Parenting and Family Diversity Issues
Diana Lang, Iowa State University
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Publisher: Iowa State University
Language: English
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This text does a good job of covering the aspects of parenting and family relationships. Although each chapter hits the highlights of the parenting style, theory, or strategy discussed, the chapters are very short and, in some ways, can serve as a... read more
This text does a good job of covering the aspects of parenting and family relationships. Although each chapter hits the highlights of the parenting style, theory, or strategy discussed, the chapters are very short and, in some ways, can serve as a springboard for further readings or research. For example, each chapter typically includes highlighted key terms, at least one external link to media, and a summarization titled "key takeaways."
In terms of comprehensive content, this text is not one I would use as they only text for the class for which I am considering using this resource; there just isn't enough information and research. However, it is well done enough that I could easily use it as a supplement to an online module to help students begin learning about a particular topic like introducing parenting theories and styles as a way to have students determine an area of interest for further research on the theory and/or differing styles.
Other content/sections just don't include enough information to use in my class outside of a way to introduce a concept and move on (if at all). For example, the chapter/section on Active Listening is roughly 3 paragraphs, which is not enough information for a practitioner to really grasp the technique. I could use this as a way to introduce the concept but would need much more comprehensive examples and exercises to ensure my students could comfortably practice the concept. Nevertheless, if a social worker was teaching a parent or parenting group about this concept, the information in this text is a perfect amount to spark conversation and keep the parent(s) engaged and learning.
The majority of the information provided is accurate, especially in the chapters/sections about parenting theory. However, the families theories section is a bit too thin and does not adequately explain relevant points regarding the theories covered. Family Systems Theory is complex and has several significant points that readers would benefit from gaining some understanding of such as: triangulation, enmeshment, and emotional differentiation. There is also a genogram included, but no breakdown of how to really interpret the different symbols and their significance.
Again, this text works well as a springboard for further reading but is not comprehensive enough in some areas to be considered "accurate."
Although the versioning of the text hasn't been updated since 2021, the information provided is very relevant and the topics covered will never be obsolete due to the majority of the material covered being historically covered parenting and family theories. Moreover, the parenting styles and developmental milestones of children have been proved for many years with no significant changes or discoveries documented.
Information that can be updated such as the differing landscapes of family makeup/breakup and the changing styles of child-rearing can be done so easily, as each has their own section that can be updated or deleted.
Media links provided are working at the time of this review and can easily be replaced if they become deadlinks or updated information is needed.
The prose in this text is clear and free of jargon or any deeply technical language. Operational definitions are covered at the beginning and terms relevant to the sections covered are highlighted and defined. Very transparent vocabulary and sentence structure that is clear, succinct, and easy to interpret.
The text is consistent in flow and framework and breaks down the information in ways that the reader can understand easily. There are also several sections that refer to earlier sections and links are provided so that the reader can revisit them if needed.
The text is broken down into very easy and quick digestible sections. Each section is accessible through a linked table of contents that also has sub-links for each section. The text has short paragraphs, bulleted lists, figures, photos, embedded links that open to a new page, and highlighted text and boxes that help the reader navigate the material easily.
The text also includes breadcrumbs at the bottom of the webpage to direct the reader backwards or forwards to previous or upcoming sections, respectively.
This text is organized very well and is easy to navigate. It is very clear in presentation of concepts.
No interface issues. This text is offered in a variety of both static webpage and downloadable options. The images are clear, the color variants are dark and bright, which is good for possible visual impairment (red, black, and purple). Figures are clearly imported but blend well with the text and are not distracting. No flashing images or other display features that would irritate or confuse someone with vision issues.
No grammatical errors.
The images provided are of people of all ages and races. The text title uses the word "diversity" in the sense of diverse family make-up rather than cultural differences, which might be confusing if one is looking for an intercultural/multicultural text. The authors include LGBTQ+ families in the operational definitions and has a blanket statement about sociocultural and contextual characteristics of parent-child relationships. There could be more included throughout the text, but due to the succinct nature of the information provided, it wouldn't fit with the flow and detract from the overall "just the facts" tone of the text.

The text begins with a comprehensive review of the literature of the key concepts on the influences on parenting, parenting tasks and the role of families and the community. Other topics discussed separately include parenting theories from the... read more
The text begins with a comprehensive review of the literature of the key concepts on the influences on parenting, parenting tasks and the role of families and the community. Other topics discussed separately include parenting theories from the 1600” s to the 1980” s, family's theories, parenting styles, child rearing strategies, child rearing in a variety of contexts and a review of child growth and development from prenatal to young adulthood. The photos of the children and families showed diversity but the information about diversity and parenting was limited in the text narrative. The text includes a Table of Contents but not an Index. Instead of a glossary, the author integrated the key terms into the narrative of the course text.
The topics contents presented were accurate, error free and unbiased. More information about parenting in different cultures would be an addition to help families or teachers who may be using the text for family training workshops. Definitions of key terms are defined in the text narrative. The links to further readings provided an opportunity for the reader to continue exploring the topics of interest. The Key Takeaways also was an effective way to give a closure to the discussion as well as verify the most important components for the reader.
The topic of parenting and family diversity issues is very relevant to families, teachers as well as students training to work with children and families. The text introduced the relevant components of parenting as well as roles, the tasks and child rearing behavior strategies. The addition of the historical perspectives would be an interesting discussion for teachers and parents. Students in training as well as parents would find the review of child growth and development helpful. This section could be expanded as more research has been done in this area. More information could be included later as more research is developed. The diversity and cultural parenting topics could be expanded to give the different kinds of child rearing aspects for parents from different cultural or diversity perspectives.
The text is written in a way that both teachers, students training to be teachers or parents would find informative in terms of content as well as being easy to read. Topics were presented in a concise manner under separate headings. An introduction to the topic was not always present and would be helpful for the reader to know more about the topic prior to reading about the contents being presented. Key terms were defined in the beginning of the text to clarify for the reader. Additional resources were also posted for the reader interested in a more extensive review of the literature.
The text was consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The text material was presented in a similar manner in sections labeled under a topic heading. Links were provided for additional information or resources throughout the topic sections. The video links gave the reader the opportunity to learn more about the topic or the parenting techniques being discussed. Key Takeaways were included for sections to highlight the most important topic facts.
The text was divided into specific parts with topics that could be used for a parenting course or workshop but also for other early childhood education courses i.e., child behavior guidance or courses with a limited child growth and development text. Though some topic introductions were in the section texts it would be helpful for all the sections to identify for the reader the overview of the topic and how the topic contents are addressed. Video links to further explain the topic content were included as examples. More resource links were provided for the reader interested in more detailed information about the topics being discussed.
The text topics were overviewed in the introduction of the text with specific key terms being defined. Each topic had part with a separate section that presented an overview of the topic i.e., Influences on Parenting, Parenting Tasks, Parenting Theories, Parenting Styles, Child Rearing in a Variety of Contexts, and Developmental Milestones with a Review of child growth and development (prenatal through young adulthood). In the child rearing sections examples for how to use the guidance techniques could be used in a class or workshop. Links to video resources helped the reader to further extend the learning about the topic beyond the text contents. The parts and sections could be used independently using the topic information for a specific workshop or class discussion in a parenting or other early childhood education course.
The text was set up in a way to navigate in an easy manner. I did not observe any distortions of the course text or charts. The charts could be used in a course lecture. The text information could be adjusted to a power point presentation or a workshop using the topic heading contents. The Key Takeaways were helpful a review of the important points for the text section.
The text contains no grammatical errors.
The text is titled PARENTING AND FAMILY DIVERSITY ISSUES but there was limited information about diversity and the multicultural aspects of parenting. More information would need to be added by the professor for teacher training course in parenting and family diversity issues or a teacher using this text to design a parenting workshop. Also, more information about working with families from a diverse community perspective could be included.
The PARENTING AND FAMILY DIVERSITY ISSUES (Lang) text was a comprehensive review of parenting historically as well as the different aspects of parenting and family systems. More information should be included in terms of diversity and the cultural impact on parenting roles and tasks. The historical information on parenting was a new addition to a text that I have reviewed and could be an interesting parent workshop discussion. The different section topics. i.e., guidance techniques and the history of parenting could be used in different settings or courses. The child growth and development section could be used in the same manner, but more extensive information should be included if it is being used for a course in child growth and development. Part of the Parenting Theories could supplement the child growth and development overviews in terms of information about developmental theories. The child developmental milestones links could be used to help families learn more about child growth and development as well as how to help the child develop with suggested activities and child parenting techniques. The text has value to be adopted for a course on parenting as well as a resource for other early childhood courses.

This text introduces a breadth of topics related to parenting and family diversity. It reads as an introductory survey text. However, I found it lacking the critical approach needed when discussing diversity. Instead of directly mentioning... read more
This text introduces a breadth of topics related to parenting and family diversity. It reads as an introductory survey text. However, I found it lacking the critical approach needed when discussing diversity. Instead of directly mentioning critique of certain literature or assumptions within certain fields, the information is presented simplistically at times. The linked footnotes are very useful for viewing the source of information, but a broader lens would help those new to the helping professions. As a text that aims to address diversity, there exists a lack of material focused on equity and inclusion.
Most information seemed accurate, but incomplete, given the title and lack of materials to help the reader learn to work with families from an assets-based framework. The Exceptionalities section contained a great deal of inaccurate and/ or contested and outdated material.
It is a very relevant topic, but perhaps less useful for all groups mentioned as the primary audience. For example, educators may find this to be less relevant than the resources available from fields beyond psychology.
The book is clearly written as a very traditional type of textbook. There are many opportunities to write in first person or to guide the reader by providing introductions, summaries, and guiding questions to consider as they move through each section.
The author situates the majority of material within the field of psychology, using consistent terms and frameworks throughout.
The brevity of each section is useful. There isn't an overwhelming amount of text to read/ scroll through.
This text is clearly organized, but could be strengthened by transitional material. For example, the end of each section could benefit from a summary and an introduction to the next section, helping the reader understand where we've been, where we're going, and how the sections might build on one another.
This interface is easy to navigate, overall. Some of the visuals were a bit blurry and I found myself lost a couple of times after clicking on links.
I did not find errors.
This was an area of concern. There is a great deal of literature within the field of family engagement and partnership focused on culturally relevant practice. However, early in the text, G. Stanley Hall is introduced without any mention of his work as a eugenicist (as one example). Other historical figures were also introduced without any mention of critiques or considerations, while Piaget (for example, received both a summary and current critiques. Psychologists whose work directly led to discrimination and trauma should receive at least as much discussion. At other times, links to family engagement work appeared, but the book itself didn't discuss much of the underpinnings of this work in relation to equity and inclusion. Discussion of funds of knowledge, for example, would balance the discussion on trauma, financial challenges, and other deficits.
I can see this text serving a purpose within educational psychology or child development courses, particularly those in which learners must become familiar with historical trends.

The context of this text is fairly comprehensive. It includes the areas of parenting and family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies and contexts and developmental milestones. It is missing a connection to the community as well as... read more
The context of this text is fairly comprehensive. It includes the areas of parenting and family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies and contexts and developmental milestones. It is missing a connection to the community as well as a diverse and multicultural perspective. It contains the majority of information needed for an early childhood course surrounding parenting and family.
The content in this text is unbiased. In addition, the author connects to current research and theory as well as research and theory from a historical perspective. The information is accurate and error-free.
The content is fairly relevant. It would be more relevant if the content had a diverse and multicultural perspective. It would also be more relevant if there was stronger connection to the community, as the community plays a major role in early childhood education.
The text is clearly written. Terminology is defined often and when new contexts are introduced. The chapters are well organized with headers and sub headers. The “Key Takeaway” boxes at the end of sections help a reader stay focused and review and reflect often. The embedded videos help to bring clarity to the information in which they are connected.
The structure of the text is consistent throughout the whole text. The terminology is also consistent for how and when it is introduced.
The text is easily broken up into manageable chunks for reading. One section or chapter could be used independently.
This text flows easily. While the chapters do not need to be read in order, when they do, they do build in content. Each section and chapter wrapped up nicely where it promotes review and reflection.
The text was easy to read digitally as the font size was above normal increasing the readability. All of the pictures, charts and tables were easy to view. The embedded videos were a pleasant surprise and all that were interacted with, worked. The text was easy to navigate as the table of content allowed you to click on the desired chapter.
The text did not have any noticeable grammatical errors.
This text is missing a connection to a diverse and multicultural perspective. Without this perspective much of society and family types are not being reflected. In addition, in the early childhood world we have been working to eradicate the use of the term parent and transform this terminology into the use of family to be more inclusive. The term parent is used when family should be throughout this text.
Overall, I like how this text is straightforward and organized into standalone sections and chapters. I could easily see using this text to supplement in my Family and Culture course. The chapter on caregiving styles and developmental milestones is the content that I would mostly pull to be supplemental in my course.

The content of the text is comprehensive. The content areas include parenting theory, family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies, child-rearing in a variety of contexts, and developmental milestones. Each of the topic areas is... read more
The content of the text is comprehensive. The content areas include parenting theory, family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies, child-rearing in a variety of contexts, and developmental milestones. Each of the topic areas is clearly explained. The text provides an effective table of contents that is easy to navigate.
The content of this book is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. Each content area included multiple references and connections to theory. References to legislation were included where applicable.
The text is up to date and relevant.
The text is written clearly and concisely. Terminology is clearly defined. There were multiple visual aids that clarified concepts. The embedded videos were helpful to enhance and clarify the topics. The “Key Takeaway” sections in each content area provided a summary of important points to consider.
The terminology was consistent throughout the text.
The text could easily be assigned in small reading sections. Sections could be read separately and understood without reading previous sections.
The text was presented in a clear and logical order. The “Key Takeaway” sections were helpful in the flow of the text. They encouraged readers to reflect and revisit the text if needed.
The text was easy to read on the computer. The photos, tables, and charts were clear and easy to view. The hyperlinks and the embedded videos were functional and helpful.
No grammatical errors were noted.
Based on the title of this book, I was expecting more information about cultural diversity with parenting and families. While the text includes information about the history of parenting styles and includes common parenting strategies, there is no information about the intersection of cultural diversity and parenting styles. Pediatric occupational therapy courses emphasize understanding various parenting styles, including the effect of a client’s culture and background. This book did not provide information that would be helpful for this element of study.
Overall, I liked the clear and concise writing of this book. This book is useful resource for understanding the basics of developmental milestones, family theory, child-rearing strategies, and the other key topics. I could use this book to help students understand current parenting strategies that could be used for children who might require a different approach to parenting.

The content of the text is fairly comprehensive. Overall topics include theory, parenting styles and strategies for discipline, and developmental milestones. The text provides historical references to understand how and why parenting is conducted... read more
The content of the text is fairly comprehensive. Overall topics include theory, parenting styles and strategies for discipline, and developmental milestones. The text provides historical references to understand how and why parenting is conducted the way it is now. This is a good foundational, introductory text that includes a salient focus on a caregiver/family member's own self-awareness. Areas where I would need to supplement would be in the area of cultural differences. The title made me think this would be represented more than it is. I could use this in a sociology of childhood course as one of a few texts.
The content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. Information is backed by cited research and theory.
Content is up-to-date and relevant with broad concepts that will not become obsolete. What isn't addressed are the connections between parenting and cultural differences. Sociocultural differences are mentioned without going into any details. Additionally, connections to other caregivers is alluded to in the beginning without much discussion later as to how these connections impact parenting practices.
The text is written in a clear and efficient manner. Current terminology and jargon are explained well to aid the reader.
The terminology and framework are consistent throughout the text. Information is presented structurally similar in all chapters. The Key Takeaway allows for the chunking of information within the chapter.
The text can easily be assigned in smaller reading sections and used as a supplementary text for specific sections without requiring the reading of previous chapters and sections.
The organization of the text is logical and provides a nice flow of information from section to section and chapter to chapter. The headings and subheadings are helpful.
Navigation throughout the text on a laptop and tablet was easy to manage and hyperlinks worked well. Figures, charts, and pictures were displayed well.
The text did not have any grammatical errors that were noticeable.
This is the area where I expected more from the text based on the title. There wasn't much diversity discussed other than the diverse types of people caring for children. The text has more of a how-to approach to parenting once strategies are discussed rather than discussing the historical background of different groups of people and how that has impacted caregiving. I may have gone into the text with expectations not meant to be met, however. I did appreciate that the key concepts section provided an understanding of how the term "parent" was being used to represent a diverse group of individuals caring for children; however, it would have been nice to agree on one term that was inclusive.
I liked the content of the book. I could use it in a few of my courses as a supplemental text to further explain caregiver styles and strategies.

The content described in the textbook is very comprehensive. Topics include Key concepts of parenting, parenting theory, family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies (guidance and discipline), child-rearing in a variety of... read more
The content described in the textbook is very comprehensive. Topics include Key concepts of parenting, parenting theory, family theories, parenting styles, child-rearing strategies (guidance and discipline), child-rearing in a variety of contexts, and developmental milestones of children. The content in each of these sections is very thoroughly explained and provides a good foundation for understanding families of today while seeing the historical perspective of where family theory has been.
I can see this textbook being used in two different content courses. The first, for an introduction to family theory courses in either psychology or family studies. And, the second, in an early childhood course such as Family and Community Engagement. I would use it in the latter. This textbook covers half of the content for that type of course.
The content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. The authors cite a variety of research theories, theorists, and child development milestones and principles.
All of the content is relevant. I rated it a four as there are other issues that should be addressed if this were to be considered a complete textbook for an early childhood education course on family and community engagement. Other items include ways to engage families and communities, connections between home and school, communication strategies.
The text is written in a clear manner, using current terminology that is pertinent and essential to those in the early childhood field. The parenting theory (historical and theoretical overview) was well written.
The terminology is used consistently throughout the text, and the presentation of the material is structured similarly in all chapters, making it easy to navigate. Some of the sections have bold subheadings or figures/charts. These are helpful to the reader.
The text is easily managed by topic. Each section is distinct. I liked the "Key Takeaway" color-coded box at the bottom of the section. The sections that could be divided if relevant for the course or instructor. The subheadings and overviews at the beginning of each section were also helpful. These were not consistent across every section.
The text was presented in a clear logical fashion. The flow was easy to follow and similar to how the first half of my course is outlined.
The text is easy to read on a screen/computer, and the photos, tables, etc. are clearly displayed. The hyperlinks from the table of contents was very helpful.
The textbook is well-written, with no noticeable grammatical errors.
The text is carefully written almost to the point of being bland. There isn't much (any???) reference to cultural variations and differences in approaches. The first thing that jumped out to me when reading the book is the term "parent" instead of "family" member. Children today are raised in very diverse settings with a variety of caregivers. We tend to use the word family member instead of "parent". Many of the photos in the book are of diverse children/families. The course I teach used to be called "Family and Community partnerships". It was recently changed to be more inclusive and provide a more diverse framework - now titled "Culturally Responsive Family and Community Engagement". This book does not provide the cultural responsiveness component.
Overall, the content of this book will be very useful for instructors teaching about family systems. I find that as a text for Early Childhood education classes (the category I found this book under) it will only be useful as a partial text as this is the content for only half of the class. I will need to supplement with other materials to cover other topics (what family engagement looks like, communication strategies, connecting to home and community, culturally responsive approaches, and building on families' "funds of knowledge".
Table of Contents
- I. Key Concepts
- II. Parenting Theory
- III. Family Theories
- IV. Parenting Styles
- V. Child-Rearing Strategies
- VI. Child-rearing in a Variety of Contexts
- VII. Developmental Milestones
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts. It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.
About the Contributors
Dr. Lang is an Associate Teaching Professor at Iowa State University who teaches a variety of courses within the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. She is also a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) which is recognized in the U.S. and Canada for Family Life Education professions. Her areas of interest include adoption, parenting, parent-child communications, topic avoidance, individual and family development across the life span, policy, professional orientation and service learning, and human sexuality education. She is the proud parent of two adult children and is the volunteer executive director and founder of a non-profit organization that promotes adoption as a positive parenting option.