Modeling, Functions, and Graphs
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Katherine Yoshiwara, Pierce College
Copyright Year:
Last Update: 2020
Publisher: Bruce Yoshiwara
Language: English
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Free Documentation License (GNU)
Free Documentation License (GNU)
Table of Contents
- 1. Functions and Their Graphs
- 2. Modeling with Functions
- 3. Power Functions
- 4. Exponential Functions
- 5. Logarithmic Functions
- 6. Quadratic Functions
- 7. Polynomials and Rational Functions
- 8. Linear Systems
- 9. Sequences and Series
Ancillary Material
About the Book
Modeling, Functions, and Graphs covers the content of a typical college algebra course with an emphasis on functions and modeling; when combined with a trigonometry text or supplement, this text can be used in a precalculus course.
The text employs a variety of applications to motivate mathematical thinking. Each chapter opens with a problem of historical or contemporary significance highlighting the material in the chapter, and includes by an Investigation that previews the skills to be introduced. These Investigations can be used in class as guided explorations or as projects for small groups. We have also provided a set of more challenging Projects at the end of each chapter.
About the Contributors
Kathy Yoshiwara was born in Derby in the UK and grew up in Richmond, Virginia. She attended Michigan State University, where she studied Greek and mathematics. She did graduate work at UCLA and earned an MA in mathematics in 1977. She left UCLA in 1979 to join the faculty at Pierce College, where she taught for 33 years, retiring in 2013. In the 1998-1999 academic year she taught at Barnsley College in Yorkshire, England on a Fulbright teaching Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics from the Southern California Section of the MAA. In November 2003, she won the Teaching Excellence Award for the Western Region from the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). She is married to Bruce Yoshiwara and benefits from his expertise in all things mathematical.