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    Read more about Designing Arguments for Academic, Public, and Professional Audiences - Fourteenth Edition

    Designing Arguments for Academic, Public, and Professional Audiences - Fourteenth Edition

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    Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State University

    Copyright Year:

    Last Update: 2024

    ISBN 13: 9781944548360

    Publisher: New Prairie Press

    Language: English

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    Conditions of Use

    Attribution-NonCommercial Attribution-NonCommercial
    CC BY-NC

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • Chapter One: Evaluating Arguments
    • Chapter Two: Responding to Arguments
    • Chapter Three: Writing Persuasive Research Essays and Open Letters
    • Chapter Four: Writing Proposals
    • Chapter Five: Writing Practical Arguments
    • Chapter Six: Revising and Editing

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    About the Book

    This college-level textbook guides students through five different types of arguments: evaluations, responses, persuasive rhetorical arguments, proposals, and practical professional development arguments. Students are introduced to rhetorical concepts and strategies to enable them to more effectively appeal to different types of audiences. Students will gain practice in audience-based reasoning, basing their reasons and evidence on the assumptions, beliefs, and values of their readers.

    About the Contributors


    Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State University

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