Introducing Mathematical Biology
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Alex Best, University of Sheffield
Copyright Year:
Publisher: The University of Sheffield
Language: English
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Table of Contents
I. Population ecology
II. Infectious disease
III. Immune and cell dynamics
IV. Gene networks
V. Pharmacokinetics
VI. Background reviews
Final thoughts and acknowledgements
Ancillary Material
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Mathematical modelling plays an increasingly important role in almost any area of life sciences, and this interactive textbook focuses on the areas of population ecology, infectious diseases, immunology and cell dynamics, gene networks and pharmacokinetics. It is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning about how to model biological systems, including undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics students who have not studied mathematical biology before, life-sciences students with an interest in modelling, and post-16 mathematics students interested in university-level material. Some mathematical knowledge is assumed, and the mathematical models used are all in the form of ordinary differential equations.
About the Contributors
I am a lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield, specialising in mathematical biology. I obtained a BSc Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Durham in 2005 and an MRes Mathematics in the Living Environment from the University of York in 2006. My PhD was titled Modelling the evolution and coevolution of host defence under the supervision of Prof Mike Boots in the Animal and Plant Sciences department also at the University of Sheffield. I have been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate maths courses since 2013 and I was a Fulbright Scholar in 2021.
My teaching focusses on mathematical modelling, guiding students through how to build and analyse models for real-world systems. I place a strong emphasis on embedding equity, diversity and inclusion into all I do and am passionate about encouraging and supporting students from minoritised groups to succeed in mathematics.
I live on the outskirts of Rotherham with my wife and children.