Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition
Josh Franco, Cuyamaca College
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2023
ISBN 13: 9781735198019
Publisher: Open Political Science (OPoliSci)
Language: English
Formats Available
Conditions of Use

This textbook is highly comprehensive from the point of view of presenting how to use STATA, beginning with how to open the program and manage files to advance topics that include analyzing panel data and survival analysis. It does not have a... read more
This textbook is highly comprehensive from the point of view of presenting how to use STATA, beginning with how to open the program and manage files to advance topics that include analyzing panel data and survival analysis. It does not have a glossary or a list of definitions but it presents material in a way that explains the content in a straightforward way.
The textbook presents fundamental and complex analysis in a way that is easy to understand.
Since this book covers the use of STATA, it is likely to be relevant for a long time. Sometimes there will be new commands that are introduced by STATA, thus suggesting the need for revision. However, unlike commercial textbooks that are frequently updated with new editions, this textbook will likely not be updated as often, allowing the instructor to not need to update their course material on a regular basis.
This textbook explains complex topics in a clear way. It includes numerous screenshots from STATA with a clear presentation of the syntax used, making it an effective teaching/learning tool for students at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate students.
The chapters present different elements, such as explanations and exercise, in a consistent manner, making it easy for instructors to build a course around it.
No single section is more than a few pages. Each chapter and section is clearly named, making it possible for instructors to assign the right chapters, depending on the nature and level of the course. The more advanced topics/chapters will be more appropriate for advanced students, for example.
This book is well organized, presenting material from basic to more advanced topics.
The textbook includes numerous URLs. At the time of this review, they all work.
The textbook is free from grammatical errors.
The book gives examples that include diverse individuals.
I have built a course around this textbook and look forward to getting feedback from students.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- List of Figures
- Acknowledgements
- Chapter 1 - Overview
- Chapter 2 - Stata Software Tour and Getting Started
- Chapter 3 - Datasets: Cross-section, Time Series, and Panel
- Chapter 4 - Data Management
- Chapter 5 - Descriptive Statistics
- Chapter 6 - Model Selection
- Chapter 7 - Linear Models
- Chapter 8 - Binary Outcome Models
- Chapter 9 - Ordinal Outcome Models
- Chapter 10 - Categorical Outcome Models
- Chapter 11 - Count Outcome Models
- Chapter 12 - Panel Data Linear Models
- Chapter 13 - Panel Data Binary Outcome Models
- Chapter 14 - Panel Data Ordinal Outcome Models
- Chapter 15 - Panel Data Categorical Outcome Models
- Chapter 16 - Panel Data Count Outcome Models
- Chapter 17 - Survival Modes
- Chapter 18 - Share
- Chapter 19 - Reflection
- References
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Polimetrics: A Stata Companion, authored by Dr. Josh Franco, is an Open Education Resource workbook licensed CC BY-NC and designed as a Stata companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods.
This workbook provides a tour of the Stata software, an introduction to cross-sectional, time series, and panel data, and an introduction to a variety of models. I review models where the outcome is linear, binary, ordinal, categorical, and count. Additionally, I have an interpretation chapter on survival models.
Each “Models” chapter has a similar organizational structure: about, estimated time, what is the model, how are models run in Stata, how do we interpret the model results, and a real-world example of model results in a Creative Commons licensed, peer-reviewed journal article. Additionally, mini-assignment instructions and a rubric are included so students can practice their interpretation skills.
About the Contributors
Dr. Josh Franco, Cuyamaca College