Human Development
Human Development Teaching and Learning Group, Portland State University
Copyright Year:
Publisher: Portland State University Library
Language: English
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The text Human Development is mostly comprehensive. It covers the major developmental categories from prenatal development to late adulthood. The general index is comprehensive, but further investigation placed conception and prenatal development... read more
The text Human Development is mostly comprehensive. It covers the major developmental categories from prenatal development to late adulthood. The general index is comprehensive, but further investigation placed conception and prenatal development under infancy. They really are separate developmental stages, and I would prefer that each be identified as its own developmental stage.
Also, family is between infancy and early childhood. I get the reason, but maybe that could be a section in each developmental stage and added in the adult sections.
One missing part of this book is occupational development across the lifespan, e.g., chores, play, and the idea of making money in adolescence. The text does discuss vocational development, but I would like to see occupational development and interests as a precursor to this section.
This textbook presents accurate information. I enjoy that it is not afraid to discuss some of the social terms associated with development that are unpopular in society. It comes from an angle of educating without bias. There is a great mix of science and meta concepts, which encourage the reader to think. Also, there is a good mix of historical presentation with insights from current science to accept or reject the theories.
This text includes social justice concepts, which can be controversial in today's climate. I would choose this text for those presented, but others may not.
This text contains the most up-to-date information I have found in my review of developmental texts. It also references the current year throughout, which is helpful to today's learners. Many of the topics and the way they were presented in this text are written so that they will be relevant for an extended period. Minimal updates should be needed in the next couple of years.
The supplemental materials are very relevant but may need some updates as this text ages.
Throughout the text, jargon or technical terminology is used efficiently and is often defined after the term to help the reader understand the term. I like that each section has objectives for the section and is clear on the concepts learned in each section.
Each of the chapters or sections of this text follows a similar pattern and discusses similar concepts as the developmental stages move through the lifespan. This helps the reader follow along without difficulty.
Overall, the text is organized in a lifespan developmental manner from conception to death. It also starts with overall concepts that may thread through all of the developmental levels at the beginning to set the stage for how to think about what they present in later chapters.
This text is very efficient and organized so that I, as an instructor, could subdivide the units into weeks of a course. It has seven major divisions of development and three overall thinking sections. I would love to see more division in areas of motor, social-emotional, cognitive, and occupational within the units. This way, we could elongate the learning to a 15-week semester, which is pretty standard.
Not much comment on this area. The text is very organized and has a logical flow.
This text is free of distortion or poorly adapted images. It has several images and embedded videos which worked perfectly as I read through the content. I didn't have any navigation problems. The index is positioned along the side and lets me navigate anywhere I want very quickly.
No major concerns were noted in grammar.
This text is sensitive and comprehensive to cultures and flexible thinking. It presents some concepts that may be seen as insensitive or argumentative in a very scientific way with up-to-date references. Some sections of each unit take a social justice approach.
Overall, I like the way the book is organized, the amount of information, and their approaches to the human side of development. I would like to use this book in the future.

This text covers all major age periods from conception to death. Although large parts of the text were adapted from the OER book of Lally and Valentine-French (which I’m currently using for my class), the authors of this text omitted sections on... read more
This text covers all major age periods from conception to death. Although large parts of the text were adapted from the OER book of Lally and Valentine-French (which I’m currently using for my class), the authors of this text omitted sections on physical development (for early and middle childhood, etc.). As physical development is interconnected with other areas of human development, I believe that this omission can be considered a major weakness. The authors did not include any index or glossary.
The content appears to be accurate overall.
The authors included recent citations and statistics (relative to their publication in 2021) while maintaining the content on classical studies, theories, etc. I hope that the authors will continue to release new editions periodically by citing the latest studies.
The text is written in a reasonably clear manner and easy to understand, but I saw multiple issues that could cause confusion. First, possibly because large parts of the text were adapted from previous OER texts or other resources, the numbers of some tables/figures do not match those mentioned in the main text. For example, the main text in the Emerging Adulthood & Cognition chapter states “As can be seen in Figure 20.2, gender differences in living arrangements were also noted in that…”, but it should have referred to Figure 8.2. There are multiple such examples. Also, the Late Adulthood chapter states “In the last chapter, you read about the visual changes that were beginning in middle adulthood”, but visual changes are not addressed in the “last chapter” on middle adulthood (which is probably related to the omission of physical development as mentioned earlier). The authors did not provide the definitions of key terms, such as primary aging vs. secondary aging (which were mentioned in the Death, Dying, & Bereavement chapter).
Although there are some inconsistencies (e.g., some chapters have learning objectives while others don’t), the text is consistent overall having specific topics for each age period.
Each chapter has a reasonable amount of content, and I consider this text to be modular. However, for the parts that I mentioned next as an issue in terms of organization, I might have difficulty assigning readings (from multiple chapters) on a certain topic to my students.
Although addressing age periods in order (from earlier to later age periods) could make it easy for readers to follow, I don’t think that the organization of the chapters on adult development is optimal. For example, “family life cycle” is included in the Early Adulthood chapter, but the content concerns middle and late adulthood as well as early adulthood, and intelligence addressed in the Middle Adulthood chapter also concerns other periods of adulthood. I thought that for adulthood, organizing chapters based on each area of development or each specific developmental topic/issue (rather than dividing them into early, middle, and late adulthood) would work better.
I didn’t experience any interface issues.
I didn’t notice any grammatical errors (though there were some errors as mentioned in my comments on Clarity).
The authors appear to have attempted to address cultural diversity by including relevant citations. The cultural content is not complete or comprehensive, but it reflects the field of developmental research, which needs to be improved.
I appreciate the authors explaining meta-theories well in the first chapter, which would help students see human development from multiple perspectives.

The text covers most areas of human development. There is no index or glossary of terms which will make it harder for students when they need to review materials. The text uses stage approach vs topical approach which makes it easier for students... read more
The text covers most areas of human development. There is no index or glossary of terms which will make it harder for students when they need to review materials. The text uses stage approach vs topical approach which makes it easier for students to follow and integrate the text into courses. The text provides up to date research as the text is continuously updated. The most useful part of the text is to help students to apply the content into their lives, past, present and future. This application is valuable for students in counseling or clinical programs. As the text is not comprehensive enough, if can be used as a supplementary material in higher level students. The text also covers social cultural context briefly, although I believe a more comprehensive discussion on social cultural context would be more beneficial. Content stays in the typical developmental theories and fails to expand ideas and theories. For example, like other human development text books Kohlberg’s moral development is covered however Gilligan’s more feminist based human development model is ignored.
The content appears to be accurate and error-free. Like all other text books in human development, it is still white, hetero, cis centered.
Content is up-to-date and is continuously updated as a “living” text. The text has enough flexibility in it that updating the material is easy.
Writing is easy to follow, somewhat basic for upper-level students. Since there is no index or glossary, the terminology is hard to identify for students.
The text appears to be consistent in structure, flow, terminology and framework.
As a stage-based model, the text is easy to follow and can be used in stage based learning modules. Chapters are shorter so there is no need to divide the text into shorter sections for reading assignments. because there is no index or glossary, it is hard to integrate the text into a topic based approach of teaching human development
Text is using stage based model providing theories and research background first and follows the stages of human development stages. Therefore the content is organized in a logical, straightforward, linear developmental fashion
It is very easy to navigate the text. There are limited charts and images, which makes the text easy to navigate however, visuals are helpful for students.
To my knowledge, there no grammatical errors.
The text attempts to provide social cultural context for discussion of human development, however still like other human development texts, it is white, European, hetero, cis centered. There are no offensive or biased information.
very good overview of basics of human development as n introduction book. not suitable for upper level students

This textbook is fairly comprehensive. The chapters are fairly dense with material, perhaps some areas are more "glossed" over compared to a publisher textbook. Most of the major areas/themes are covered, in good detail. read more
This textbook is fairly comprehensive. The chapters are fairly dense with material, perhaps some areas are more "glossed" over compared to a publisher textbook. Most of the major areas/themes are covered, in good detail.
The textbook appears to be accurate. Some of the publications are a bit dated, but still provide empirical evidence to support the scope of what is being discussed. I did not notice any glaring omissions or issues with the content.
The chapters are condensed, but the material seems up-to-date and relevant. Research is mainly current, or at least within the past few years. Much of the material is consistent with a publisher textbook.
The textbook is fairly easy to read, although the system to use it seemed a bit difficult to use. I am sure this would improve the more one uses this textbook, but the transitions to chapters was not terrific.
The textbook is straight forward in its discussion of the content, some of which may be a bit weak in certain areas.
The textbook is consistent in terms of terminology used, also the framework of of the text itself. The system is a bit difficult to use, but as stated previously this would probably change and improve the more the user used the textbook.
I thought the textbook was broken down in a sensible manner, with content being grouped in an appropriate manner. The chapters have a good amount of content, but are not overwhelming or too long.
The textbook is well-organized. It is laid out in a sensible manner, with topics and issues concentrated into logical themes and areas.
I found the interface to be difficult, not as easy to use as other OER textbooks I have reviewed or used.
There were no grammatical errors that I encountered with the textbook.
The textbook was culturally appropriate; it was not offensive or insensitive in any manner. The textbook was inclusive, providing various cultural, racial and ethnic examples and perspectives.
I really like the content of this textbook. The interface was a bit difficult, but I am sure would improve as one used the textbook.

The text is organized by developmental periods and takes a lifespan approach to the topic of human development. The text covers developmental periods from fertilization through death and presents the material from a multiple-domain perspective.... read more
The text is organized by developmental periods and takes a lifespan approach to the topic of human development. The text covers developmental periods from fertilization through death and presents the material from a multiple-domain perspective. The breadth of material covered in each chapter is broad and includes all the topics you want and expect to find in a quality human developmental text. While I was unable to read every chapter of the text, it appears as if the depth of the content may vary from one section to another where some areas are discussed at great depth (e.g., meta-theories, older adulthood, etc.) and in a way that is clear and should facilitate the ease of understanding of complex topics. At the same time, other concepts or mechanisms of development under different theoretical perspectives are not covered as fully as one might desire if using this text for an upper-level core course. However, with that being said the text offers great supplemental reading suggestions and any instructor can choose which topic to explore more in-depth as needed.
Overall, the content of this text, and the theories and concepts presented, are accurate. The authors are thorough in their coverage in a way that many texts are not, especially as it relates to adulthood and aging. The chapters related to adulthood and aging were thorough and accurate in outlining the dominant perspectives as it relates to adult development. Whereas other texts often cram a lot of demographics and stats as it relates to aging and cover concepts related to aging in a very shallow manner, this text presents theoretical concepts related to adulthood that has been well-researched and that offer a much fuller understanding of the changes taking place in adulthood. With that being said, there does appear to be a significant typo in Table 1.2. In this table, middle adulthood (ages 45-65) is erroneously omitted. It is clear it is just a simple error because there is an entire section devoted to covering this period in the lifespan.
The content presented in this text is relevant and provides the foundational knowledge required for anyone who wishes to pursue research or a career requiring an understanding of human development and therefore it should stand the test of time. However, as with any developmental course, it is important to be aware of demographic shifts and current relevant research trends and perhaps for this text, the supplemental materials could use more recent relevant research citations for students to explore. However, this will be the case for almost all developmental texts as we move into a post-pandemic world as the field explores such effects.
The reading level of this text is appropriate and undergraduate students should be able to understand the material as it is presented. The text offers clear explanations of theoretical concepts in a way that should promote understanding. Furthermore, the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter are clear and easy to understand.
This text is internally consistent. The chapters are arranged in developmental periods, however, they are not fully distinct from each other. In each period of development explored, there are connections back to differing world views, explorations across theoretical perspectives, and connections to the effects of context such as poverty and racism. The lifespan perspective, on which this text is built, lends itself to being presented in a consistent manner and should enable students to make learning connections within and across developmental periods.
I believe the modularity of the text is an advantage. There are several different ways in which the material is presented to the student. The chapters/topics are clearly outlined in the table of contents with clickable links to take them directly to the intended section. The sections and headers are easily identifiable and should make it easy for any student to read sections at a manageable pace. Furthermore, within each section, there are links to supplemental material such as articles or videos that should help students achieve their learning goals in a way they are most comfortable with and in the order in which they want to learn the information. In addition, although the text is organized by developmental periods, within each chapter, the coverage is presented by topic and it would not be difficult to assign readings by theory/topic rather than by developmental period.
The organizational structure and flow of the text are consistent throughout and what one would expect in a text within the field of human development. The material is presented in a way that clearly connects to the material presented earlier, and there are no surprise sections or sections that seem out of place, as the table of contents clearly identifies what the reader should expect to find within each chapter. However, I believe a glossary/subject/author type index presented as a last chapter would be helpful for students looking for a specific concept or citation.
The interface works well. Students can access this text in multiple ways (e.g., online, printable pdf, etc.). In order to access the links and videos, however, the student will need to access the online version of the text but the authors have included these links and directions in the printable pdf. I do wish there were video transcripts available for the videos embedded in the text as closed captioning is not always accurate however, I did not experience any obvious errors in the captioning for the videos I viewed.
There were no apparent grammatical errors that I detected. I did see a few minor typos or edits to be made but no significant grammar errors.
This text pays attention, as it should, to the significance of context and culture on development. The text presents the importance of context in the very first chapter and stresses the effects of context on development such as “status hierarchies” continuously throughout and within each chapter. Furthermore, throughout the text, many developmental topics are explored/explained and presented from differing cultural perspectives and the language for the material that I read appeared to be inclusive and unbiased. Someone learning human development from this text would have a clear understanding that context and culture affect development and that “universals” are challenged within this field and throughout this text.
I really appreciate the breadth of the material covered in this text and that it is written from the lifespan perspective!!!

The text covered all areas and ideas appropriately. Although several concepts and terms were defined, inclusion of a glossary would be more informative. The text covers most areas of subjects effectively and appropriately. read more
The text covered all areas and ideas appropriately. Although several concepts and terms were defined, inclusion of a glossary would be more informative. The text covers most areas of subjects effectively and appropriately.
Accurate, error-free, current and contextual.
The headings, topics and learning objectives are appropriate and usable. The topics are recent and are likely to remain relevant for several years in the future.
The text contains suitable language. It provides excellent introductions of concepts and applications. Te text is clear and accessible!
The text contains similar formatting, design and depth of information. Ii contains consistent writing and terminology.
The text is modular; designed with appropriate headings, charts and learning objectives. The text is readily divisible into smaller sections that can be addressed within the course.
Well-organized, flows logically from topic to topic.
Easy navigation and downloadability. Free of significant interface issues.
No grammatical errors. Excellent.
Outstanding cultural contexts throughout (including videos, references and discussions in each topical area). Coverage of cultural diversity is interesting and relevant.
This an impressive and readable textbook. It will be an excellent and helpful supplement in the course I’m teaching.

This source covers most of the essentials, including historically significant theory and concepts. However, it does not have the detail in newly published statistics, etc. that I am used to in the textbooks I have used for this course. It is... read more
This source covers most of the essentials, including historically significant theory and concepts. However, it does not have the detail in newly published statistics, etc. that I am used to in the textbooks I have used for this course. It is especially weak in coverage of the physical aspects of development and factors related to them, except in certain age groups (i.e. infancy, puberty, late adulthood). It has a long section on gender covered in middle childhood, though I noticed few citiations of newly published research sources; did have some article links.
Although I cannot say I read the entire text word-for-word, I did read within each unit section. I noticed Table 1.2 is missing "middle adulthood"- ages 40-45 through 65. That's a significant omission. Instead, emerging adulthood (ages 18-25) was put in its place. :o( Another error I noticed was the reported smallest baby ever to survive. "Baby Saybie" born in the US in 2018 is mentioned there. Yet, there was a smaller baby born in Singapore in 2020. Agreeably, this is a hard stat to stay current on.
While I would say most of the information is relevant, this source focuses on timeless, general concepts, which are not likely to change. While there is merit in that approach, in this particular course, it is important and very challenging to keep up with trends and statistics of development. Many of the sources cited are dated. Up-to-date statistics and newly published research is sparse. Easily updated stats are a selling-point some make for OERs.
The reading level and flow of this source is appropriate. Topic are presented in an easy-to-understand manner. The arrangement of the topics covered appears to be chronological, but the actual contents really are not. It appears these author decided where to put the topic, but commented on all age groups within that topic. For instance, under the unit called "Adolescence", the reader reads about infants and young children. The unit heading are misleading.
For the most part, this strange arrangement of topics under any particular stage heading seems to be consistent.
Again, the information is divided in what appears to be a chronological arrangement/ chronological titles are used as "units", but may be more accurately described as a topical arrangement, as the information given is not specific to that particular lifespan stage of development. Another specific I noticed, the unit sub-heading was "Language and Cognition", but the topics of motor development and sensory capacities immediately followed. ???
I am not sure how I would use this arrangement in my course. Currently, the State-determined competencies are written in a way that assessment by unit exams is difficult since I use a chronologically arranged book. I would like a textbook which allows for this method of assessment, but do not know if one exists. The lack of consistent information regarding four aspects of development would also be a problem (i.e. missing physical development info at each stage). I have brought this issue before the State committee without getting any resolution to this on-going issue. I am not sure if this text organization would make that better or worse.
I have not experienced into interface issues. Graphics are clear and video links are effective in opening and playing that video.
Early in the text, the authors use the term "gestational parent" (singular), but then talked about "their" eggs (plural). As is happening in the discussion of gender today, we hear mismatched pronouns ("they" instead of "him/her"). I suppose most textbooks will use this. ?? Otherwise, I did not detect any grammar issues in the other portions of this source that I read. I may with a more comprehensive read. ??
I did not detect any culturally insensitive or offensive material. Cultural differences are addressed, as an important part of this course. Cultural references are made throughout in the photos and in-text references.
I am seeking a newly published textbook to replace one I have used for six years. I think it is important to stay current in this particular course. I really wanted to like this OER option and was attracted to its 2021 copyright date. However, its odd arrangment and lack of comprehensive information about physical development will make this a difficult transition text, which covers the State-determined core competencies in a way I can easily teach and assess. Moreover, the lack of any ancillary resources - no in-text glossary, no in-text review/ practice items, no test bank - means this is not the one for my classes. :o(

Attention is called to key terms through bolded text, however, there is no stand alone index or glossary. It should be noted that this text focuses on areas of cognitive development as they pertain to social and emotional growth through the... read more
Attention is called to key terms through bolded text, however, there is no stand alone index or glossary. It should be noted that this text focuses on areas of cognitive development as they pertain to social and emotional growth through the Lifespan and does not address others areas of Lifespan Psychology (physical and sociocultural development).
Content is accurate and cites current literature. Important topics relating to each age group are used to exemplify theory and applications.
The topics, theories, and examples used in this text ensure this is relevant material which can be used for teaching purposes in developmental learning environments for quite some time. While topics are up-to-date, edits would not be difficult to implement given the design of the text.
This text is written with clarity and with language suitable for undergraduate education. Concepts are introduced and while applications are shared and explained, the depth of knowledge provided makes this text appropriate for introductory level courses.
All areas of the text follow similar formatting, design, and depth of information - making the text flow with consistency and resulting in ease of use and navigation.
Format is designed with appropriate headings, graphs, charts, and learning objective blocks which would make assigning parts of a chapter reading or chapter section easy to do.
Format is highly organized and flows logically from one topic to the next in each developmental section. This text is organized similar to a traditional text book which can be beneficial to students who are new to OER learning materials or to those who may wish to print the PDF version for study review.
Some of the text at the bottom of the pages is distorted/jumbled together, for instance, near the areas where the Creative Commons license is listed next to reference lists. This may change depending on browser or text version such as online vs PDF. However, the main areas of the text content do not appear to have display feature when viewed online.
Text does not appear to contain grammatical errors.
While the text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in anyway, this text could benefit from more culturally significant examples or literature references to highlight the diverse ways in which behavior is understood and examined through the Lifespan. Cultural topics are not explicitly mentioned in this text where there are many areas that represent opportunities in which they could be, or, to direct attention to the reader that little to no research exists on cultural understanding of developmental topics as of yet, why that may be the case, and how future researchers may change that.
This is a helpful text that can be used to supplement Developmental, Child, or Lifespan Psychology courses in the area of Cognitive Development. While this could not be used as a stand-along text, as it does not cover a comprehensive review of Developmental theory or content, this text can be a wonderful additional resource to add a foundational learning of cognitive research and literature at the introductory level.

The book does well on the topics it covers. However, the topics covered are more a selection than anything else. For instance, physical development is left out entirely, while the text has a thorough and sophisticated coverage of theories of... read more
The book does well on the topics it covers. However, the topics covered are more a selection than anything else. For instance, physical development is left out entirely, while the text has a thorough and sophisticated coverage of theories of development and research methods. For instance, there is thorough and modern coverage of contextual theories of development where many texts limit themselves to classical theories like Erikson. The text has neither index or glossary. Further examples: Unit 5 on Early Childhood covers self-regulation and cognitive development. Both are well-described, but social-emotional development and physical development (as noted earlier) are left by the wayside.
What's here is accurate. The authors take a contextual perspective to development which results in consideration of many influences on development, which makes it less biased at least. (It's impossible to make an unbiased text.) However, the list of topics is limited as I noted above.
The book is modular, which would ease the process of updating it. Content is quite up-to-date, with many references from 2015 or later. It also addresses issues, such as gender development, which are relevant to now, and are likely to continue to be. While the text does address classical theories such as Erikson, it spends most of it's time on more modern content. For instance, the Early Childhood section starts with Initiative vs Guilt (Erikson) but quickly shifts to a discussion of behavioral and emotional self-regulation, which is far more consistent with topics in modern developmental research.
The text is written in a sophisticated way. It is clear and accessible but written at a college level, rather than at the level of "magazine-style" texts. It addresses the complexities of development, which is crucial in a text about human development.
The writing and terminology are consistent, as is the contextual approach. However, given that the text is more a selection of articles than a comprehensive text, there are wide inconsistencies in topics between chapters.
The text is pretty modular. The only issue is that it comes as a single PDF document, which leaves the student to "jump" between sections. An instructor can't just post a link to a section, though the Table of Contents does make navigation simple.
Overall, each topic has a logical flow. Shifts from point to point make sense. There are some issues however. As noted above, one significant issue is that topics are addressed in one chapter/epoch of development, but not again. For example, moral development and gender identity development are addressed in Middle Childhood, but not in Adolescence. In addition, coverage on some topics is limited. For instance in the discussion on popularity and its consequences, some of the categories (controversial, neglected, average) are mentioned but not discussed in the context of their effects on development.
The interface is fine overall. Links (those I tried) work, and it is easy to go anywhere in the book from the table of contents. Using my book reader (the built-in "Books" app in IOS, it was easy to get back to the table of contents as well. There are two confusing aspects. One, several embedded items like TED talk videos, have large boxes and the URL instead of the actual embed. There are also boxes with "required readings," which are links to outside content. That could be confusing to students as to whether those readings are required for their course. The instructor could address the "required readings" but that is still a challenge.
I saw a few typos, mostly two words joined together, but overall it is excellent.
The book's treatment of cultural diversity in development is one of its major strengths. The contextual perspective makes cultural diversity front and center. The book has few examples, however.
I would really like to see a more comprehensive treatment of the topic. What is here is up to date and sensitive to diversity in a way that few texts of this type are. However, the limited topics means that this is likely to be more of a supplemental reader than a stand-alone text.

Very clear and concise index and glossaries. The textbook is laid out well and highly comprehensible. It has a nice aesthetic and easy to access different sections. read more
Very clear and concise index and glossaries. The textbook is laid out well and highly comprehensible. It has a nice aesthetic and easy to access different sections.
The textbook is accurate and contains up-to-date and relevant information as would typically be seen on this topic.
This textbook follows a typical flow for it’s type. All of the content is relevant and is predicted to remain relevant for years to come. It’s nice to see an updated version (2021) with updated materials.
The writing is very clear. There are diagrams, charts, and images that all clearly depict what the authors are trying to convey.
This textbook follows a natural flow and is consistent/focused in each sub-topic area.
I find each section easy to access and could easily be utilized in small chunks/sections. Highly effective for teachability.
Excellent flow, as mentioned above.
Easy to navigate and without glitches in the downloadable version.
I wasn’t able to find any grammatical errors.
Great cultural contexts throughout including videos, references, and discussion in each topic area.
My first free textbook review. This was an impressive textbook. Sometimes the greatest things in life are free :)

This text covered the major topical areas of human development in a thorough and concise format. The textbook contains ten (10) major units, with each unit covering a developmental stage, and broken into smaller sections of theories and concepts.... read more
This text covered the major topical areas of human development in a thorough and concise format. The textbook contains ten (10) major units, with each unit covering a developmental stage, and broken into smaller sections of theories and concepts. The units also include supplementary materials to help the reader expand on perspectives and approaches. Overall, this text is highly comprehensive and easy to read.
The content in the textbook is accurate and covers the main concepts of development seen in most textbooks.
The textbook does well in highlighting various lifespan developmental methodologies, while staying relevant with the intended audience by providing case studies and examples. Each unit contains links to videos, PDFs, journal articles, and other interactive elements. This appears to be one of the strengths of this text, as it allows for ongoing updates and additions to each unit.
The text is very clear and readable. The content and presentation is very clean, which makes it easy to understand.
There are ten (10) units to this text, and each unit includes sub-sections highlighting major concepts within the specific developmental stage/topic. Overall, the text within each unit is internally consistent in terms of the use of terminology and the frameworks that are explored. As you go through each stage of development, the terminology and frameworks continue to be consistent with what was mentioned in previous units, while building on the stages of development. For example, the theories of Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg are mentioned throughout the units.
This text shines when it comes to modularity! The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections in all three formats (PDF, Online, and EBook). The PDF version of this text has a “Contents” page that contains links to each unit and subsection. The Online and EBook versions feature interactive and collapsible sidebars. This feature makes it easy to navigate through each section, as the content appears in the main frame of the browser.
The overall organization, structure, and flow of the text is logical and consistent with the progression of developmental stages discussed in most human development textbooks.
This text did not include any significant interface issues, or any navigation problems. All the images, charts, and display features were appropriately sized in all formats of the text.
The text did not appear to have any grammatical errors.
The text maintains cultural relevance through all ten units. This is evidenced through the variety of videos, cultural examples, and research findings included in both the main sections of the text, as well as the supplementary materials.
This text is very well organized and highly readable. It is comprehensive in covering the core topics of human development, while providing numerous supplementary materials for deeper learning and engagement. All three formats of the text (PDF, EBook, and Online) have a clean interface, making it easy to navigate between units and subsections. I would definitely consider using this textbook for my course!

Overall, this text is very thorough in its coverage of human development across the lifespan. The textbook begins with a strong outline of consistent themes and theorists across the lifespan, and integrates these ideas into each chapter as well.... read more
Overall, this text is very thorough in its coverage of human development across the lifespan. The textbook begins with a strong outline of consistent themes and theorists across the lifespan, and integrates these ideas into each chapter as well. Video links to recent conference presentations and TEDtalks are integrated into the text. These also help to provide contemporary and comprehensive material.
The content is accurate and current and provides a strong overview of development. It is error-free and unbiased.
The text includes examples that are relevant to child development today and college students specifically. It also includes links to videos and supplementary material that are very current. That said, this text could benefit from including more current research to show that our understanding of development is an ongoing process, with new developments arising all the time.
Overall, this is a clear and easy to understand textbook. Students with little previous background in the material will be able to understand the text.
The book has a consistent structure, beginning with the overall themes of the course and an introduction to research methods, then following each stage of human development. After the chapter on infancy, a chapter on parenting is included. This unit feels out of place and represents a slight departure from the overall consistent structure of the text.
The textbook provides clear subsections, making it easy for students to search for specific content and for instructors to assign specific topics.
The organization of the book is clear with a consistent flow. The table of contents helps students understand specifically what will be covered, compared to the more general developmental stage.
This book is easy to use. I was quickly able to download the book and to use the online interface.
I did not identify any grammatical errors.
Culturally relevant content is integrated throughout the text. For example, many of the examples or included videos reference development in many cultures.
Overall, this is a comprehensive textbook that provides a strong foundation for understanding human development across the lifespan. I am excited to use this book!
Table of Contents
- Unit I: Meta-theories
- Unit 2: Research Methods
- Unit 3: Infancy
- Unit 4: Family
- Unit 5: Early Childhood
- Unit 6: Middle Childhood
- Unit 7: Adolescence
- Unit 8: Early Adulthood
- Unit 9: Middle Adulthood
- Unit 10: Late Adulthood
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This open textbook is designed for Human Development, a core Psychology course. This course provides a bird’s eye view of major milestones and developmental tasks during each age period, starting at conception and ending with old age.
About the Contributors
Human Development Teaching and Learning Group, Portland State University