Rain or Shine
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Tyson Ochsner
Eric Howerton
Braiden Ellis
Copyright Year:
Publisher: Oklahoma State University
Language: English
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Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Soil Patterns, Structure, and Texture
- 3. Soil Water Content and Potential
- 4. Soil Water Flow
- 5. Water Inputs
- 6. Infiltration
- 7. Runoff and Water Erosion
- 8. Redistribution and Drainage
- 9. Solute Transport and Groundwater Pollution
- 10. Evaporation and Wind Erosion
- 11. Transpiration and Root Water Uptake
- 12. Surface Energy Balance and Evapotranspiration
- 13. Soil Temperature
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
This text is an introduction to soil physical properties and processes.
About the Contributors
Tyson Ochsner grew up near Chattanooga, Oklahoma, USA, in farming family, whose history is partly described here (link). He earned a B.S. in Environmental Science at Oklahoma State University in 1998. He then studied Soil Science and Water Resources at Iowa State University earning a M.S. in 2000 and a Ph.D. in 2003. From 2003 through 2008, he worked as a soil scientist for the USDA Agricultural Research Service in St. Paul, Minnesota. Since 2008 he has been a faculty member in the department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Oklahoma State University. The mission of his soil physics research and teaching program is to help people better understand and appreciate the soil, the soil water balance, and the surface energy balance so that we can more wisely manage and conserve the land and water with which we have been entrusted. To learn more about his program, please visit http://soilphysics.okstate.edu/.
Eric Howerton
Braiden Ellis