Tajik Persian: Readings in History, Culture and Society
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Razi Ahmad, University of Kansas
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781936153107
Publisher: University of Kansas Libraries
Language: English
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Samanid State Structure
- Сохти давлатӣ ва ташкили дастгоҳи идораи Сомониён
Chapter 2: Statues of Buddha?
- муҷассамаҳои буддоӣ
Chapter 3: Abu Abdullah Rudaki
- Абӯабдулло Рӯдакӣ
Chapter 4: Russian Occupation of Central Asia?
- Забти Oсиёи Миёна аз тарафи Русия
Chapter 5: Mirzo Tursunzoda
- Мирзо Турсунзода
Chapter 6: Tajik Civil War
- Ҷанги Шаҳрвандии Тоҷикистон
Chapter 7: Military College
- Донишкадаи ҳарбӣ
Chapter 8: Religious Education in Today's Tajikistan
- Маорифи динӣ дар Тоҷикистони имрӯза
Chapter 9: Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of Market Economy
- Coҳибкорӣ фишанги иқтисоди бозорист
Chapter 10: Blood Pressure and Health
- Фишори Хун Ва Тандурустӣ
Chapter 11: Can an Old Maid Be Lucky?
- Пирдухтар хушбахт мешавад?
Chapter 12: Navruz Festival
- Давоми Ниёгон
Key to exercises
Tajik-English glossary
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Tajik Persian: Readings in History, Culture and Society seeks to help students develop reading proficiency in Tajik at advanced level through authentic texts written for native speakers and provides them glimpses into the history, culture and society of Tajikistan without losing its focus on cultural aspects of the country—an aspect that constitutes a core component in the second language acquisition. The book can be adopted by instructors as a supplementary or the main textbook for advanced-level courses.
About the Contributors
Razi Ahmad, PhD, is a lecturer at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, where he currently teaches Persian language and lectures on Middle Eastern literatures and cultures.