Teaching Methods & Practices
Jason Proctor, Northeastern State University
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2023
Publisher: Open OCO
Language: English
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The text includes essential elements of managing a classroom and planning instruction, including more overt elements (e.g., procedures) and hidden elements (e.g., teacher voice). Each concept is discussed in sufficient detail, with several... read more
The text includes essential elements of managing a classroom and planning instruction, including more overt elements (e.g., procedures) and hidden elements (e.g., teacher voice). Each concept is discussed in sufficient detail, with several examples and a variety of resources embedded within the text. The text enacts Universal Design for Learning principles by providing multiple means of representation to illustrate concepts (e.g., text, videos, podcasts, interviews). Instructors may find it necessary to supplement the text with other readings. For example, the text briefly describes the importance of a positive reinforcement system, but does not provide enough examples that teachers can implement such systems. The text includes thorough information on instructional planning and assessment. The chapter entitled “Responding to Student Needs” provides a very brief overview of instructional strategies for a variety of student populations (i.e., Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, Gifted Learners).
The information presented is accurate and based on research. The author references studies throughout the text to justify strategies and principles. Some statements about student needs hint at deficit-based views (e.g., “modifications alter learning tasks in a manner that lowers expectations…”).
There are a myriad of videos, activities, open resources (e.g., worksheets), and additional resources for deeper learning embedded into the text. This makes for a more engaging and accessible text, and encourages students to interact with the text.
The organization, syntactical structure, and text features facilitate clarity and comprehension. Beginning teachers would find the text approachable and clear.
The text has high internal consistency and uses the same terms, ideas, and concepts throughout.
The text is divided into chapters. Each chapter has several sections. The concepts build on each other to some degree, but could be parsed out or reorganized if necessary to fulfill the goals of the course.
Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, followed by objectives, then sections. Chapters end with a self-reflection and opportunities for deeper learning. There are advanced organizers and summaries of each section to assist in information retention. The chapters follow identical structures.
The text is best viewed on a web browser where students can see the text alongside all interactive elements. Overall, the text looks well-designed across interfaces. Some textbox formatting spills onto another page when downloaded as a PDF, which might confuse the reader. Not all elements transfer to the PDF, so links are included for students to access all elements.
No grammar issues were noted.
Examples include students and teachers from several cultural backgrounds. The text could more explicitly address how teachers’ biases affect their view of classroom behavior, though it does address this in terms of whose “problem” a behavior is.
This book provides a thorough, accessible, engaging introduction to foundations of managing a classroom and planning instruction. Beginning teachers may consider this text as a friendly, concise guide to help them in their first few months in the classroom. Alongside supplemental material, educator preparation programs may find this text to be a good fit for an introductory course in teaching, classroom management, and/or assessment.
Table of Contents
- About the Book
- About Annotation
- Managing Learner Behavior
- Classroom Norms & Procedures
- Teacher Voice
- Classroom Layout & Teacher Radar
- Individual Student Corrections
- Using Questions to Engage & Assess
- Cooperative Learning
- Planning Instruction & Assessment
- Identifying Learning Outcomes
- Planning Assessments
- Developing Rubrics & Scoring Guides
- Responding to Student Needs
- Planning Instruction & Learning Experiences
- Scoring & Grading Practices
- Appendix
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This book is intended to serve as a resource for novice teachers as they master the art of effective classroom management, assessment, and lesson planning. At the undergraduate level, this book is designed to accompany the instruction in the EDUC 4353: Secondary Teaching Methods & Practices course before the full-internship experience. At the graduate level, this book is designed to support the instruction in the EDUC 5283: Teaching Methods course with a special focus on supporting Alternatively Certified Educators. Each chapter presents a component of the teaching and learning process critical for teacher development and describes how that component is relevant to the classroom.
About the Contributors
Dr. Jason Proctor, Northeastern State University