Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond
Bronte van der Hoorn, University of Southern Queensland
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9780648769866
Publisher: University of Southern Queensland
Language: English
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The book is very thorough, beginning with the theory of visualization and some basic design concepts. There are also templates available for download which can be customized and used immediately. read more
The book is very thorough, beginning with the theory of visualization and some basic design concepts. There are also templates available for download which can be customized and used immediately.
No errors identified.
The book contains multiple reference points about how software is continuing to evolve in this area. These links could be easily updated in the future. However, the concept of organizing the layout, the colors, and developing the message that you want to ensure that you are communicating has lasting value. The author has provided visuals using the same content and showing how design and display can enhance or distract from the messaging.
Concise with supporting links for additional information within the text and at the end of each section with the chapter summary and additional recommended reading. Sections have enough depth of material, but are not to the point of being overwhelming by introducing too many concepts.
Very well organized and the pattern is followed throughout the text. Videos are also often incorporated into the sections.
Sections are clearly identified and it was easy to navigate between the sections.
The structure was great. If you wanted the theory behind some of the concepts, that was provided. A user could easily navigate and use each of the sections independently of one another.
No issues identified.
No issues identified.
The author had some reference points on design principals in different cultures. There was a great chart on cultural perspectives for colors that are used in design and how they might be interpreted by a multicultural audience.
Overall, I thought this was a well-written and concise book that could be used to provide the background on visualization. The customizable templates are also a bonus feature!

The OER covers the subject extensively and appropriately. However, it does not provide an index or glossary to find specific concepts. read more
The OER covers the subject extensively and appropriately. However, it does not provide an index or glossary to find specific concepts.
I did not find any inaccurate or biased information in this OER.
The information offered in this OER will last for an extended time before needing a major update.
Thinking from an undergraduate student perspective, I found this OER to be an easy read and often enjoyable because it did not over complicate the concepts. The visuals (pictures and videos) complimented the materials nicely as well.
This OER is consistent throughout.
This OER can be easily broken down into modules or weekly readings for an academic course. The author also provides recommended readings which add value to the learning process.
I found the OER to be well organized and I would not recommend any changes at this time.
The OER is free of interface issues. I particularly enjoyed the use of HTML5 content.
The OER contained no grammatical errors that stood out.
The OER is not culturally insensitive or offensive.
Our world is depending more and more on visuals to convey our messages. Project management is no different. Visuals, like the ones discussed and offered as examples in this OER, can simplify complex information into an easy to read format.

I evaluated this book to incorporate into a specific module in a sales class. It provides all of the information the students would need to develop a professional presentation. It includes the basics and more in-depth information. The concepts in... read more
I evaluated this book to incorporate into a specific module in a sales class. It provides all of the information the students would need to develop a professional presentation. It includes the basics and more in-depth information. The concepts in this book will help students develop professional presentations in all of their classes!
I found the content to be accurate, error-free and unbiased.
As many presentations occur virtually, content in this subject could be obsolete very quickly. This is not specific to this book or this author, but any virtual/digital content in general.
I evaluated this book to use for a specific module in a sales class. Although the primary focus of our course isn't visuals, I feel the book avoided technical terminology and could be used in a variety of disciplines.
Content organization is consistent between chapters.
I found the book easy to follow. I enjoyed the videos in each chapter - they were relevant and a nice break in the reading. I think my students will also appreciate this.
The concepts are clear and easy to follow. Real-world examples and videos are incorporated throughout.
The table of contents was easy to locate and navigate. All of the videos and other links within the book that I clicked on worked.
This book does not contain grammatical errors.
The characters depicted in images are "stick figure"-type drawings, so they are not one particular race/ethnicity/background. I do not find this book insensitive or offensive in any way.
Table of Contents
- Part A: Get visual, build influence, drive action
- 1. A call to visualise
- 2. The science of visuals
- 3. Visuals in project work
- Part B: Visual fundamentals
- 4. Tools for creating visuals
- 5. Visual norms and styling
- 6. The design process
- Part C: Visual archetypes for project management
- Archetype 1: Comparison between options
- Archetype 2: Comparison over time
- Archetype 3: Variable-based comparison
- Archetype 4: Sequence - timeline of activities
- Archetype 5: Sequence - process timeline
- Archetype 6: Reasons and drivers
- Archetype 7: Anticipated outcomes or benefits
- Archetype 8: Related items
- Archetype 9: Hierarchy of items
- Archetype 10: Comparison of relative values
- Archetype 11: Pictorial - contributions of parts to outcomes
- Archetype 12: Progress tracking
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
‘Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond’ is a practical guide with 24 visuals to download, adapt and deploy to engage your stakeholders. This practical guide will build your confidence and practical skills to quickly and effectively leverage the benefits of visuals to maximise your influence.
About the Contributors
Dr Bronte van der Hoorn is a project management academic with a strong practice background. Her project management experience ranges from government, to finance, and education with a particular focus on stakeholder and change management. Bronte uses visuals extensively in her own work and alongside her research interest in this area, she is committed to supporting other project managers to build their visualisation skills. Bronte publishes in international peer-reviewed project management journals and presents her research at various forums across the globe. Bronte can be contacted at Bronte.VanDerHoorn@usq.edu.au.