Management Communication
Lisa Thomas, Brigham Young University
Julie Haupt, Brigham Young University
Andy Spackman, Brigham Young University
Copyright Year:
Publisher: The Marriott School at Brigham Young University
Language: English
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Management Communication provides an excellent framework for any discussion of effective and efficient communication in business. Its content encompasses a wide range of topics and the supporting material furnishes a wonderful toolbox of... read more
Management Communication provides an excellent framework for any discussion of effective and efficient communication in business. Its content encompasses a wide range of topics and the supporting material furnishes a wonderful toolbox of resources for classroom guidance. In fact, this text would be worthwhile to incorporate in just about any undergraduate business course and would greatly enhance the subject matter.
Upon inspection, no errors were observed by this reviewer.
Management Communication is packed full of a plethora of relevant examples and statistics. Also, the quotes in each chapter would serve as excellent conversation starters as well. The chapter on branding was a particular highlight in terms of defining how critically important it is to develop a positive social media presence in one's personal brand.
This text was presented in a logical fashion and was extremely easy to read and comprehend.
This text was consistent throughout in covering the content.
The text was very well assembled and the labels were visually appealing.
The subject matter was organized in such a way that any reader could access specific sections when necessary in either an online version or PDF.
No interface issues were found by this reviewer on multiple occasions on different devices - phone, tablet and desktop.
The reviewer did not observe any grammatical issues.
The reviewer did not notice any offensive or insensitive material.
Management Communication was a pleasure to read and it would be an excellent resource to include in undergraduate classes. This reviewer highly recommends it.

The textbook is extremely comprehensive and provides an interactive teaching tool that combines both text with links to online stories, research, and videos. read more
The textbook is extremely comprehensive and provides an interactive teaching tool that combines both text with links to online stories, research, and videos.
The accuracy of the material is very high. As a teacher of Communication Studies for over twenty years, I was pleased to see the well-rounded coverage of both nonverbal and verbal cues included in the text.
I love the section on writing concisely as this continues to be a problem for students. The material includes both written and oral communication skills that are necessary in the field of business and in everyday life.
The textbook is clear and concise with available links taking the reader to a more in-depth review of the material.
The textbook used a consist framework throughout and was quick to define any terminology that might be unclear.
Although the content of the textbook flows very well, it would be possible to assign different segments of the text in a different order, if the instructor desired.
The textbook does have a clear organizational pattern and leads the reader into all areas of communication by providing interactive links, testimonials, and examples. The Link and Learn icons were a little confusing as they did not seem to lead anywhere. I would also consider reducing the size of the text as it was difficult to read without bringing the entire textbook from 100% to about 66.7%.
Some of the links were not available without a subscription to a particular journal or magazine. Some of the links were just not available any longer.
Very well written with no known grammatical issues. Given the contents, the reader would expect nothing less. :):)
There was nothing in the text that seemed offensive in any way.
An excellent textbook that I would consider using in both sections of my graduate and undergraduate courses. The writing of students has really declined in the last five years. It is refreshing to see a textbook that has taken them back to the basics. The inclusion of both written and oral communication skills in one textbook is also desirable. As a communication professor that teaches oral communication courses as writing-intensive, this textbook fits the bill perfectly.

The text covers many skill areas of communication that allow us to manage communication in our professional life including writing, planning, organizing, building, researching, formatting, revising, managing, persuading, showing, presenting,... read more
The text covers many skill areas of communication that allow us to manage communication in our professional life including writing, planning, organizing, building, researching, formatting, revising, managing, persuading, showing, presenting, branding, working. The Chapters are organized in a manner that allows you to quickly identify the subcategories that match your objectives and outcomes.
The information is in line with 21st-century current topics, skills, needs, and demands. The format is in line with current and future audiences that range from “new school”l to “old schoo”l types. Some like information in bite-size nuggets for only getting what is needed by skimming and choosing and there are others who want a variety of core topics, with solid details, and the option of additional details at their fingertips. The author provides both and supports the latter with the addition of lists for articles, books, and websites.
The book has is a long lifespan because it includes classical topics with core information that transcends time. Just in case they are missing the mark on something important, each chapter has a built-in quick link for feedback. The author has considered their audience in terms of what was needed in the past that is currently needed and will still be needed in the future. There is a contemporary approach to the layout and design that includes the use of symbols and color coding.
The writing is easy to understand and follow. There is no overuse of jargon but there is jargon that fits the topic “management communication” and it is woven in such a manner that you do not need a dictionary to decipher. The approach of the other quickly becomes clear because of a consistent format in section types and the use of symbols and color coding.
The reader knows what to expect in each chapter in terms of categories of information, although the subcategories might vary. Each chapter begins by reminding you to look for possible symbols indicating required reading, tips, examples, and activities. Each chapter ends with a list of articles, books, and websites. Each chapter has a continuum tool at the top and bottom of the page that allows you to either go back to the previous chapter, see the table of contents, or go to the next chapter. I like it that I don’t have to scroll back to the top of the page to access this tool. Of course, each chapter has core information on the chapter topic.
The reader can quickly see that each chapter has a modular approach. The content is well organized with good subheadings and bite-size chunks of information to easily digest. Bite-size in this text, fits the truth that more does not mean better if there is quality as a priority, rather than quantity.
The text has a good organizational flow that presents the information in a systematic and creative manner. The author lets you see the subheadings and distinguish types of information with the use of subheadings and symbols. The inclusion of a continuum tool serves as an anchor for quickly going back, going forward, or accessing the table of contents
The text has an easy, user-friendly interface, of course, there are fewer interface options if you choose the PDF version. The images are clear whether viewed online or in PDF.
The text raised no concerns for me in grammatical errors. However, if any errors or concerns arise, there is a quick link that allows for immediate feedback.
The text is written and designed in a culturally inclusive manner. The design includes computer-generated human images and photos of human images and the images are diverse in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, and race. There are diverse charts, graphs, and photographs that are linear or creative. The use of cultural colors is broad and includes, black, gray, red, yellow, orange, blue, and green.
I think the table of contents is very eye-appealing with the titles that look to me like a visual slide. The small subtitle under each title is important.

This open textbook addresses a variety of relevant topics in management and business communication. The information is very useful and applicable to real world experiences. The authors engage and challenge students who communicate at varying skill... read more
This open textbook addresses a variety of relevant topics in management and business communication. The information is very useful and applicable to real world experiences. The authors engage and challenge students who communicate at varying skill levels. Formatting and links will keep the attention of students. The authors use a broad and comprehensive list of resources.
The content appeared accurate and free of errors.
The content provides all relevant topics within management communication. The information is presented in a meaningful manner.
The text is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.
All topics are presented in a logical and structured manner. Terminology and concepts are consistent across chapters.
The text is designed to follow the chapters chronologically; however, professors can assign sections of the text as needed. Each chapter is followed with very useful references.
The topics are presented in a logical manner.
Interface issues were not noted. The graphics were consistent and were easy to understand.
The text was written with no grammatically errors.
The text directly addresses the communication challenges of a global organization. In addition, the text provides general guidelines for communication across cultural groups.
I wish I would have used this textbook when I taught Business Communication three years ago. This text is straight-forward and concise, and addresses the skill levels of students.

This text covers a broad spectrum of types of communication from written to verbal within the context of management. Each chapter clearly targets a particular aspect of communication and provides practical explanations and examples. This is a very... read more
This text covers a broad spectrum of types of communication from written to verbal within the context of management. Each chapter clearly targets a particular aspect of communication and provides practical explanations and examples. This is a very useful text for any student preparing for a management or leadership role.
I found no errors. All the information was copiously supported by outside sources. At the same time the information was communicated in creative and interesting ways.
The frequent use of links to articles and videos make this an invaluable resource. The links can be easily updated.
The text was not difficult to read and understand. Even when dealing with such concepts as ethos, pathos and logos the text managed to clarify these concepts in a concise and helpful way. There was also appropriate repetition and new application of concepts throughout the text.
The tone was consistent throughout. The text was also consistent in the layout, color contrast and use of text boxes. The language was accessible and when uncommon terms were used they were carefully and clearly defined. The authors truly sought to practice the very communication methods they are encouraging others to adopt.
While the chapters do build upon each other to some degree, it would not be difficult to use some blocks of material in an order other than the textual format. The early chapters on writing would be difficult to take out of order.
The move from one chapter to another was seamless and made perfect sense. Each chapter began with the topics to be covered and ended with a concise review.
Using some of the links in the text presented some issues in terms of having to register on a website before being granted access to the article. However, other material was clear and I found no distortions in the visual material.
I found no grammatical errors. The writing was clear, concise and logical.
As a middle class white person I did not see any insensitivity to cultural issues. However, I think this requires the opinion of people from other ethnic backgrounds to comment upon.
The text was well written, creative and practical in its approach to communication for managers. I will likely use some of the chapters for one of my courses. Much of the text emphasized writing skills, but it also contained excellent chapters on presentations and how to conduct meetings. The last part of the text on job hunting was helpful, but seemed out of place. However, there were excellent suggestions and examples.

I believe this text does a fine job of addressing many areas of business and management communication. The author covers the basics that I would expect to find in a business and professional communication class. I particularly like that the text... read more
I believe this text does a fine job of addressing many areas of business and management communication. The author covers the basics that I would expect to find in a business and professional communication class. I particularly like that the text is written and formatted in such a succinct manner because that is what we expect from our students in this class. The content is also written in a way that allows the instructors to make the subject matter their own and fit the needs of the individual classes. It is not bogged down with filler content and unnecessary information as many other business communication texts seem to be. I also appreciate that the author links many external articles, websites, and infographics throughout the text so that if an instructor would like to delve deeper into any particular area, they have a place to start.
The content appears accurate, up-to-date, error-free and unbiased as far as I can tell.
Personally, I feel this text will serve as a solid resource for several years before it needs a total rewrite. The examples, quotes, articles, etc included are recent enough to keep the reader’s attention without becoming outdated in a short period of time.
The text is very easy to read and understand. Any specific jargon or technical terminology is explained when necessary. The quotes from alumni or professionals give great context to the concepts being covered as well.
The terminology used throughout the text remains consistent, professional, and concise.
The text is broken up into short reading sections with plenty of white space included on each page. It is formatted almost as if it is a visual aid presentation which is eye-appealing. The pages do not contain large amounts of text that would cause the readers to become fatigued. Content is written in small blocks and bulleted lists, thus mimicking the business writing style. Also, the color coded system utilized throughout the text is very helpful for readers to stay on track. Overall, I really appreciate the style of this textbook.
The organization and structure of the text work well. It makes logical sense to move from one specific skill to the next.
I did not come across any interface issues, navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, or any other distracting display features. The text is very usuer-friendly.
I did not notice any grammatical errors.
The text is covering basic skills that apply to all professionals. There were culturally diverse examples included.
This is a great book. I look forward to including it in my Business and Professional Communication course as supplement reading.

On its surface the book looks short on content. However, the text integrates videos, articles and other information that enhances the existing outline format. read more
On its surface the book looks short on content. However, the text integrates videos, articles and other information that enhances the existing outline format.
The book is error free and no bias detected.
Content is current to today's managerial communications. There are multiple links to videos and articles and as with a textbook of this nature, you can expect that some links are broken.
This is the texts strongest asset. The textbook is written with only the main points, references or links to other resources are available in case the reader needs additional information.
Not surprising for a managerial communication textbook, it follows "to the letter" English standards
Virtually each page of the textbook has a topic of its own. Each page is written in appropriate business format, using an active voice and white space.
The chapters are laid out in an appropriate sequence that build on each other.
The text is supported by color, charts and links to other appropriate material.
The textbook is an easy read, no filler language. It is short and to the point and is grammatically correct for business.
The textbook is written at a level that will not insult a skilled communicator, and basic enough for readers that English may not be their first language. The textbook is also sensitive to send the appropriate message to any audience/race/culture. The textbook is limited however in using scenarios and support information such as articles and links.
The textbook is suitable for associate and bachelor's level managerial communication courses. There is little in the way of instructor resources so expect to create your own supplemental materials.

The textbook is very comprehensive covering each communication tool in a manner that is easy for students or anyone to read with helpful examples. Each subject matter is indexed and highlighted. read more
The textbook is very comprehensive covering each communication tool in a manner that is easy for students or anyone to read with helpful examples. Each subject matter is indexed and highlighted.
The content is very accurate with examples that are universal, error-free and unbiased.
The content is up-to-date, relevant and can be updated relatively easy.
The information is clear and orderly using the appropriate context with terminology that is universally understood.
The textbook framework and terminology is consistent throughout the textbook. While each section has a color division, the terminology is consistent.
The textbook is divided into small reading sections color-coded with the appropriate heading and can be assigned in different places in the textbook without a lot of realignments and disruptions.
Each topic in the text is presented in a logical clear fashion easy to read with examples through-out each section that understandable.
There were no navigation problems are distortions displayed throughout the text.
There were no grammatical errors found.
The text has no culturally sensitive information. The examples are inclusive of all backgrounds and cultures.
I really enjoyed the textbook. The color-coded section kept my attention. The small pockets of information were clear, concise and not overwhelming. This is the type of textbook that I think every student would enjoy reading.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 - Why?: Be a Skilled Communicator
- Chapter 2 - Write: Look Good in Print
- Chapter 3 - Plan: Think Before You Write
- Chapter 4 - Organize: Structure Matters
- Chapter 5 - Build: Create Clarity & Coherence
- Chapter 6 - Research: Find the Answers
- Chapter 7 - Format: Make Your Message Inviting
- Chapter 8 - Revise: Zoom Out - Zoom In
- Chapter 9 - Manage: Getting Things Done...With People
- Chapter 10 - Persuade: Be Convincing
- Chapter 11 - Show: Show What You Mean
- Chapter 12 - Present: Stand & Deliver
- Chapter 13 - Brand: Manage Your Personal Brand
- Chapter 14 - Work: Get the Job
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions. Business communication is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.
About the Contributors
Lead author and project manager: Lisa Thomas
Authors: Julie Haupt
Authors: Andy Spackman