Introduction to Business
Lawrence J. Gitman
Carl McDaniel
Amit Shah
Monique Reece
Linda Koffel
Bethann Talsma
James C. Hyatt
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781947172555
Publisher: OpenStax
Language: English
Formats Available
Conditions of Use

This textbook covers a lot of material, which is great for an introductory course! I do wish there was more information on the various sections within a business plan though. read more
This textbook covers a lot of material, which is great for an introductory course! I do wish there was more information on the various sections within a business plan though.
After reviewing the errata list, I have found that many of the reported errors were correct. Additionally, after reviewing the textbook myself, I found the information to be accurate.
While this textbook was written in 2018, it was last updated in 2023. The content presented seems up-to-date, providing students with real-world examples that are relevant to their coursework. I think there will always be room for updates, especially around management and including information from the past few years of the pandemic.
All content is clearly written.
The layout of the chapters are clear and easy-to-understand. The various tables and figures throughout each chapter are extremely helpful to visualize the information.
I found this textbook very easy to work with!
When reviewing the table of contents, I found the topics to be a logical order.
I have had no issues with viewing this book online in a variety of formats.
No issues to report.
I believe the textbook was well diversified throughout. I think this is another area that will continue to evolve as it is updated.
I have really enjoyed this textbook and looking forward to using other textbooks from OpenStax.

This book does a fantastic job of covering every possible aspect of business (from finance to labor management, to technology, and so forth) in a very concise and succinct way. read more
This book does a fantastic job of covering every possible aspect of business (from finance to labor management, to technology, and so forth) in a very concise and succinct way.
To my knowledge, this text does not contain any gross errors. The authors do a great job or presenting content in a way that appears to be free of bias.
This text serves as an introductory text for business. With that said, there’s not too many areas, as far as foundational principles are concerned, that become “out of date”. However, the structure of the book is such that updating areas would be easy to implement.
Each chapter contains a “key terms” section where terms from each chapter are defined. Further, this text is written in a way that flows well and is easily understandable to the lay person.
Each chapter in the text follows the same basic outline. There is an introduction that sets the stage for the major concept(s) that will be discussed in the chapter. Additionally, each chapter opens with learning outcomes listed.
Each chapter is divided into smaller sections, which makes the chapters more reader and learner friendly. The online version of the text is designed in a way that each module in the chapter is on one page, which ends needless scrolling for information. Further, the study guide that’s available for each chapter is very useful, too.
There is an obvious flow within the text. The first chapter lays out the principles of business. From there, the text progresses from ethics to marketplace to structure to strategies to finance.
I have not found any interface issues in the online version of the text (which is what I prefer to use).
From my use of the text, I have not found any gross errors from a grammar perspective.
In my reading/review/use of this text, I have not encountered any cases where there was an issue of the text being insensitive or offensive in any way.

Intro to business is a survey course and quickly covers a multitude of topics; breadth not depth is the main goal. This book does a good job of briefly touching on the salient points. read more
Intro to business is a survey course and quickly covers a multitude of topics; breadth not depth is the main goal. This book does a good job of briefly touching on the salient points.
I have used the book for multiple terms now and have not found any major errors in the information presented.
The general concepts of business don't change very much over time. The case studies and examples are constantly changing. There is always the next big thing as well. The textbook does a good job of keeping the information basic and evergreen. I ask the students to provide more up to date examples and talk about the latest trends.
Very straight forward. Easy to read and digest.
Each chapter is the same with an opening story that illustrates some major ideas of the chapters and allows the instructor to refer back to it throughout the discussion.
Each chapter is a new theme or aspect of business and can be presented independently, skipped or expanded upon.
The flow has worked well for me.
I prefer a printed textbook. I don't like the PDF
Not really sure if there are no errors or not. I didn't see any and grammar and usage errors usually jump of the page.
I did not find the text to be insensitive or offensive in any way.
This book has served me well.

This text does an excellent job covering the basic concepts of an Introduction to Business course. The features of the text are especially relevant with up-to-date examples of what’s happening in today’s organizations, ethical issues to make... read more
This text does an excellent job covering the basic concepts of an Introduction to Business course. The features of the text are especially relevant with up-to-date examples of what’s happening in today’s organizations, ethical issues to make students think, and critical thinking questions for lively discussions. Each chapter begins with Learning Outcomes, and ends with a review of the Learning Outcomes.
The text is accurate, with no errors found.
The text is up-to-date, with highly relevant materials. The text provides students with several features to help with the understanding of course materials. There are several features, and one of them is, Ethics in Practice, which is especially relevant in an introduction to business course. There is another section on Expanding Around the Globe, which helps students understand our global economy, and the reliance we have on one another around the world. There are several other features that add richness to the course. These examples should be updated on a regular basis to remain current.
The clarity of the text is clear, concise, and well suited for early college use. Students will learn new terminology throughout each chapter, with definitions and a glossary at the end of each chapter.
Pages are laid out in an easy-to-read manner.
You do not have to follow the order of the text. Chapters can be presented in a different sequence. The chapters are sectioned and summarized, for ease of modular use.
The text follows a logical approach in the order of topics, similar to other Introduction to Business textbooks.
There were no interface issues. Navigating from one page to another, or from one chapter to the glossary was done with ease. The photos used were clear and relevant; however, I feel there could have been more photos used.
No grammatical errors were found.
The text was culturally appropriate with no biases.
The text gives professors information, tips, case studies, in-text videos, ethics activities, and other experiential activities needed for an interesting, informative and lively course. The materials were enough to keep my 3-hour class fully engaged with various activities that tied into the concepts for each chapter. The students enjoyed using the text because of the easy-to-read layout, the easy online navigation, and most of all students appreciated the fact that the text was free.
Students were given detailed instructions on how to download the text. Professors were given Guided Lecture Notes; Instructor Manual; Test Bank; Video Guide; and Power Points for each chapter.
If I had to change one thing, it would be the content of the Power Points. Most of the power points had Concept Check discussion questions. I would have liked to see more information about the concepts covered, along with illustrations. The authors did state that their power points was a starting point for instructors to build their lectures.
Overall, I successfully used this text in the past, and plan on using it again next semester.

For an “Intro” book, all and all very through and comprehensive book covering the basic fundamentals of the business world. read more
For an “Intro” book, all and all very through and comprehensive book covering the basic fundamentals of the business world.
I did not find any errors in the chapters that I scanned.
The challenge with any books, especially business books with the need and importance to include relevant and real-life examples and case studies. Unfortunately, all of those stories are short-lived and perishable until the next big story makes them obsolete and stall.
Basic use of business language, vocabulary and terminology is used throughout and builds upon each, reinforces importance for future business classes as to be expected from an Intro to Business book for first year and second year students with little to no business background.
The chapter’s content is laid out with consistency throughout the book, following the same and similar format: Introduction, Concept Checks, Catching the Entrepreneurial Spirit, Managing Change, Key Terms and End of Chapter exercise and resources.
It does not appear that the book is set-up using a modular approach or using sections to breakdown the 17 chapters in 4-5 broad sections or modules. Consider using a common modular format that include Business Basics, Marketing, Operations and Finance.
The books organization and structure flows nicely with little changes will be required for my four modular-approach to implement into a 10 week term.
The book’s interface is a little clumsy using the PDF reader. I like some of the other publisher’s reading platforms. I do like the highlighting feature and would prefer a snippet tool. I should probably download Acrobat Pro DC to get more robust features of the book’s interface.
I’m not an English major or editing expert lol but nothing jumped out at me as being grammatically incorrect.
The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It should make use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Great question, this is always going to be a sensitive concern. As with most books there will always be shortcoming is providing meaningful cultural relevance.
A little text heavy without many pictures. Or pictures of people (with smiles lol), especially BIPOC. Loved the graphics. I've always liked helpings students make the connection between business and personal life. Especially, valuable to students not on a business degree pathway. Here’s my chapter notes for general feedback as part of my book review:
1 Understanding Economic Systems and Business
Great, simple and well round presentation in economics and banking.
2 Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business
Complicated topic of ethics. Very relevant to incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Would be nice to include more information on “Benefit Company”.
3 Competing in the Global Marketplace
I’d like to see more discussion and exercise on foreign exchange rates. Students have a tough time understanding and applying this LO, which I consider fundamentally important in global trade. Even some simple examples of tourist shopping aboard would help
4 Forms of Business Ownership
Nice overview of the different business structures available. Would be nice to add “Not-for-Profits” organizations to compare and contrast other business types.
5 Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business
One of my favorite chapters in the book. This chapter both transcends and reinforces other learning objectives throughout the book.
6 Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations
Could expand more about the difference between manager vs leaders. Reinforce the importance of honing leadership skills and the value in the workplace because employers want to hire leaders.
7 Designing Organizational Structures
It will be interesting if the ”COVID fallout” continues to support work from home or if employers demand telework employees to return to the office. Organizational structures will continue to change.
8 Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations
I like highlighting the importance of Managing Workplace Diversity. Consider comparing employee vs contractor rules and regulations as part of the gig economy. Could also update based on the work from home mandates related to COVID closures, etc. Other issues to highlight gender pay gaps, Family Medical Leave (FML), Personal Time Off (PTO), and Minimum wage mandates.
10 Achieving World-Class Operations Management
While mentioned on the following page could consider adding Six Sigma graph. Consider using some examples of the COVID related shortages from panic buying. Just-in-time inventory has weaknesses from unexpected buying surges as we have seen over the last 18 months.
12 Distributing and Promoting Products and Services
Chapter 12 are the most popular to the sales and marketing students. I would recommend using the term “consumer persona” as a tool for market segmentation summarized in the chapter. To help be consistent with the “4 P’s of Marketing” make the connection with the previous chapter’s LO. “Promotion and Distribution (aka ‘Place’)”.
13 Using Technology to Manage Information
Big time chapter and students have an overwhelming interest in starting a web-based business endeavor. I would like to see more emphasis on online privacy as people are not aware of how technology and social media platforms uses cookies, etc to track and sell consumer behavior. Big shift to record online sales transactions as a result of COVID.
15 Understanding Money and Financial Institutions
“Financing Small Business Activities” could revisit product lifecycle to align sales with appropriate funding options. Meaning early phase startups are usually not strong candidates for traditional bank loans. Definitely include/expand crowdfunding/crowdsourcing for startups.
16 Understanding Financial Management and Securities Markets
Great job presenting a complicated topic of investing. Consider expanding and diving deeper on the subject of IPO’s.
17 Your Career in Business
Love this chapter, I do not cover this chapter but do have an individual assignment for a resume and LinkedIn profile.

This text provides an excellent overview of business with a comprehensive index. The book clearly outlines resources and further readings for continued study of a particular topic. The text did not expand on franchising as a business design but... read more
This text provides an excellent overview of business with a comprehensive index. The book clearly outlines resources and further readings for continued study of a particular topic. The text did not expand on franchising as a business design but covered others well and provided the pros and cons effectively.
The content is accurate and represents main topics associated with an introduction to business course. The topics are broad in breadth and provide real-world examples of hte content for relatability.
The book provides relevant examples and content relating to the overall business world. More content related to virtual business activities could be included. The arrangement of the text would allow for easy updating and additional content in these areas to be added. One of the best elements of this text was the
The book used effective language that was appropriate for higher education learners. The terminology was well described and there were activities within each chapter as a resource for students to further work with the language. This book provided an introduction to business law which was much more comprehensive than the current text I use.
The segments that existed within each chapter were consistent. There could have been more chapters that included career opportunities in the particular content area component to help students explore potential avenues for work. The terminology was consistent throughout the text and was easily referenced for students to go back and review earlier definitions and contextual utilizations.
The modules were well organized and made sense. The headings were appropriately placed and color was used to indicated additional readings, activities, or reflective materials. The sub-units could easily be rearranged, if necessary for presentation by the instructor. The text provided comprehensive content without being arduous and overwhelming.
The organization was well thought out and aligned with the design of an introduction to business course well. There was little need to skip around during the semester which can cause students confusion.
The graphs and navigation were easily used and free of errors. There were clear explanations of the images and charts that expanded on the content being presented. Navigating this text was very user-friendly and straightforward.
There were few grammatical and spelling errors in the text.
The cultural relevance of the imagery in the text lacked diversity. The photos represented many women but very few people of color. The examples throughout the text showed examples of successful individuals as white males.
There was a section in each chapter that discussed cases and problems that provided great topic starters for a class session. These could be expanded for more comprehensive assignment work but were great for low-stakes assignments and ice breakers.

Very professionally-constructed textbook. On-par or greater than commercially-produced books from the major publishers. Very relevant for the pre-pandemic business world. read more
Very professionally-constructed textbook. On-par or greater than commercially-produced books from the major publishers. Very relevant for the pre-pandemic business world.
I have utilized the text for two courses, and I cannot recall finding any technical errors with the book.
Many recent business stories are used as examples in teaching fundamental concepts. This really increases the relevancy and integrity of the text. The authors do not shy away from trendy subjects, products or people. For example, a lot of references to Elon Musk, China, Google, etc.
Each chapter has a glossary of key terms and a summary of learning outcomes. A few of the end-of-chapter activities could be more explicit. The associated instructor materials also lack detail in this area.
Very formal and consistent framework.
Hard to get more modular than seventeen chapters and an appendix! I moved chapter 14 behind chapters 15 and 16, but this was not a "no-brainer" adjustment. The chapter lengths were long-enough to be comprehensive without being too long.
Well-organized. I liked the final chapter that focused on business careers. Would potential consider teaching topic this Week 1.
The text and associated instructor materials are of very high quality appearance. The images, and videos are excellent. As with most texts, a few hyperlinks no longer work, but that is a teachable moment for students as well!
Multiple authors and contributors have created a high-quality text with a common voice.
Did not notice any offensive or insensitive content, but this topic could be an area of additional content or an appendix given recent cultural events in the U.S. and abroad. The "cancel culture" impact is real, and businesses and their employees need to learn about potential ramifications of their words and actions.
Really liked this book, as well as the instructor materials that suggested appropriate video links. I would like to see more end-of-chapter activities with more in-depth assessment prompts. There are plenty of open-ended, critical thinking prompts, but more structured activities would be welcome too.
Additional content on the impact of the pandemic on business and society would make a great chapter/appendix as well!

This textbook appropriately touches upon all areas of business necessary in giving students a broad overview of how businesses operate. I appreciate that it goes one level beyond the business core of human resources, marketing, financial... read more
This textbook appropriately touches upon all areas of business necessary in giving students a broad overview of how businesses operate. I appreciate that it goes one level beyond the business core of human resources, marketing, financial accounting, and management by covering topics such as business ownership and pricing strategies.
The topics presented are up-to-date and relevant. The author takes an unbiased look at business from every angle.
I appreciate the use of modern, real-world examples to give students a more in-depth understanding of these business topics, which are otherwise abstract and intangible.
Some of these business concepts are hefty and more in-depth than one would expect for an introductory book, but they are covered in great detail and at length so that students can process the information by looking at graphs, charts, and examples in addition to just reading the definition of concepts.
All of the information presented appears to be consistent with what I've found in other sources and as is understood by today's business community.
Though there are large blocks of text at times, the author does place graphics, charts, and other visuals to help add diversity in the reading.
Though there are a wide range of topics covered, each chapter is broken down into sub-topics to help students locate material as well as learn the concepts in a thorough manner. My only suggestion would be to offer the financial and accounting chapters earlier in the text book because they are topics often seen as intimidating to students, and students may have anxiety over covering those topics near the end of the book. However, instructors can choose to have students learn the topics in any order, and even omit sections not deemed as vital as others.
Images and displays looked appropriate. Visual aids added to the learning experience and did not distract from the subjects being presented.
There were no grammatical errors that I found.
This text is not culturally insensitive. I would even encourage the use of recent social or political examples to show how they are impacting the business realm (i.e. COVID-19).
I have already used this book once for my Business Concepts class and recommend its use for other faculty wishing to find a comprehensive business text books for students.

It's very in-depth. Sometimes I feel like it might be more in-depth than an introductory text. I teach a class that is supposed to be for non-business majors, and I think some more general information might be better. For all that though, I... read more
It's very in-depth. Sometimes I feel like it might be more in-depth than an introductory text. I teach a class that is supposed to be for non-business majors, and I think some more general information might be better. For all that though, I didn't find real information on some basic concepts, like SWOT analysis or the Five Forces Model. I supplemented with other material, but I think that would give some context to some of the discussions.
Everything I have double-checked has been very accurate.
I think it's very up to date. Some of the other books I looked at were using very old concepts, and this seems quite contemporary. The examples of current business leaders are great and they offer diverse points of view.
Some of the information on economics was potentially confusing, as it went more in-depth than I would imagine an introductory business text to go. I am rearranging some of the chapters to make some common concepts, like control and financial measures, be presented closer together.
Yes, I think it uses the correct and current phraseology you would expect to see as students transition to jobs.
I very much like the way the book is designed. It's definitely small, workable sections, with the exception of one chapter which covers planning, control and decision-making, which could have been at least a couple of smaller chapters.
I did change the chapters around, but that might just be my personal preference. I tried to group the chapters by how they worked internally and externally, but as I said this might be just the way that makes sense to me.
Some of the charts we a little too wordy. I would prefer a cleaner chart with less words. I like what the charts are showing us, but I think they could be cleaner and easier to visualize.
The book's grammar and editing are fine.
I think they do a good job with this. They are careful to represent different points of view and show a broad background in their examples.

The text covers the broad spectrum of relevant business topics in a thorough yet digestible manner. The level of detail, and numbering systems for each chapter is sufficient for students to gain necessary exposure, understanding, and practice on... read more
The text covers the broad spectrum of relevant business topics in a thorough yet digestible manner. The level of detail, and numbering systems for each chapter is sufficient for students to gain necessary exposure, understanding, and practice on key business competencies. The additional student and instructor resources make this book an even more beneficial learning tool.
The text accurately covers the topics as well as providing current case studies, critical thinking exercises, and vignettes with practical examples of the concepts to be learned. Additionally, the businesses referenced in the text are recent, enhancing the learner’s ability to cross-check and validate information and business practices. The marketing section is slightly different than other business books as it presents the “Five Ps” (versus Four Ps) but the fifth P – people – is a relevant and helpful addition.
The text content is recent and relevant to current business practices and concepts at this time. The nature of business, both globally and nationally, changes often, so the text will likely need to be reviewed and updated about every two years to ensure both accuracy and relevance in order to keep student’s engaged. Perhaps an emphasis on politics/social changes and business impacts could be better integrated into the textbook.
The text is written in clear, succinct chapters. The chapters are not too long and the table of contents is well-organized to help the learner easily navigate and access each chapter and related resources. The ability to search the book is also very helpful. Each chapter has a section for key terms, learning outcomes, and activities – all contributing to the clarity and usefulness of the materials presented.
The text and organization of each chapter are consistent, lending to the usability of the content and resources. Each chapter has a concept check, allowing the learner to reflect on key business questions and topics. The order of chapters effectively establishes a solid business foundation for the student and helps set a reliable pattern for what to expect.
The text and resources allow a solid curriculum design of a syllabus and/or course with modularized content aligned with learning outcomes. Additionally, the student can quickly go to each chapter and pick out the fundamental business concepts, supported by student resources. One does not need to use every chapter or every sub-chapter to provide students with an introduction to business. Very flexible in this area.
The topics are presented in a highly structured and “scaffolded” manner, meaning, one area can build on another. There is flexibility to use topics out of order, but one would want to be careful to ensure students have some solid foundations like economic systems, forms of business ownership, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
The interface and navigation are done exceptionally well for this text. User-friendly, easy table of contents to follow, chapter consistency, and helpful search options. All make for a great user experience.
No grammatical errors were noticed or found that interrupted learning or flow.
The text is culturally respectful. The examples and pictures are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Perhaps a few more pictures could be added into the sections of management/leadership and your career in business to emphasize individuals, teams and inclusivity. One area where the book excels is threading the concepts of ethics and social responsibility throughout the chapters. There is a dedicated chapter on these topics as well.
I used this book to create an online course. The students found the book to be easy to read, easy to use, and relevant to their learning. The extra instructor and student resources provided assessments, exams, case studies, and other practical helps to build a full course that was learner-centered and based on business learning outcomes. I highly recommend the book for its comprehensiveness, suitability to business concepts, and attention to what matters most in the business world and in the classroom (or online).

The 17 chapters cover the quintessential subject matter areas for business. read more
The 17 chapters cover the quintessential subject matter areas for business.
The content, written by academic researchers, provides clear up-to-date information. A variety of perspectives are included.
The examples and case studies used are relevant to today's business concerns. Real world companies and business products are examined. The "Hot Links" add additional relevant resources.
The textbook is written in accessible language and highly appropriate for an introductory first year class in business.
The textbook uses a consistent and clear format. The terminology and framework are appropriate for an introductory level course.
The textbook modularity is good. The index takes a while to load but clearly identifies the topic links in every chapter.
The topics covered are organized in a clear, developmentally appropriate sequence.
The interface appears easily and clearly in most browsers.
The textbook is well written.
The subject matter covered in each chapter is extremely relevant for today's business student. An inclusive and varied amount of examples and exercises are provided in each chapter.
Seventeen chapters are quite extensive. I would condense chapters 15 & 16 into one chapter and omit chapter 17.

As a textbook targeted at an introductory course in business, the Introduction to Business - 2018 textbook provides a practical overview of various aspects of business over the course of 17 chapters. In addition, this textbook provides key terms... read more
As a textbook targeted at an introductory course in business, the Introduction to Business - 2018 textbook provides a practical overview of various aspects of business over the course of 17 chapters. In addition, this textbook provides key terms (with definitions) at the end of each chapter, which is easier for students to access than looking at one large glossary at the end of a textbook.
The information in the textbook was accurate and reviewed my a large number of professionals as referenced at the beginning of the textbook. The information utilized a fact presenting format that steers clear of unbiased content.
As this book was created in 2018, the content is very much up to date and figures references are from 2017 or newer. Interestingly, the first time I opened the book it appeared to have an update as well which demonstrates the accuracy of the textbook and how the material is being periodically updated.
The introduction to business - 2018 textbook introduces students to key terminology and jargon that will be continually referenced in future business courses. Some of these terms may be new to students with little exposure prior to the introduction to business course, but the text does a good job of addressing these areas to prevent most issues.
This textbook is consistent in the way that the book is created from beginning to end. The creation of each chapter and section are very well planned and executed.
Additional reading components of this textbook enhance the topics covered by introducing real world examples and applications. These areas are separated by a shaded background which adds to the layout and creates a smooth flow from section to section.
The topics of this course cover many areas of business. In many ways it is up to the instructor to possibly see the organization of the textbook as either good or in need of improvement. Each concept is focused on its own chapter, so clearly assigning the chapters that are requested in a particular order can assist in the organization of the material. The last chapter of this textbook is perfect for summarizing the importance of an introduction to business course as it addresses the student's future career in a business field.
Every image, chart, graph, etc. had no issues working on either the web version of the PDF version of this textbook. I do find it an advantage that the book is available in a PDF which allows students to download the content and review it offline, anywhere.
No grammatical errors were noticeable to me as I reviewed this textbook.
Every chapter in this textbook contained additional ethics assignments that help incorporate diversity and different dilemmas that businesses have faced over the years. These assignments along with examples in the textbook help to create a more inclusive learning experience for students.
The Introduction to Business - 2018 textbook offers many different options for additional study, research, questions, etc. at the end of each chapter. These options make it ideal for instructors that are not sure about utilizing an open textbook, as the quantity and quality of the assignments helps instructors customize the course textbook to fit their individual needs.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Understanding Economic Systems and Business
- Chapter 2: Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business
- Chapter 3: Competing in the Global Marketplace
- Chapter 4: Forms of Business Ownership
- Chapter 5: Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business
- Chapter 6: Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations
- Chapter 7: Designing Organizational Structures
- Chapter 8: Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations
- Chapter 9: Motivating Employees
- Chapter 10: Achieving World-Class Operations Management
- Chapter 11: Creating Products and Pricing Strategies to Meet Customers' Needs
- Chapter 12: Distributing and Promoting Products and Services
- Chapter 13: Using Technology to Manage Information
- Chapter 14: Using Financial Information and Accounting
- Chapter 15: Understanding Money and Financial Institutions
- Chapter 16: Understanding Financial Management and Securities Markets
- Chapter 17: Your Career in Business
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Introduction to Business covers the scope and sequence of most introductory business courses. The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change. Introduction to Business includes hundreds of current business examples from a range of industries and geographic locations, which feature a variety of individuals. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of business concepts, with attention to the knowledge and skills necessary for student success in this course and beyond.
About the Contributors
Lawrence J. Gitman, San Diego State University
Carl McDaniel, University of Texas
Amit Shah, Frostburg State University
Monique Reece
Linda Koffel, Houston Community College
Bethann Talsma, Davenport University and Grand Rapids Community College
James C. Hyatt, University of The Cumberlands