Aprendiendo a Programar en Python con mi Computador: Primeros pasos rumbo a cómputos de gran escala en las Ciencias e Ingenierías
Sergio Rojas, Universidad Simón Bolívar
Héctor Fernández, Universidad de Oriente
Juan Carlos Ruiz, Universidad de Oriente-Venezuela
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9789801286943
Publisher: LATIn Project
Language: Spanish; Castilian
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This book declares that it is geared toward students of sciences and engineering. Readers well versed in these topics could have a great time reading this book. Essentially, they can see how a language like Python can assist them in solving many... read more
This book declares that it is geared toward students of sciences and engineering. Readers well versed in these topics could have a great time reading this book. Essentially, they can see how a language like Python can assist them in solving many of their engineering difficulties.
I enjoy how the book includes a lot of other resources (such as URL links) that readers may use to further their Python knowledge.
More visual content, in my opinion, is essential.
Figures, in my opinion, and based on my experience, are required to clarify some of the concepts.
When teaching the concept of loops, for example, it is advisable to present a novice programmer a figure with the diagram for a certain type of loop, as well as an example and a table to explain how variables change on each iteration.
Overall, I believe that this book benefits specific types of readers who have greater knowledge and expertise with mathematical concepts and are adept at solving problems of this nature.
Relative Error and Mathematical Induction Proofs, for example, are high-level subjects covered in the book.
I'd recommend this book to higher-level readers who need to learn how to code in order to address problems that are comparable to the ones offered as examples.
There were no serious content issues that I could discover, and the text appeared to be correct.
However, the book fails to indicate that Python is already installed on Linux-based PCs.
The book seems to provide generic installation instructions for Python and Anaconda. The instructions, however, are mostly applicable to a Linux system. The directions will be difficult to follow for Windows users.
The content presented in this book is current. It uses Python 3, and the libraries presented are also available.
The examples in the book are succinct, but I don't think they'll be easy to follow for someone who is new to Python and with not much experience in Math.
Readers may be intimidated by the examples since they employ complicated mathematical operations. In Chapter 5, for instance, the "Bisection method to calculate real roots of one-dimensional functions" is used as an example.
The language and terminology used in the chapters are consistent.
Every chapter includes examples of mathematical concepts and how Python may be used to solve problems connected to them.
The book is divided into chapters that address various topics.
Some chapters, such as Chapter 5, could be split. This chapter covers numerous concepts that should be covered in separate chapters of the book.
The concepts of lists, tuples, and dictionaries, for example, should be combined into a single chapter.
As it is, these essential topics are underserved in terms of coverage.
Loops and Functions, likewise, should be separate chapters. More discussion about these subjects can be developed in this manner, and the reader will not be overwhelmed by the amount of material presented in a single chapter.
Overall, the layout of this book is logical. Some topics, however, are not covered in the order that most introductory books do. Lists, tuples, and dictionaries, for example, are frequently displayed before functions.
Another point to consider is the Appendices. They're just in a few chapters. Similarly, I believe that some of the information offered in them (for example, A1 in Chapter 4) should be included in the chapter rather than as an appendix. Appendices are commonly considered as optional reading by readers.
The book is available as a PDF file. The external website link works, and interested readers can download the book without difficulty.
I could not find any grammatical errors.
There is no offensive language in the text.
Overall, I consider this book to be helpful for university-level students and with orientation in Mathematical Sciences.
However, I believe that the book may be overwhelming to students from non-math backgrounds, as the examples supplied may be intimidating.
This could also be the case for younger kids who have no prior math experience at this level.
Table of Contents
Índice general
- 1 Obteniendo, instalando y probando la infraestructura computacional necesaria
- para programar en Python
- 2 Primeros pasos en Python
- 3 Variables en Python
- 4 Ejecución condicional en Python con la instrucción if
- 5 Funciones y ejecución repetitiva en Python con las instrucciones for y while
- 6 Entrada y salida de datos en Python
- 7 Visualización y gráfica de datos en Python
- 8 Epílogo y bosquejo de un caso de estudio
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Este libro está dirigido, principalmente, a Estudiantes y Docentes que quieren aprender a programarcomo forma de fortalecer sus capacidades cognoscitivas y así obtener un beneficio adicional de su computador para lograr un mejor provecho de sus estudios. Dada la orientación del libro respecto a programar para resolver problemas asociados a las Ciencias e Ingenierías, el requisito mínimo de matemáticas que hemos elegido para presentar el contenido del mismo se cubre, normalmente, en el tercer año del bachillerato. No obstante, el requisito no es obligatorio para leer el libro en su totalidad y adquirir los conocimientos de programación obviando el contenido matemático.
About the Contributors
Sergio Rojas es Profesor Titular, adscrito al Departamento de Física de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela. En 1991 se graduó como Licenciado en Física, en la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Sucre, Venezuela, realizando su tesis de grado en Relatividad Numérica. Luego, en 1998, Sergio se obtuvo el grado Ph.D. en Física en el City College of the City University of New York, USA, donde realizó trabajo de investigación en el área de la Física de Fluidos en Medios Porosos. Luego, en el 2001, Sergio obtuvo el grado de Máster en Finanzas Computacionales del Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Oregon, USA.
El Dr. Héctor José Fernández Marín, obtuvo el título de Licenciado en Física en la Universidad de Oriente (UDO) en 1991 y desde entonces ha incursionado en la investigación y desarrollo de estudios relacionados con esta área, alcanzando el título de Magister Scientiarum en Física (UDO) y, posteriormente, Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Física (UCV).
Con la firme convicción de que a través de la educación se forja el éxito del mañana, se dedicó a impartir y difundir sus conocimientos como docente en las aulas de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre (Unexpo) y, como investigador, en las instalaciones de la UDO, UCV, IVIC (Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas de Venezuela) entre otros, a través del intercambio de experiencias y la enseñanza creativa, incorporando a la física elementos propios de la historia y la poesía, logrando así, cautivar la atención de los estudiantes y demás colegas.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Gómez, Profesor adscrito al Departamento de Física de la Universidad de Oriente-Venezuela. es Dr en Física de la Materia Condensada (ULA), M. Sc. en Física (UDO) y Lic en Física (UDO). Sus actividades académicas se centran en torno a la así denominada Física Computacional en el ámbito de la simulación aplicada a la nanociencia.
Desde estudiante le ha apasionado la computación, obteniendo en forma autodidacta destrezas en lenguajes de programación Fortran, BASIC, Pascal, C/C++ y Python. Ha incursionado en la programación y el uso del microcontrolador Arduino. Entusiasta del software libre, es un convencido de que el saber humano debe estar a la disposición y de cualquier interesado y que los mecanismos que coartan la difusión de conocimiento deben desaparecer. Considera que los estados deben fomentar y apoyar más activamente el desarrollo de conocimiento libre en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida con especial énfasis en el software y hardware libres.