Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua
Yanina Hernández, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
José Esteban Hernández, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
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Publisher: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Language: English
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The text does cover different grammar, spelling, and linguistic appropriateness that HLLs need to improve their reading and writing skills, as well as make them understand the world they live in linguistically. However, there is not a glossary per... read more
The text does cover different grammar, spelling, and linguistic appropriateness that HLLs need to improve their reading and writing skills, as well as make them understand the world they live in linguistically. However, there is not a glossary per se. Each chapter does have an index with the objectives of each chapter.
The textbook appears to have no bias and is error-free.
The content is up-to-date and relatable to the target students' life experiences as bilinguals. Some of the videos are a bit old (Chapter 8 has a video from 2013, for instance), which may need to be updated as students' language and sociocultural context change.
As other reviewers have stated, maybe an appendix with key linguistic words and their definitions would be a nice addition to the textbook. However, overall, the texts are legible and well-explained.
Yes, absolutely. It has the same format all through the book an the terminology is consistent.
Yes, each chapter has clear subdivisions that can be used separately.
Absolutely. It looks like they go from a novice level to a more intermediate level. For example, chapter 1 covers syllables, spelling, and present tense, while the last chapter focuses on the past subjunctive and the use of the heritage language in the community, among others.
The book is easily navigable with no image distortions, at least in the online version. The PDF version does have some major chart distortions, and I would not recommend using it.
No grammatical errors were found.
Yes, the text is inclusive of different Hispanic backgrounds. I did not find anything offensive in the content or the images.
As the book does not state the language level required by the target students, the grammar points, for example, vary between practically novice to intermediate level. Chapter 1 covers the present tense and the subject pronouns... This part would not be relevant if the target students were at an intermediate to advanced level.
I did love how short the text was and the sequence of the activities to make students reflect on the topics covered. There is a lot of writing involved and the book includes an appendix for students to reflect on what they need to improve.

This is a fairly comprehensive text that focuses primarily on language and identity as it relates to heritage Spanish speakers. The material also includes both linguistic and literary content, though the latter is not linked anywhere in the text... read more
This is a fairly comprehensive text that focuses primarily on language and identity as it relates to heritage Spanish speakers. The material also includes both linguistic and literary content, though the latter is not linked anywhere in the text (i.e. literary texts like poems and short stories). Additionally, the textbook includes very thorough attention to grammar, vocabulary, and orthography in each unit.
Content appears to be accurate and unbiased; I could not find any problematic information.
Content is up-to-date, and each unit focuses on topics that are extremely relevant to most heritage Spanish speakers. While the material is current, I do not think it would require frequent updating, and so this text will stand the test of time.
The language of the textbook is generally very clear, and any terminology that might be new for students (particularly linguistic terminology) is explained. At some points the text switches to English; this doesn't take away from clarity exactly, but it is unclear as to why those switches occurred at those points.
The text is very consistent in terms of structure across the eight units. It is also consistent in terms of its content, and together the eight chapters are very cohesive in presentation.
Each unit is divided into easily digestible/accessible sections. Each unit has (A) Manual de discusión y reflexión, and (B) Manual de practica. Each of these sections are further divided. Manual de discusión y reflexión: introductory exercises, an introductory reading to the unit's theme, discussion questions, videos (including pre/during/post viewing activities), a literary piece (including pre/during/post reading activities), and a concluding writing activity. Manual de practica: orthography, vocabulary, accentuation, grammar.
The topics generally flow in a logical order and could probably be used as they are; however, one item that I would switch is Unit 4, which focuses on migration. I think this could be presented earlier in the book, as Unit 3 talks a bit about language contact (a result - at least partially - of migration), so perhaps these two units could be switched.
Most of the text does not have any interface issues. However, one significant issue is that the literary texts are not linked anywhere, and so it is presumed that one has to go look up these texts, or the professor needs to have these available in advance (e.g. through library course reserves and such).
There are not grammatical errors that I could find.
There is nothing culturally insensitive or offensive in this text. There is also some attention given to linguistic variation. However, I think there could be more attention give to the vast cultural and linguistic diversity in the Spanish-speaking world, including diaspora. For example, some attention to Afrolatinidad would be useful to include.

This text is comprehensive in its content relevant to language development and validation for the target student audience. The units include topics such as family, names and their cultural meaning, university studies, migration, friends, identity,... read more
This text is comprehensive in its content relevant to language development and validation for the target student audience. The units include topics such as family, names and their cultural meaning, university studies, migration, friends, identity, linguistic variation and evolution, results of language contact, language ideologies and their impact. The text includes varied genres of writing and video content. Each unit is organized and presented in a consistent way.
This student-centered curriculum integrates activities for students to share and reflect upon their own experiences. Consistent opportunities to interview classmates and then report to the class about what they learned creates authentic communication and practice synthesizing information in writing and orally. The “Reflexiones” offer another way to center the student experience and connect it to class content. The “Lo que puedo mejorar” document in the Appendix is an effective format to guide students in self-reflection on their writing in Spanish.
The Manual de práctica has a variety of grammar exercises focused on areas of development for heritage speakers of Spanish. These are useful for differentiated lessons, based on what is each student needs/wants, since SHL classes are typically composed of a mix of proficiency levels and linguistic experiences.
Yes, the content of this text accurately presents varied points of view and histories, thus normalizing the diversity of experience for Spanish heritage learners within the U.S. and connections to the larger Spanish-speaking world.
The readings and videos are both historical and current, and will continue to be relevant to SHL learners in the U.S. The organization and arrangement of information can be easily updated, such as substituting in a new reading, video clip or song and their related activities.
The text is clear and accessible in general. It could be improved by consistent definition of linguistic terms for students (registro, ortografía, etc.) the first time they appear. This would support students in their learning by increasing metalinguistic awareness and vocabulary.
Yes, this text presents a cohesive approach to SHL language development, using cultural, sociolinguistic and grammatical terminology consistently.
The text is divided into units, each of which has a Manual de discusión y reflexión with several parts, as well as a Manual de práctica with grammar exercises. There are clear titles and subheadings for readings, activities, etc.
Yes, the topics in this text flow logically, although they could be presented in a different order and still work well, offering flexibility to instructors. It would be useful to have unit titles that indicate more clearly what topic is being presented. I would also like to see a model answer/response included for each activity and exercise, to enhance contextualization and clarity for students. This would be especially important if this text were used in an asynchronous course.
While the online book is quite user-friendly, there are a few issues that need to be resolved. For example, the text includes the citation for each reading to be done, but does not provide a live link to any of them. I don’t see any information on how to access these readings as open source texts. This is the main challenge I see with adopting this book.
There is a bit of distortion within the ebook (wording, information, and answer areas on tables run across two lines, where it seems like it should be on one). Less or no distortion is present in the online version. Some of the links are broken, such as those to several of the author biographies.
In the online version of the text, I wish there was an easier way to get from the Objetivos page to the two components of the corresponding unit (Manual de discusión y reflexión, Manual de práctica) without having to click back to the top and then into the Contenido list links.
The vast majority is grammatically correct.
The text is culturally sensitive and especially values U.S. Spanish. There is a heavy emphasis on Mexican-American heritage. However, there is also integration of videos of and readings by/about Spanish speakers from varied backgrounds. This results in the representation of different varieties of Spanish from within and outside of the U.S., so it is culturally inclusive.
This is a great resource for SHL classes. I applaud the authors for their thoughtful work and detailed organization of topics and materials. I would like to see a specific description of what the intended proficiency level is for this text. Starting from the first reading in Unidad 1, the texts are quite long for students who have perhaps not taken a formal/academic class in Spanish before and are building literacy skills. More guidance and structure to support active reading would be useful, such as additional instructions/suggestions on reading strategies.

"Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua" (2020) de Yanina Hernández y José Esteban Hernández es un libro de texto pensado para un curso introductorio destinado a hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en Estados Unidos. Como el mismo título... read more
"Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua" (2020) de Yanina Hernández y José Esteban Hernández es un libro de texto pensado para un curso introductorio destinado a hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en Estados Unidos. Como el mismo título indica, el contenido busca explorar y profundizar en las experiencias individuales y sociales, así como en el uso lingüístico diario, de esta comunidad de estudiantes que viven entre lenguas en contacto. El texto facilita la construcción progresiva de un conocimiento lingüístico formal de la lengua española creando, de esta forma, una base académica que le permita al estudiante participar con facilidad en otros cursos intermedios y avanzados de gramática, literatura y cultura en español a la vez que le ayuda a compartir y analizar temas relacionados con la noción de identidad y pertenencia.
Las explicaciones son concisas, claras y profesionales. Los autores incluyen una gran variedad de actividades y ejercicios que fomentan la indagación y profundización desde diferentes perspectivas de los temas explorados. Por ejemplo, se incluyen actividades de vocabulario, trabajo en equipo, entrevistas, actividades de investigación, proyectos de interpretación y escritura creativa, etc.
"Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua" enfatiza la idea del idioma concebido como un organismo vivo que cambia según las circunstancias del hablante. En lugar de ofrecer una perspectiva preceptiva de la lengua y la gramática, el libro resalta la necesidad de reconocer los cambios de registro y código en nuestra comunicación diaria colocando en un primer plano de aprendizaje no solo la experiencia vital y lingüística del estudiante de español como lengua de herencia sino también la de su comunidad. Por lo tanto, resultaría relativamente fácil actualizar y modificar el contenido, o incluso "personalizarlo" según las preferencias o intereses del instructor.
Las explicaciones son breves y comunicadas con una gran precisión. Siempre que se integra un nuevo término o concepto, este se explica adecuadamente a través de una breve lectura, nota o cuadro explicativo, o bien a través de alguna actividad que anime al estudiante a sacar sus propias conclusiones y deducir las definiciones de los conceptos. Por ejemplo, en la sección titulada "Manual de práctica", las extensas explicaciones de los tradicionales manuales gramaticales son sustituidas en este libro por ejercicios intuitivos con los que el hablante tiene que recurrir a un conocimiento innato de la lengua para deducir reglas y patrones lingüísticos. Se favorece un aprendizaje práctico, activo y consciente del idioma en lugar de áridas explicaciones teóricas.
El libro presenta una gran consistencia en cuanto al vocabulario, terminología y referencias teóricas y culturales empleadas.
Las ocho unidades que componen el libro mantienen una gran coherencia temática y organizativa, aunque también pueden ser utilizadas independientemente. Las distintas secciones y subdivisiones están claramente marcadas con títulos y subtítulos, o bien aparecen numeradas y, a pesar de la repetición de temas, conceptos y terminología a lo largo de la unidad, los diferentes apartados podrían funcionar de manera autónoma.
Las unidades están divididas en dos secciones. En primer lugar, hay una parte principal que, con ciertas variantes, incluye los siguientes elementos: objetivos de aprendizaje, lectura breve introductoria de los temas y conceptos de la unidad, vídeo corto, lectura(s) literaria(s), y reflexión final concebida como un lugar de escritura y reflexión personal sobre el tema tratado. Todos estos elementos van acompañados de actividades para realizar antes, durante y después de las lecturas o de la visualización de vídeos.
La segunda sección presente en cada unidad se titula “Manual de práctica” y es un suplemento gramatical autónomo en el que, por lo general, se distinguen cuatro partes para practicar vocabulario, ortografía, acentuación, gramática y el sistema verbal, siempre teniendo en cuenta los retos particulares de los hablantes de español de herencia.
Con un par de excepciones, los enlaces externos funcionan y el uso del libro resulta fácil e intuitivo. El aspecto que podría resultar más desafiante o confuso a la hora de adoptar este libro, sería la ausencia de los textos literarios (se mencionan los títulos y referencias bibliográficas pero ni las lecturas en sí, ni los enlaces, se incluyen a pesar de ser el componente central de cada unidad). Como consecuencia, el instructor tendría que localizar los textos literarios recomendados y determinar la forma más apropiada de compartirlos con los estudiantes. Además, un posible cambio de las lecturas, anularía los ejercicios y actividades generadas en torno a ellas.
La gramática empleada para la redacción del libro es formal y académica, directa y clara. En todo momento se tiene en cuenta al destinatario del texto, un hipotético hablante de español de herencia cuya capacidad comprensiva y lectora en español puede presentar drásticas diferencias de nivel.
Si bien es cierto que el texto se enfoca en la realidad social y cultural de los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en Estados Unidos (y más concretamente en hablantes de herencia mexicana), también resulta claro que el tipo de actividades y proyectos diseñados promueven el intercambio de opiniones e ideas entre distintos grupos y culturas. Un ejemplo serían las actividades de entrevista a personas de la comunidad o los ejercicios gramaticales comparativos donde se señalan distintos dialectos o variedades léxicas observables en los países hispanohablantes. Además, la introducción de nociones tales como la identidad, el contacto lingüístico, el cambio de código, etc. se hacen de una manera general y universal, de manera que resulta fácil aplicar los conceptos a otras situaciones culturales o momentos históricos.
"Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua" proporciona muchos y variados espacios para practicar la lectura, la escritura y la gramática al mismo tiempo que promueve la articulación y expresión de ideas complejas y abstractas. Por eso, el libro muestra una gran versatilidad y sería muy fácil incorporar partes del mismo a cursos de español de conversación, composición, gramática, literatura, o cultura.
Table of Contents
- I. Unidad 1: Para Comenzar
- II. Unidad 2: Para conocernos
- III. Unidad 3: Seguimos andando
- IV. Unidad 4: Poco a poco vamos llegando
- V. Unidad 5: Un nuevo comienzo
- VI. Unidad 6: Mapa de ruta
- VII. Unidad 7: Trazando nuevas rutas
- VIII. Unidad 8: Final de ruta
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua se compone de ocho unidades temáticas pertinentes a la realidad social de los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en los Estados Unidos. Además de enfocarse en la escritura como un proceso, se enfatiza el desarrollo de una conciencia sociolingüística y crítica del lenguaje en esta población estudiantil.
About the Contributors
Yanina Hernandez is a lecturer in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She holds an M.A. from the University of New Mexico, and has taught beginning-level Spanish courses for more than 14 years, including face-to-face and online courses. Her experience includes teaching at the University of New Mexico, Texas Southern University, Houston Community College, Texas State Technical College, and University of Texas Pan American (now UTRGV). Currently, she is co-coordinator of the User-Generated Material for Heritage Spanish in the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning of the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. José Esteban Hernández (University of New Mexico, Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics) is Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. His research interests include sociolinguistic variation, dialect and language contact, and Spanish as a heritage language learning. Most recently, he has focused on the construction of identity in contact situations. He has authored and co-authored in venues such as Journal of Sociolinguistics, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, Revista de Filología y Lingüística, and Southwest Journal of Linguistics. He has taught courses on the dynamics of language variation and change, and the sociolinguistics of U.S Latino communities. Currently, he is co-coordinator of the “User-Generated Material for Heritage Spanish Project” in the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) of the University of Texas at Austin.