Supporting Technology Integration for School Leaders
Howard Pitler, Emporia, Kansas
Publisher: EdTech Books
Language: English
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The field of technology integration could never be covered in one book, but the author is able to successfully provide readers with a review of where we have been in education to where we are now as well as offer suggestions and resources to... read more
The field of technology integration could never be covered in one book, but the author is able to successfully provide readers with a review of where we have been in education to where we are now as well as offer suggestions and resources to ensure educators utilize technology to enhance instruction, student engagement, and differentiated instruction.
Content is up-to-date, and the technology integration models selected are pertinent to education at both the PK-12 and Higher Ed levels. The text itself is easy to read and interesting with occasional pictures and graphics to supplement; additional links to pertinent resources are plentiful and helpful. Because the document is available (at the time of this review) in PDF only, the reader does not have access to the videos/audios that are referenced throughout. If noted within the references, however, these could easily be embedded into Canvas (or another learning management system) as appropriate/needed/desired.
As with any resource dealing with technology integration and/or use, current information can be quickly outdated. The author, however, provided current and relevant content referencing COVID, social media, digital citizenship, and meaningful teacher blogs. Having published in January, 2023, the information could be easily updated as time progresses.
The use of headings, graphics, and conversational language make the book easy to read and digest. Supplemental information and activities could be included by an instructor to expand on each chapter without having to alter what is already present.
Each chapter includes a title, learning objectives, content, and application activities. Links to additional resources are provided and graphics help to further clarify concepts such as models and taxonomies.
The textbook is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter could serve as a modular focus for an accelerated course or as the basis for a two-week span for a traditional semester-length course.
The book was organized in a manner that made the text easy to navigate and digest. The applications build in complexity from beginning of the text to the end allowing to students to build upon their own understanding to a newer understanding through creation of product.
While there are some missing videos/audios, that may be due to the PDF format and could easily be rectified via Canvas or other learning management system. At the time of this review, PDF is the only version available.
I did not see any grammatical errors.
I did not note any cultural bias in the book. I appreciated that this text could be available to students in higher education resulting in reducing textbook costs as well as providing them with updated information that would not be available in most textbooks.
The author had my attention from the start by comparing technology to a tool. This aligned perfectly with my own philosophy of technology integration that the right tool is needed for the job and that while using a tool just to use one is not effective, using the right tool in the appropriate manner can be empowering for students and teachers. I could definitely see myself using the majority of this book in a teacher education course that focused on or included technology integration.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1- Looking in The Rearview Mirror
- Chapter 2- Device Possibilities and Resources
- Chapter 3- Models, Methods, and Modalities
- Chapter 4- Movements
- Chapter 5- Differentiated Learning
- Chapter 6- Digital Safety and Digital Citizenship
- Chapter 7- Pedagogical Implication, Putting it All Together
- References
- Back Matter
- Author Information
- Citation Information
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook is written as the primary resource for a 3-hour graduate course delivered online by The Teachers College at Emporia State University. The course is designed to prepare school leaders (teachers, instructional coaches, administrators, etc.) for the integration and application of diverse educational technologies into classrooms and schools in ways that reflect a theoretical, research-based, and practical understanding of curriculum development and the effective uses of technology. The course explores practical ways to integrate technology into both teaching and learning and the critical importance of adequate training and professional development for successful integration. This intensive course is delivered completely online over a seven-week period using Canvas. Canvas is a web-based learning management system or LMS. It is used by learning institutions, educators, and students to access and manage online course learning materials and communicate skill development and learning achievement.
About the Contributors
Dr. Howard Pitler, Associate Professor. I earned my Ed.D. from Wichita State University in Educational Administration. Before joining the ESU Department of School Leadership/Middle and Secondary Teacher Education in 2016, I was the Chief Program Officer with McREL International in Denver, CO.I began my teaching career in 1976 in Wichita, Kansas, USD 259 as a high school band and orchestra director. I became a building-level administrator at the elementary level and then the middle level, all in Wichita. I was named a National Distinguished Principal in 1997 and an Apple Distinguished Educator in 1998. I am the author of Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed., Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed., and A Handbook for Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed, all published by ASCD.I have been married for 49 years and have two wonderful kids, both married to equally wonderful people. More importantly, I have three totally amazing and adorable grandsons, ages 10, 8, and 3. The older boys live near me in the Kansas City area and we enjoy volunteering in their school (pre-COVID) and attending various school and sports activities. The little one lives in Dallas and we try to see him at least once a month and FaceTime frequently.When I am not teaching you will find me and my wife riding our Harley. I am also an active volunteer for my congregation and serve as Vice President. I hope you enjoy this course and I look forward to getting to know you, as much as an online course permits