Genre in a Changing World
Charles Bazerman, University of California, Santa Barbara
Adair Bonini, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Débora Figueiredo
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781602351271
Publisher: WAC Clearinghouse
Language: English
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As a reader, this text is a strong collection of scholarship on genre studies. I have come across many of the authors in my graduate work and this contains many important readings on the topic (ie Devitt, Bazerman, and Swales). I did not find an... read more
As a reader, this text is a strong collection of scholarship on genre studies. I have come across many of the authors in my graduate work and this contains many important readings on the topic (ie Devitt, Bazerman, and Swales).
I did not find an index or glossary, but this is a scholarly reader on a topic, so I did not expect it.
As a reader, this text is a compilation of a wide range of perspectives on the topic of genre.
Its purpose is to provide a large view of perspectives on genre, which it does.
Genre studies is a relatively new and growing field and, as a large collection of scholarship on the field, I do see this is incredibly relevant. It will be an important reader for anyone looking to understand major topics in genre in the coming years.
Although there is no language or jargon, this text is not appropriate for most undergraduate level courses. Understanding genre requires some theoretical background in composition and rhetoric. Students at the graduate level would be comfortable. Upper level undergraduate students in comp/rhet may be challenged.
Since chapters are readings by various authors, it's difficult to answer this question.
The text is divided into five parts: Advances in Genre Theories, Genre and Professions, Genre and Media, Genre in Teaching and Learning, and Genre in Writing Across the Curriculum. While the first three parts will help upper level students in composition and rhetoric, the last two really are more for faculty (or aspiring faculty) in the field. In particular, the emphasis on WAC is more relevant to administrative faculty making programmatic decisions.
Each part contains four to six readings. Faculty will likely select some readings rather than assign the entirety of the text, which is appropriate with this type of text.
A strong introduction by the editors places the textin context and sets up the five parts of the book. Most of the work in this field of has developed over the last 20 years. Authors provide a very strong background to set up the readings and mention the seminal writings and texts in the field, such as Carolyn Miller's Genre as Social Action.
The PDF format functions exactly like a print copy of a scholarly book. I did not notice any distortions and navigated by scrolling through. It was simple to search the book for key terms. I was not able to open the epub version.
Authors come from a wide number of countries. The text is not insensitive or offensive.
This is a fantastic reader for those new to Genre, particularly for graduate students and researchers in the field of Composition and Rhetoric.
Part 3: Genre and Media is particularly interesting.
Emphasis on Writing Across the Curriculum will be relevant to scholars in the field looking to grow or inform administrative decisions about WAC.
This text is not appropriate for introductory writing courses.

The textbook covers genre from multiple angles. The book could be easily adapted for a range of graduated level courses. I can see this book especially being used for Rhetoric courses in English departments or for Education courses, as the... read more
The textbook covers genre from multiple angles. The book could be easily adapted for a range of graduated level courses. I can see this book especially being used for Rhetoric courses in English departments or for Education courses, as the collection attends to the ways in which genre shapes discourse and learning. I would say that, because of the complex approach to genre that this would not be appropriate outside of graduate level courses. I don't see this being useful for undergraduates.
The essays appear objective and accurate. The scholars are convincingly knowledgeable about genre and the essays are well-researched. Most of the essayists are responding to recognizable theorists and clearly outline accurate understanding of these theorists' work while presenting new, and interesting, arguments.
As the book was published in 2009, I'm sure that there are new discussions on the material. However, the editors could easily go in and add new essays to each section and could simply add an additional preface that explained new material and the need for the additions.
Most of the essays are quite clear, and a few actually bold their terms and define them. Most are discipline-specific, so there are technical terms, but with the right context (meaning, for instance, for graduate students learning about the discipline), the terms are appropriate and understandable.
The textbook covers genre from various angles, so the terminology and use varies by discipline, but this is appropriate given the book is meant to be useful for several fields.
The work is divded into five larger sections: Advances in Genre Theories, Genre in the Professions, Genre and Media, Genre in Teaching and Learning and Genre in Writing Across the Curriculum. Within each larger section, there are roughly 3-5 essays that stand alone. Thus, the textbook could be used in many ways: professors could assign a large section of essays and explore that topic in depth, or for more basic classes, individual essays could be assigned.
The collection is well-organized, especially for the wide range of topics discussed. The arrangement of the essays is clear and their connection to one another is obvious. Most of the essays include sub-headings, which would make them even easier to assign, as professors could assign "chunks" of the essays for their students. Furthermore, the notes and bibliography are listed at the end of each essay, which again, makes it easy for professors to assign single essays.
The margins differ, at times, between various pages. If this were printed, the effect would not be so noticeable (especially if it were bound), but when uploaded through PDF, it is a little distracting. Additionally, some of the images are blurry.
The essays are well-edited and contain few errors.
The textbook is very inclusive. It uses authors' work from all over the world, suggests that our understanding of genre needs to shift in a globalized world, and is very respectful of other cultures.
Table of Contents
- Introduction, Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo
Part 1: Advances in Genre Theories
- Worlds of Genre - Metaphors of Genre, John M. Swales
- From Speech Genres to Mediated Multimodal Genre Systems: Bakhtin, Voloshinov, and the Question of Writing, Paul Prior
- To Describe Genres: Problems and Strategies, Maria Antónia Coutinho and Florencia Miranda
- Relevance and Genre: Theoretical and Conceptual Interfaces, Fábio José Rauen
Part 2: Genre and the Professions
- Accusation and Defense: The Ideational Metafunction of Language in the Genre Closing Argument, Cristiane Fuzer and Nina Célia Barros
- The Sociohistorical Constitution of the Genre Legal Booklet: A Critical Approach, Leonardo Mozdzenski
- Uptake and the Biomedical Subject, Kimberly K. Emmons
- Stories of Becoming: A Study of Novice Engineers Learning Genres of Their Profession, Natasha Artemeva
- The Dissertation as Multi-Genre: Many Readers, Many Readings, Anthony Paré, Doreen Starke-Meyerring, and Lynn McAlpine
Part 3: Genre and Media
- The Distinction Between News and Reportage in the Brazilian Journalistic Context: A Matter of Degree, Adair Bonini
- The Organization and Functions of the Press Dossier: The Case of Media Discourse on the Environment in Portugal, Rui Ramos
- Multi-semiotic Communication in an Australian Broadsheet: A New News Story Genre, Helen Caple
- Narrative and Identity Formation: An Analysis of Media Personal Accounts from Patients of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo
Part 4: Genre in Teaching and Learning
- Genre and Cognitive Development: Beyond Writing to Learn, Charles Bazerman
- Bakhtin Circle's Speech Genres Theory: Tools for a Transdisciplinary Analysis of Utterances in Didactic Practices, Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo
- The Role of Context in Academic Text Production and Writing Pedagogy, Désirée Motta-Roth
- Teaching Critical Genre Awareness, Amy Devitt
- Curricular Proposal of Santa Catarina State: Assessing the Route, Opening Paths, Maria Marta Furlanetto
- Intertextual Analysis of Finnish EFL Textbooks: Genre Embedding as Recontextualization, Salla Lähdesmäki
Part 5: Genre in Writing Across the Curriculum
- Exploring Notions of Genre in "Academic Literacies" and "Writing Across the Curriculum": Approaches Across Countries and Contexts , David R. Russell, Mary Lea Jan Parker, Brian Street, and Tiane Donahue
- Genre and Disciplinary Work in French Didactics Research, Tiane Donahue
- Negotiating Genre: Lecturer's Awareness in Genre Across the Curriculum Project at the University Level, Estela Inés Moyano
- The Development of a Genre-Based Writing Course for Graduate Students in Two Fields, Solange Aranha
- Written Genres in University Studies: Evidence from an Academic Corpus of Spanish in Four Disciplines, Giovanni Parodi
- Author Affiliations
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Genre studies and genre approaches to literacy instruction continue to develop in many regions and from a widening variety of approaches. Genre has provided a key to understanding the varying literacy cultures of regions, disciplines, professions and educational settings. Genre in a Changing World,edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini, and Débora Figueiredo,provides a wide-ranging sampler of the remarkable variety of current work. The twenty-four chapters in this volume, reflecting the work of scholars in Europe, Australasia, North and South America, were selected from more than 400 presentations at SIGET IV (the Fourth International Symposium on Genre Studies), held on the campus of UNISUL in Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brazil in August 2007—the largest gathering on genre to that date. The chapters also represent a wide variety of approaches including rhetoric, Systemic Functional Linguistics, media and critical cultural studies, sociology, phenomenology, enunciation theory, the Geneva school of educational sequences, cognitive psychology, relevance theory, sociocultural psychology, activity theory, Gestalt psychology, and schema theory. Sections are devoted to theoretical issues, studies of genres in the professions, studies of genre and media, teaching and learning genre, and writing across the curriculum. The broad selection of material in this volume displays the full range of contemporary genre studies and sets the ground for a next generation of work.
About the Contributors
Charles Bazerman, Professor of Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is the author of numerous research articles and books on the social role of writing, academic genres, and textual analysis, as well as textbooks on the teaching of writing.
Adair Bonini, Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Débora Figueiredo