Estrategias de enseñanza - aprendizaje en la educación superior: Una experiencia en la ESPOCH
Norma del Rocío Toledo Castillo, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
Norma Yolanda Villacís Venegas, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Sede Morona Santiago
Isabel Romané Peñafiel Moncayo, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2023
Publisher: Ciencia Digital Editorial
Language: Spanish; Castilian
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While this text only consists of three chapters, each chapter has many subsections. Each chapter topic is covered very appropriately and thoroughly. The chapters and corresponding subtopics are sequenced appropriately, and the information builds... read more
While this text only consists of three chapters, each chapter has many subsections. Each chapter topic is covered very appropriately and thoroughly. The chapters and corresponding subtopics are sequenced appropriately, and the information builds on to each topic as you progress through the text. The text does not include a glossary or index, but it does define terms within the text, and includes a large number of tables and figures to further define and explain key concepts.
The content is accurate, error free, and unbiased, and is always backed by research in the field. While the authors propose many effective strategies to use in the teaching-learning process, the suggestions are always backed with citations from peer reviewed journals, articles and texts.
The content is not only up-to-date, but is incredibly relevant, and not just for higher education, but for all teaching and learning in the PK-12 system as well. The information is timeless as it connects to teaching and learning theory that dates back to the 1970s, yet is still used in the preparation of teachers today. There are approximately 30 references in the bibliography that are older than 10 years, but the remaining 155 (approx). are publications from within the last 10 years, which supports the up-to-date nature of the text information. Updates can easily be added to this text in each chapter since chapter 1 has room to add more research based strategies, chapter 2 has a section on virtual education that can clearly be added to as we discover more effective practices in that area, and chapter 3 can be expanded with additional case studies as more are conducted.
The writing style lends itself to easy reading. This text is written in a way that is accessible to practitioners and can be applied to everyday teaching in an instant. Any unfamiliar terminology is defined within the text, or through tables, figures and visuals. The Spanish used is comprehensible for someone who speaks Spanish as an additional language.
This text is consistent and aligned, and the terminology and framework builds appropriately within each chapter and between the chapters. All of the information in the text is in line with the title and overall topics.
The text is composed of chapters with various subsections in each chapter. All chapters and subsections are well labeled with titles, subheadings etc. and are easily divisible. The entire text doesn't need to be used in one course, as the organization lends itself to using portions of the text that can be used for specific course topics. If the entire text is used, it can be used in chunks that make sense for the course flow and pacing.
The text is incredibly well organized, and is aligned across chapters and within chapters. It is very easy to follow and the chapters can stand alone, but also build on each other appropriately.
This text is free of issues and easy to navigate in order to find salient information. It is full of visuals, figures, tables, and lists that are all easy to see and read. Links are also included in case the reader would want to see the images in a larger size.
The grammar is error free and appropriate. It keeps the reader engaged and creates a very comprehensible text.
While neither positive nor negative references were directly made about any race, ethnicity, or background, the information in the text can be applied to any and all teachers and learners. The text is written and designed to be applied to all teaching and learning universally.
I will definitely be using portions of this text in four different courses that are offered bilingually.
Table of Contents
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Los cambios experimentados en los últimos años en el contexto científico-tecnológico y educativo, han revolucionado las formas de pensar y actuar. Ante esto la comunidad educativa en los diferentes niveles de enseñanza, incluyendo la Educación Superior, se han visto en la necesidad de repensar y adaptar las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje para poder dar respuestas a la diversidad existente en cada grupo escolar y nivel de enseñanza.
En el caso de la Educación Superior lo expuesto a presupuesto no sólo, el diseño de nuevos modelos educativos y curriculares, sino también ha implicado un hacer pedagógico y didáctico diferente, frente a un alumnado permeado por los avances tecnológicos, con aspiraciones y necesidades cada vez más creciente. Es por ello que el hecho de enseñar en los tiempos modernos en el contexto de la Educación Superior exige contar con un profesorado altamente calificado, preparado y competente, capaz de hacer frente a un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje donde los estudiantes deben ser gestores de su propio aprendizaje y los docentes facilitadores de las estrategias de enseñanza para el logro de un aprendizaje que fomente la formación integral y la preparación para la inserción laboral de forma adecuada.
About the Contributors
Norma del Rocío Toledo Castillo, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
Norma Yolanda Villacís Venegas, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Sede Morona Santiago
Isabel Romané Peñafiel Moncayo, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo