Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook - 2nd Edition
Jordan R Covvey, Duquesne University School of Pharmacy
Vibhuti Arya, St John’s University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Natalie A. DiPietro Mager, Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781942341840
Publisher: Milne Open Textbooks
Language: English
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Conditions of Use

I really enjoy the ability to use each chapter individually in this book. It allows me as the instructor to prioritize what would flow with my lesson and lectures in class. read more
I really enjoy the ability to use each chapter individually in this book. It allows me as the instructor to prioritize what would flow with my lesson and lectures in class.
I did not notice any errors and in fact this was an extremely inclusive feeling book.
This is very useful in all allied health teaching areas as we all overlap some public health spaces.
The book touches on healthcare literacy and is very easy to digest.
The book is consistent throughout the book.
Each chapter can be used alone to supplement different courses and teacher styles.
I love how the glossary is in the front of the book.
The book was very easy to read and flow. And it is available in many forms making it very accessible.
I did not catch any
Nothing offensive I noticed
I really enjoy the many ways to utilize this book.

This text is uniquely composed in that it covers many topics well, leaving the reader with much to ponder and apply to pharmacy practice. I have not seen a text like this previously and think it would make a great addition to any pharmacy or... read more
This text is uniquely composed in that it covers many topics well, leaving the reader with much to ponder and apply to pharmacy practice. I have not seen a text like this previously and think it would make a great addition to any pharmacy or pharmacy technician program.
The text appears to be accurate with a major focus on social consciousness, which some may perceive as bias, but I see as cutting edge. Hopefully, after discussion, readers who may have had different opinions can be enlightened and come together on some points.
The text is very current and relevant. Using equity as opposed to equality in a number of sections brings to focus on the difference and how pharmacists have an opportunity to impact this. The topics covered were never addressed when I went to pharmacy school in the 1980s, although they were present then as now. Hopefully this text can bring some of these issues to light so that the pharmacy community can continue with forward progress.
Each section is very clear and any technical terminology is explained within each chapter. There is an included glossary and abbreviation section which can be referenced at the end of each section as well.
I find the text very consistent and appreciate the section showing related chapters in the text at the bottom of each section which really ties the chapters in nicely. Each chapter is different, yet laid out in the same format so that once you are accustomed to it you know just how to view each chapter.
This would be a great ancillary text. Each chapter covers an important concept that can be combined with others but also stands alone. One chapter could be interspersed in a class at intervals, leading to excellent discussions and learning outcomes. It offers a chance for students and instructors to use case studies and practice communication skills to cover so many interesting topics. It could also be used as a format for a discussion board.
I like the organization because every chapter uses the same format. I knew where to look for what I wanted to see after reviewing the first couple of chapters and was not disappointed to find each one continuing in the same manner. This was a great way to organize various topics written by different authors.
I had no trouble navigating and reading the text.
Correct grammar is very important to me and should be evident in any written material. I did not find any issues with the grammar in this text.
This text focuses on health equity and brings up some very current and needed subjects regarding this. Health care is not available in an equitable manner throughout the country and this stimulates thought about why that is and how we can begin to work in pharmacy to address these important issues.
I am very impressed with the focus on social consciousness. The sections are all very relevant. The way the book is organized leads to ease of updating since the format is so clear. Each chapter left me more aware and interested. There were extra resources as well as references that could be pursued. As opposed to a hard core learning experience, this text presents relevant topics, encourages thought and discussion and leads one to further discovery.
Table of Contents
- 1. An ounce of prevention: pharmacy applications of the USPSTF guidelines
- 2. Communicating health information: hidden barriers and practical approaches
- 3. Medication safety: to ‘error’ is human
- 4. Drawing the line: preventing sexually transmitted infections
- 5. Interprofessional collaboration: transforming public health through team work
- 6. HIV and hepatitis C co-infection: a double-edged sword
- 7. Ethical decision-making in global health: when cultures clash
- 8. Safe opioid use in the community setting: reverse the curse?
- 9. The ‘state’ of things: epidemiologic comparisons across populations
- 10. Saying what you mean doesn’t always mean what you say: cross-cultural communication
- 11. The cough heard ‘round the world: working with tuberculosis
- 12. More than just diet and exercise: social determinants of health and well-being
- 13. Deciphering immunization codes: making evidence-based recommendations
- 14. Getting to the point: importance of immunizations for public health
- 15. Smoke in mirrors: the continuing problem of tobacco use
- 16. Plant now, harvest later: services for rural underserved patients
- 17. Telepharmacy: building a connection to close the healthcare gap
- 18. Hormonal contraception: from emergency coverage to long-term therapy
- 19. From belly to baby: preparing for a healthy pregnancy
- 20. When disaster strikes: managing chaos and instilling lessons for future events
- 21. Anticipating anthrax and other bioterrorism threats
- 22. In the stroke of time: pharmacist roles in the management of cerebrovascular accident
- 23. Alcohol use disorder: beyond prohibition
- 24. Immunizing during a pandemic: considerations for COVID-19 vaccinations
- 25. Sweetening the deal: improving health outcomes for patients with diabetes mellitus
- 26. The hidden burden of hemodialysis: personal and economic impacts
- 27. Only a mirage: searching for healthy options in a food desert
- 28. Sex education: counseling patients from various cultural backgrounds
- 29. Harm reduction for people who use drugs: A life-saving opportunity
- 30. Digging deeper: improving health communication with patients
- 31. Equity for all: providing accessible healthcare for patients living with disabilities
- 32. Laying the foundation for public health priorities: Healthy People 2030
- 33. Staying on track: reducing missed immunization opportunities in the pediatric population
- 34. When love hurts: caring for patients experiencing interpersonal violence
- 35. Pharmacists and Medicare Part D: helping patients navigate their prescription benefits
- 36. Expanding the pharmacists’ role: assessing mental health and suicide
- 37. Bridging the gap between oncology and primary care: a multidisciplinary approach
- 38. A stigma that undermines care: opioid use disorder and treatment considerations
- 39. Deprescribing in palliative care: applying knowledge translation strategies
- 40. Let your pharmacist be your guide: navigating barriers to pharmaceutical access
- 41. Open-door policy: a window into creation, implementation, and assessment
- 42. PrEPare yourself: let’s talk about sex
- 43. Unexpected souvenirs: parasitic and vector-borne infections during and after travel
- 44. You say medication, I say meditation: effectively caring for diverse populations
- 45. The Sustainable Development Goals and pharmacy practice: a blueprint for health
- 46. Experiences of a Caribbean immigrant: going beyond clinical care
- 47. Medicine for the soul: spirituality in pharmacy
- 48. Uncrossed wires: working with non-English speaking patient populations
- 49. Unintended consequences of e-cigarette use: a public health epidemic
- 50. A toxic situation: the roles of pharmacists and poison control centers
- 51. Prescription for change: advocacy and legislation in pharmacy
- 52. Travel medicine: what you need to know before you go
- 53. A pharmacist’s obligation: advocating for change
- 54. The great undoing: a multigenerational journey from racism to social determinants of health
Ancillary Material
About the Book
This casebook, now in its second edition, is a collaboration of over 90 individuals with expertise and training in public health pharmacy. A total of 54 chapters are presented, covering a broad array of topics relevant to pharmacy applications of public health. These topics include, but are not limited to, cross-cultural care, health literacy and disparities, infectious disease, health promotion and disease prevention, medication safety, structural racism, advocacy/policy analysis, chronic disease, women’s health, rural health, travel medicine and more. The book is designed to allow educators/students to choose chapters of interest as they feel suited, as each chapter is independent from the others. Each chapter contains learning objectives and an introduction to the topic, followed by a case and questions. The chapter closes with commentary from the authors and patient-oriented considerations for the topic at hand.
About the Contributors
Jordan R Covvey, PharmD, PhD, BCPSAssociate Professor of Pharmacy AdministrationDuquesne University School of Pharmacy; Pittsburgh, PA
Vibhuti Arya, PharmDClinical ProfessorSt John’s University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Queens, NY
Natalie A. DiPietro Mager, PharmD, MPHProfessor of Pharmacy PracticeOhio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy; Ada, OH