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    Read more about Fostering Communities of Transformation in STEM Higher Education: A Multi-institutional Collection of DEI Initiatives

    Fostering Communities of Transformation in STEM Higher Education: A Multi-institutional Collection of DEI Initiatives

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    Jonathan S. Briganti, Virginia Tech

    Jill C. Sible, Virginia Tech

    Anne M. Brown, Virginia Tech

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Virginia Tech Publishing

    Language: English

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    Table of Contents

    • Preparing STEM Teachers to Be Change Makers
    • Resequencing the Chemistry Curriculum to Retain Chemistry Majors
    • Delayed Enrollment in General Chemistry Recitation
    • Assessing Changes in Student Engagement Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
    • Development and Assessment of a Four-Week Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
    • Creating Impactful Moments
    • Community, Curriculum, and CUREs
    • We’re All in This Together
    • VIGNETTE: Reflecting on the Impact of Engelpalooza
    • Teaching to Make Math Resonate
    • Strategies for Creating and Sustaining Inclusive Makerspaces
    • Creating a Space in the Curriculum for Effective Mentoring to Foster Student Connections and Agency
    • Gunpowder Code Club
    • Using Departmental Book Clubs to Bridge the Faculty-Staff-Student Gap
    • Institutionally Advancing Inclusive Excellence
    • From the Soul

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    About the Book

    Dive into the multifaceted landscape of inclusive excellence in STEM education with Fostering Communities of Transformation in STEM Higher Education. This scholarly work examines transformative initiatives from Virginia Tech, Radford University, Trinity Washington University, and Towson University, showcasing their role as catalysts in cultivating inclusive excellence across diverse STEM disciplines. Take inspiration from their projects and guidance from their lessons learned with this collection.

    About the Contributors


    Jonathan S. Briganti works in the Virginia Tech University Libraries as the manager of the DataBridge program, which trains undergraduate students from across all disciplines in applied data science and consults with partners across and beyond campus to improve the quality of their data and its outputs. He received both his BS and MS from Virginia Tech and has since found passion in creating open-source educational resources and accessible research environments to bring a more engaged and diverse pool of researchers to the table.

    Jill C. Sible serves as Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Professor of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech where she has worked since 1998. She is the Program Director of Virginia Tech’s Inclusive Excellence project, which has empowered science faculty and departments to apply a learning mindset and data-informed approach to changing classes, curricula, and culture to be inclusive of all students, especially those historically marginalized in science and higher education.

    Anne M. Brown is an Associate Professor and Associate Director in Research and Informatics under University Libraries, Virginia Tech and is an Affiliate Professor in the Biochemistry Department. As a computational biochemist, her research focuses on computer-aided drug discovery and the aggregation process of amyloids. She is committed to undergraduate research and outreach. Today, she continues in her lifelong mission to create and expand opportunities for students of all backgrounds and provide them with mentorship to facilitate their success.

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