Fundamentals of Human Geography
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Wing Cheung, San Marcos, CA
Copyright Year:
Publisher: Wing Cheung
Language: English
Formats Available
Conditions of Use
Table of Contents
The book is available in a PDF and a web-based interactive textbook. The PDF version does not include videos, sound clips, interactive maps, and graphs. Additionally, certain accessibility features, such as alt text for images, are not present in the PDF version. Thus, for the full experience, please refer to the web-based interactive textbook version.
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Geography
- Chapter 2: Population and Health
- Chapter 3: Migration
- Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture
- Chapter 5: The Geography of Language
- Chapter 6: The Geography of Religion
- Chapter 7: Ethnicity and Race
- Chapter 8: Political Geography
- Chapter 9: Development and Wealth
- Chapter 10: Agriculture and Food
- Chapter 11: Industry
- Chapter 12: Human Settlements
- Chapter 13: Environment and Resources
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Fundamentals of Human Geography is a college-level digital textbook aimed at introducing undergraduate students to the field of human and cultural geography.
This digital textbook was initially conceived as an interactive supplemental guide for an open-source textbook on Human Geography (Introduction to Human Geography ). However, as more materials were added to this digital textbook, it slowly evolved into a standalone textbook on Human Geography which can be used by itself or as a supplemental guide.
Be sure to explore all of the interactive content in each chapter and read the captions carefully, as a number of critical concepts are introduced in the interactive content. Be sure to also review the FAQ section for answers to commonly asked questions about technical aspects of this textbook.
About the Contributors
Wing Cheung is a professor of geography and geographic information systems at Palomar College, California. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine. His research focused on the spatial distribution of flood hazards, and the engagement of diverse stakeholder groups to advance flood hazard modeling and flood risk communication.