
The setup of the textbook is organized very strategically and is pleasing to the eye. It splits the topics up into chapters and uses images to explain concepts and/or attract the reader to the content. It logically begins at pre-production and ends at post-production, following through on every hands-on experience through the way.
Although the text provides images that are beneficial to the reader, there are also images that seem to be low quality and unnecessary. The interface could have been better if those images were smaller or taken out. Otherwise, the combination of images and text is nicely balanced, creating an interesting atmosphere for the reading.
There are no grammatical errors to my knowledge. The text is clear and concise.
Again, due to the subject matter, there are not many opportunities for an exposure to culture relevance. It mainly focuses on technology. However, for the images that include people in them, there is a good variety and they are inclusive of different ethnicities and genders.
Other: One particular aspect to the textbook that stood out was its connection to the topic of podcasting and its application to the marketplace. That component is beneficial to readers who may be discovering job opportunities with their interests in creating podcasts. I’m considering adopting this textbook in my Communication Technology course.

I was amazed at how much that I didn't know about podcasting and I teach it. Also, super links to podcasting resources really enhance this text. read more
I was amazed at how much that I didn't know about podcasting and I teach it. Also, super links to podcasting resources really enhance this text.
As I teach this subject, I found that the material was up to date even though this area changes almost daily.
I will use this text in my Radio Broadcasting class. Even though it covers podcasting specifically, it also is relevant to all forms of radio including terrestial radio.
Again, high praise for the easy to digest format with hundreds of helpful text, visual and audio links make this an eay read.
I love that the author does not overwhelm us with technical terms that would obfuscate what she is trying to teach us.
Absolutely! I might move some chapters around when I assign them but the chapters stand alone and are written in a very consise way.
Each topic deserved a stand alone chapter and built to a nice, clear conclusion.
I have to admit that some of the links were so interesting that I went down the "rabbit hole" a few times and got diverted into listening to some podcasts and checking out listenership data.
The text is well edited.
There is a lot of intercultural content that does not veer off the purpose of a podcasting text.
I am sending links to a couple of friends who do podcast and I now have a text that I finally like and that is OER friendly. Please thank the author for me!

This textbook covers a lot of the issues and procedures for creating and establishing a podcast. It has a lot of information that would be useful to a student or anyone who is trying to start a podcast. The first chapter has a very strong... read more
This textbook covers a lot of the issues and procedures for creating and establishing a podcast. It has a lot of information that would be useful to a student or anyone who is trying to start a podcast. The first chapter has a very strong overview of the podcasting industry today, and it gives the reader strong insight into the direction of the industry and the obstacles faced by practitioners in the field. There are two areas that I feel that the book could be improved up. The first is that the preproduction elements of the book are a bit jumbled and spread out through the book, and I do not feel that it provides students with enough guidance to allow reflection on the processes of creating a podcast. The second areas regards the last chapter on legal issues. I feel that it is very limited to a small number of issues, and it predominately discusses copyright law. The author could include discussions on some of the other legal issues like, libel, slander, privacy, and false light. Considering that the vast majority of podcast are independent, I feel that these issues should be at least briefly discussed. Also, I would like to see in that same chapter a section that discusses ethical issues that podcasters face. The first chapter of the book has been fleshed out significantly in the past year, but like the rest of the book it relies very heavily on linked webpages that direct students to other sites to further explore the topic being discussed. I am split on whether this is a good idea or not. On one hand, I want students to further explore topics and issues that interest them or that they feel are important. On the other hand, I feel that parts of the book are too bareboned that to get an understanding of the point being made, the students have to link out of the book to further explore, and I fear that most will either not bother.
The content in the book is very accurate and up to date. I appreciate that the author has drawn upon her vast experience in the radio and other audio production, and provides very accurate information.
I feel that this book is very relevant to both the podcasting industry and to independent podcasters. I appreciate the fact that the author has gone back into the book and updates some of the chapters since I first observed this book. A commitment to updating the book is a very good selling point for adopting this book. The book does not cover some more recent technological platforms that students are using to conduct interview, like how to record interviews using Discord.
The text written in a very accessible way. At the beginning of each chapter there are learning objectives. I wish that they were written in a more standard manner, using Bloom's or some other method to more clearly indicate to the learner what they will learn. The text itself is very clear. It is approachable, with heavily relying on excessive jargon, and when jargon is introduced, it is explained well.
The author has taken great care to not contradict herself throughout the text. She is very consistent in her use of terminology.
The book is broken into eleven chapters. I think for the most part each chapter deals with one phase of the process. Each chapter is broken down into much smaller subtopics that for the most part flow well from one to the next.
This is one of the weaknesses for me regarding this book. I do not feel that it is broken into three distinct areas of preproduction, production and postproduction like most audio and video production books. Tutorials for recording audio digitally occurs in the end of the book, rather in the preproduction area. The chapter on writing a script, creating intros, outros and bumpers appear after more nuts and bolt production chapters. I am not sure that the logical progression of the chapters are conducive to the workflow of most students.
The book is very easy to navigate. One addition I would like is a dropdown menu or some method of moving through the subtopics in a chapter, but that is pretty minor. Most of the images are are marked as decorative images in accessibility, even when they are providing context to something in the chapter. There are also some tables in the text that are being used to provide separated content that I think would trip up a document reader.
I did not notice any grammatical errors in the book.
In the first chapter, the author discusses how different groups of people, women, other ethnicities, etc., have used podcasting to find their voice, and that is a very refreshing approach to this topic. The rest of the book does not discuss these topics, yet it shouldn't. There is also a very good sections in some of the chapters about creating more accessible podcast.
All in all, this is a very good book. There are a few things that I feel could be covered more. I feel that this is a book in progress, and that in some chapter if you adopt this book, you may need to flesh out some of the content on your own. I feel the strong points of this book highly outweigh the areas that it could be improved, and I highly recommend it for use for a podcasting class.

This book covers podcasting from soup to nuts. I would use this volume in an introductory audio production course or in any class where students will be engaged in the actual production of podcasts. As an OER, it could also be a valuable and... read more
This book covers podcasting from soup to nuts. I would use this volume in an introductory audio production course or in any class where students will be engaged in the actual production of podcasts. As an OER, it could also be a valuable and accessible resource for podcast workshops with a variety of audiences. While comprehensive, the book is geared toward the beginner. For those with podcast production experience, much of the book would be redundant, however.
The volume is accurate in its depictions of the logistics of podcast production.
Books that are about technology and the media landscape run the risk of being quickly outdated. This text is relevant and timely for now (March, 2021), but will likely need constant updates to keep up with the changing media landscape such as changes to audio production software updates and interfaces, changes to social media platforms including terms of service, changes to podcast hosting options, and changes to legal and copyright considerations.
The prose is lucid and well-organized. However, the list of topics covered in each of the chapters as “printed” in the table of contents is quite extensive—too extensive, really. It is daunting to scan a table of contents and see, for example, 34 (!) topics listed for Chapter 1. Twenty-one topics listed for Chapter 4. Twenty-one topics listed for Chapter 6, and 32 topics listed for Chapter 9, etc. Keep the information, of course, as it is valuable. I would recommend that the author combine these topics into no more than 6-8 macro-level topics for each chapter. Then, within each chapter, go ahead and create sub-sections to cover each of these topics within each chapter.
The book uses terms in a consistent manner and maintains its "how to do it" framework throughout.
The half-dozen or so video resources—these link out to YouTube--are helpful starting points for learning about podcasting. They are brief and to the point providing the first steps for using Adobe Audition Editing, Audacity Editing, and Garageband Editing. Follow-up videos with instruction for more intermediate and even advanced production would be a welcome addition. There are also audio clips that link out to Sound Cloud such as a short audio clip entitled, “Good vs. Bad Sound.” However, the clip does not explain which instance is good and which is bad and why. The audio clip entitled, “Zoom.us Audio Tests” does provide good examples of high-quality and low-quality audio and explains the different sources and how those different sources relate to the sound quality.
This is one of the strengths of the book. Each chapter, as well as sections within each chapter, are easily accessible and can stand-alone. I could see using sections from a few chapters to create a podcast workshop, for example.
The overall logic and flow of topics of the book make sense. Chapter 1 contextualizes podcasts with discussions of their history, ubiquity, rapid growth, and content. I was glad to see a discussion, albeit brief, about equity pay gap, gender, and diversity. The next several chapters delve into the doing of podcasts, starting with generating podcast ideas, format, title, and music (chapter 2). The next chapters address the logistics of recording (chapters 3 and chapter 4), conducting interviews (chapter 5), organizing content and writing scripts (chapter 6), voice exercises and vocal tips (chapter 7), editing the podcast audio content (chapter 8), strategies and resources for the publication and promotion of the podcast (chapter 9), considerations of the audience (chapter 10), and legal issues of copyright and ownership (chapter 11). Examples from actual podcasts are included in many of the chapters to illustrate the ideas and provide examples of best practices.
This is an area of weakness. While the OER accessibility is wonderful, there is a lot of extra clicking around. One can select the book as a PDF, download the book, or use the book on a website, or use the book on the companion website--okay. But it turns out that the companion website is where the audio and video resource links actually reside. So those could be easily missed. Then one must link out to each of those. I found myself buried in windows with unnecessary complexity and confusion simply to access the information of the book. If the book and the resources could be located within the *same* window that would be an enormous advantage.
I did observe several typos that were distracting.
Generally good and I would recommend including in the example podcasts a more diverse range of voices and experiences.

The textbook covers many of the topics in podcasting -- scripting, marketing, the basics of interviewing, etc. The book is very good at addressing broad and emerging questions in podcasting. For a book like this I would expect slightly more... read more
The textbook covers many of the topics in podcasting -- scripting, marketing, the basics of interviewing, etc. The book is very good at addressing broad and emerging questions in podcasting. For a book like this I would expect slightly more in-depth information on how to physically record a pod-cast, say, through an in-depth walkthrough of a basic project on Audacity. Instead, the book offers plenty of available resources that students can use to find any more information they might be interested in.
Everything seems to be accurate.
Despite covering what is a nascent media, the book author does well to cover important topics that are relevant beyond just podcasting -- scripting, interview techniques, etc. For that reason the book is quite useful beyond an interest in just podcasts.
The book is quite clear but there are certain aspects that are impossible to do justice to with the limited amount of space: microphones, best practices, file types, etc.
The book is consistent throughout.
Book is very modular with obvious and descriptive chapter descriptors.
The book is well-organized and logical in how it presents information.
The book does have many images/graphs that are quite blurry, borderline unusable in the PDF that I was able to download.
No grammatical issues.
Quite a useful book if there is no need for in-depth technical questions.

This book is amazing. A comprehensive guide to ALL aspects of podcasting from start to finish. The tutorials cover aspects of recording/editing and an overview of free/affordable recording software applications. Other topics include; How to... read more
This book is amazing. A comprehensive guide to ALL aspects of podcasting from start to finish. The tutorials cover aspects of recording/editing and an overview of free/affordable recording software applications. Other topics include; How to Conduct Interviews (great student activity), Publish and promote a podcast and Legal issues related to podcasting. A lot of great hyperlinks throughout. This book could stand alone simply as a "Resource Guide". There is a long list of Newsletters, Podcasts & Conferences in Appendix A and a massive list of Resources in Appendix B. There is also a companion website for easy referencing.
The information about recording is not only great for students but also great for non-technical educators who are wanting (and probably need) to create online course content.
Very informative graphs with up to date statistics to support the current growth of the industry. Given the speed in growth of the podcasting industry, the statistical aspects of this book will need to be monitored and updated in order to maintain its' cutting edge status. The information given was enlightening and clearly shows very current trends. Overview of potential revenue streams - although not a quick money solution, it is something that could certainly become a supplemental income. This book has given me a bit more motivation to produce a podcast about Audio Technology in hopes of attracting a larger client base for audio and video projects.
Very easy to read. Information broken down into small bites. Steps for tasks are broken down very clearly.
Very consistent in all aspects.
Very clear text with obvious topic transitions. Objectives given at the beginning of each Chapter.
The order of topics in the book is perfect. Stays on specific topics within each section.
All the pics look great. A few graphs seem to have lost a bit of resolution in the transfer but did not affect the ability to read. Probably seems more noticeable against all the high definition pics throughout.
No issues with how anything was written. Simply put and easy to understand.
This is a "how to" book and doesn't get into any cultural aspects and impact this may have on society. However, possessing the skills to create a podcast allows anyone to have a voice. And one voice can have a big impact.
Highly recommended.

The book covered what a pod cast was. The technical knowledge that was needed. The fundamentals of communicating via audio. There was even some legal information included that is very helpful. read more
The book covered what a pod cast was. The technical knowledge that was needed. The fundamentals of communicating via audio. There was even some legal information included that is very helpful.
I believe the book to be as accurate as it could be being that Pod Casting is an everchanging field. It presented foundational instruction on communication, and the technical information pertaining to equipment rang true with my experiences with audio.
Pod casting is an ever changing industry and I'm sure some of the technical/software based information will be obsolete. However, so much fundamental communication and audio production principles explained in the book have not changed for decades.
Each chapter has a list of learning objectives that give the reader guidance as to what is supposed to be acquired by each chapter. This certainly provides clarity.
There is a consistent excitement about the subject matter. A consistent inspiring of the reader to podcast.
The book though divided into chapters is written more like a magazine instead of a textbook. There were headings, chapters, and pictures. I do think that some books should be organized in this fashion although not as modular.
The book is relatively chronological, but this book by design may be slightly unorganized due to the mindset of artists who podcast. Pictures, links, and statistics are designed to inspire as well as inform
The book is easy to read. The magazine type of format is inviting and unthreatening.
No grammatical errors seen
There were some mention of which races listen to podcasting. These were factual statistics presented with no bias.
So many people want to know how to podcast, and this book is a great tool to get them started.,

The book, Tools for Podcasting, is comprehensive in introductory information about podcasting. The intended audience is those who are interested in learning how to get started with podcasting or develop their skills. The book provides helpful... read more
The book, Tools for Podcasting, is comprehensive in introductory information about podcasting. The intended audience is those who are interested in learning how to get started with podcasting or develop their skills. The book provides helpful information to create a podcast. Helpful items are included with links to podcasting resources. The book includes numerous examples of audio clips, video clips, and video tutorials that show how to edit podcast software, vocal delivery, and promotion ideas.
Within each chapter there are references of sources for information provided. There is a great deal of accurate information in the text.
Podcasting is a common practice in today’s world. The use of podcasting is increasing and has many uses, such as storytelling, entertainment, marketing, education, and more. The book provides an introductory podcasting practice information. This helps podcasters to develop and refine their skills to improve quality of podcasts.
The book is clear and easy to read. The text moves from simple to more complex topics within podcasting. The second half of the textbook builds on the first half of the context. The application examples improve clarity. Practice application activities are found in Appendix C.
The writing style is consistent throughout the book. The author does not contradict herself.
The book includes 11 chapters. Content is organized by sub-topics within chapters. Headings provide organization to break up the content sections in each chapter. The chapters flow well from one topic to another, using a logical progression.
Podcasting topics are presented in 11 chapters and three appendixes that is well organized. Content about Podcasting is organized into the 11 chapters and further organized into sub-topic sections in each chapter. It is easy to go back to another chapter and find something previously read due to the chapter and heading organization.
The textbook was easy to navigate. The table of contents menu available on every page was very helpful. The audio file examples worked easy and were of high quality. One area for improvement is in the appendixes. When clicking on resource links it would leave the book to go to the resource. Opening the resource link in a new tab is preferred. The book is available online or as PDF.
No grammatical errors are present.
The book includes an emphasis on age, gender, and cultural diversity and inclusion. The text includes mentorships and employment opportunities found in the resources. The author did not say anything explicitly offensive or insensitive. The images represent a diverse population of people.
This is an easy to read introduction to podcasting. It includes many important aspects of podcasting and keen tips. The videos include closed captioning. The book includes podcasting information about transcription of podcasts for accessibility for hearing impaired audiences. I highly recommend this book!

This book does a great job of laying the framework for an introduction into the world of podcasting. The first chapter is dedicated to the history and current trends of podcasting. The subsequent chapters address format and content considerations... read more
This book does a great job of laying the framework for an introduction into the world of podcasting. The first chapter is dedicated to the history and current trends of podcasting. The subsequent chapters address format and content considerations for creating different types of podcasting along with basic lists of tools and technologies. The final chapters build upon the content presented in the first half of the textbook and offer a deeper dive into best practices for pre-production, editing, and publication. One thing that I would have liked to see more of is a tie to the history of radio and a review of sound as a medium.
The content is accurate and there are ample links to external resources. The author presents the information without bias. This allows for the freedom to apply the information to any podcast project and not just specific types that fit a certain format.
This is a hard topic to write for in terms of relevancy. The tools and technology are constantly changing. I think the book will be perfectly relevant for a couple of more years, but revisions will have to be made to reflect the availability of new tools. Also, while the many links presented throughout the book create a very strong resource, much care will need to be taken to ensure those links are still relevant every semester. I do believe that this book is written in such a way that these updates should be fairly straightforward to implement.
The text is very approachable and much care was taken to ensure readability for absolute beginners and experts alike. The necessary jargon is presented in context and accompanied by examples to help the reader become familiar with the terms and concepts.
This book is consistent throughout the entire text in terms of technology and framework. All of the chapters are of similar length and design. The balance between media and text is consistent.
This book can definitely be used in part or in whole. I have already selected a few chapters for some of my students who are developing podcasts. They have been able to use the chapters independently of the book and have benefitted from the specific information that they needed on a particular topic.
The topics are organized in a logical fashion and are presented in logical order.
There are no navigation problems that I came across while reviewing the text. The main issue with navigation is the presentation of the external links. Often times, a single word is hyperlinked that, when clicked, takes the reader to an external link. It would be much more accessible if the links were descriptive in nature. Users should know where they are being directed before leaving the textbook.
The book is free of grammatical errors.
This book does a great job from the first chapter to address readers (and podcast producers) of different backgrounds. The examples used throughout the book are balanced in terms of representation. There are ample links that tell the stories of podcasting from multiple different viewpoints.

Jill Olmstead's book included both a breadth and depth of material about the audio podcasting process. The book explains the history and current state of podcasting. It goes on to describes step by step how to make podcasts from initial ideas... read more
Jill Olmstead's book included both a breadth and depth of material about the audio podcasting process. The book explains the history and current state of podcasting. It goes on to describes step by step how to make podcasts from initial ideas through production, editing, and dissemination. Chapter 6 suggests different ways to script a podcast providing a prototype and also referring students to podcast examples. Chapter 8 covers methods of editing, while Chapter 9 describes how to publish a podcast. The book has clear chapter headings and three helpful Appendices, including Appendix C that describes eight assignments for students.
At the outset of every chapter there are clearly stated learning goals.
The book presented very accurate information in an accessible way. For example, Chapter 5 on Interviewing provided an excellent and concise description for what goes into an effective interview. Too often students miss great opportunities for real connections with people, whether for a podcast, an informational interview, or even a personal job interview, because they don't effectively prepare for the interview. Reading this chapter will help them address these issues.
Current students are very attuned to podcasts. They reference them in class discussions as well as in daily conversation. Sometimes they propose whipping one up as a project. Olmstead's book will disabuse students of the notion they can be haphazardly thrown together. The book will provide guidance for how to make a well-crafted project.
The book provides up-to-date references and data since it was added to the library in 2019. Like other tech guides, the latter chapters on specific products may need to be updated as new products become available.
The book was clearly written. The inclusion of charts helped explain material, while images provided both visual interest and in some cases demonstrated how something should be done correctly, like microphone use.
The book lays out terminology very clearly, even for beginners. It provides additional resources via links that will appeal to students at all levels. While Chapter 11 specifically examines podcasts and legal issues, the book reinforces the ethics of podcasting, throughout the book. For example, it discusses issues of copyright and fair use in several chapters since this topic cannot be treated lightly nor is it specific to any one area of podcasting.
The book divided podcasting into four clear subsections: 1) laying out the history of podcasting; 2) guiding students toward initial ideas for podcasts; 3) discussing how students can craft a narrative story that appeals to an audience; 4) describing recording, editing, and publishing of podcasts. The chapters were discrete, but also referenced one another when reader might need some refresher.
The organization of the book is excellent. Olmstead presents the topic as if she's having a friendly and helpful conversation with an audience she wants to guide. As I was reading, I'd think "I wonder about. . ." and then that was the next section in the textbook.
The book is replete with easy to navigate links that both explain and reinforce the material presented. The use of blue type indicated a link that would augment the argument or provide an example. It was easy to click on the links and find a relevant page and then return to the textbook by using the computer's back arrow.
The book was well-written and devoid of grammatical and typographic errors.
The book includes examples related to age, gender, and cultural diversity. The first chapter, for example, describes ways that podcasting could be more inclusive and add more "voices" to the civic dialogue, while Appendix B: Resources provides resources focused on diversity, ethnicity, and race as well as gender and sexuality. The book is also aware of the digital divide and presents several low-cost ways of listening to and producing podcasts.
I liked that there was a pdf version, an e-book, and a companion website. I also liked that the author invites helpful suggestions.
Chapter 7 of the book would be beneficial in any subject classes where vocal work is needed.
Table of Contents
About the Author
- Chapter 1: Podcasting Growth, Trends, Landscape
- Chapter 2: Title, Description, Music, Cover Art
- Chapter 3: Microphones, Recorders, Filters
- Chapter 4: Best Practices for Recording
- Chapter 5: Interview Preparation, Listening, Ending
- Chapter 6: Scripting, Opens, Bumpers, Outros
- Chapter 7: Voicing Tips, Exercises, Script Marking
- Chapter 8: Audacity, Garageband, Audition Editing
- Chapter 9: Publishing Hosts, Transcription, Promotion
- Chapter 10: How Do You Measure Audience?
- Chapter 11: Avoiding Legal Trouble
Appendix A: Newsletters, Podcasts, Conferences
Appendix B: Resources
Appendix C: Podcast Assignments & Examples
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Welcome! If you’re interested in learning about the growing universe of podcasting, how it works and finding tools and inspiration to create your own podcast, this online resource is for you. My focus is on audio podcasting and this practical guide will help you navigate the technology and best practices in an easy-to-understand handbook.
You will also find many audio and video clips that provide examples and video tutorials leading you through editing software, vocal delivery, promotion ideas and more. All videos have closed captioning and there is an extensive section on the importance of transcription of podcasts to enable web accessibility for the deaf, hearing impaired and language learning audiences. There is also an emphasis on diversity and inclusion with resources listing mentorships and employment opportunities. For even more information click on the extensive links throughout this e-book.
In addition, each chapter has learning objectives and there are practice exercises in Appendix C at the end of the e-book along with additional resources about podcasting from newsletters and conferences to how-to-create tools and podcast recommendations.
Podcasting is a dynamic way to use your smarts and creativity to tell stories about compelling subjects. This handbook provides instruction and tools to produce your own podcast — whether you are a professional in journalism, the arts, sciences, business or law, an activist or just someone who has a story to tell. The tools discussed are focused on keeping costs low for entry-level podcasters and designed to help anyone who wants to record, edit and distribute podcasts.
About the Contributors
Jill Olmsted is a full-time professor of Journalism at the American University School of Communication in Washington, D.C. She has taught communication courses for 30 years, specializing in audio and video storytelling and public affairs reporting. She writes and comments about media issues, does freelance voice-over work and has done media training for law enforcement and government agencies. She has worked as an on-air television and radio news anchor, reporter and editorialist as well as a producer, editor, photographer and news manager. As a former Washington, D.C., correspondent for nationally syndicated programs, she covered federal agencies and the White House. She’s been a member of professional organizations that include the Online News Association (ONA), Radio-Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and The Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).