Mastering Strategic Management - 1st Canadian Edition
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Janice Edwards, Centennial College
Dave Ketchen, Auburn University
Jeremy Short, University of Oklahoma
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781774200094
Publisher: BCcampus
Language: English
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
- Mastering Strategy: Art and Science
- Defining Strategic Management and Strategy
- Intended, Emergent, and Realized Strategies
- The History of Strategic Management
- Understanding the Strategic Management Process
- Conclusion
Chapter 2
- Leading Strategically
- Vision, Mission, and Goals
- Assessing Organizational Performance
- The CEO as Celebrity
- Entrepreneurial Orientation
- Conclusion
Chapter 3
- Evaluating the External Environment
- The Relationship between an Organization and Its Environment
- Evaluating the General Environment
- Evaluating the Industry
- Mapping Strategic Groups
- Conclusion
Chapter 4
- Managing Firm Resources
- Resource-Based Theory
- Intellectual Property
- Value Chain
- Beyond Resource-Based Theory: Other Views on Firm Performance
- SWOT Analysis
- Conclusion
Chapter 5
- Selecting Business-Level Strategies
- Understanding Business-Level Strategy through “Generic Strategies”
- Cost Leadership
- Differentiation
- Focused Cost Leadership and Focused Differentiation
- Best-Cost Strategy
- Stuck in the Middle
- Conclusion
Chapter 6
- Supporting the Business-Level Strategy: Competitive and Cooperative Moves
- Making Competitive Moves
- Responding to Competitors' Moves
- Making Cooperative Moves
- Conclusion
Chapter 7
- Competing in International Markets
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Competing in International Markets
- Drivers of Success and Failure When
- Competing in International Markets
- Types of International Strategies
- Options for Competing in International Markets
- Conclusion
Chapter 8
- Selecting Corporate-Level Strategies
- Concentration Strategies
- Vertical Integration Strategies
- Diversification Strategies
- Strategies for Getting Smaller
- Portfolio Planning and Corporate-Level Strategy
- Conclusion
Chapter 9
- Executing Strategy through Organizational Design
- The Basic Building Blocks of Organizational Structure
- Creating an Organizational Structure
- Creating Organizational Control Systems
- Legal Forms of Business
- Conclusion
Chapter 10
- Leading an Ethical Organization: Corporate Governance, Corporate Ethics, and Social Responsibility
- Boards of Directors
- Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Understanding Thought Patterns: A Key to Corporate Leadership?
- Conclusion
Ancillary Material
Submit ancillary resourceAbout the Book
Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in three innovative ways. The first is through visual adaptations of the key content in the book. It is well documented that many of today's students are visual learners. To meet students' wants and needs (and thereby create a much better teaching experience for professors), Mastering Strategic Management contains multiple graphic concept pages in ever section of every chapter of the book. Think of graphic concept pages as almost like info-graphics for key concepts in each section. This feature sets Mastering Strategic Management apart from any strategic management book on the market today. The second way the authors capture student interest through their textbook is by using a real-world company as the running example in each chapter. For example, Chapter 1 in Mastering Strategic Management utilizes Blackberry to harness the conceptual coverage of the chapter in a running, corporate, application to which students will relate. The third inventive way Mastering Strategic Management holds the attention of strategic management students is through the “strategy at the movies” feature in each chapter that links course concepts with a popular motion picture.
About the Contributors
Janice Edwards is a business educator with teaching experience at Centennial College in Scarborough, ON, and College of the Rockies in Cranbrook, BC and Fernie, BC. She has contributed to editing of several textbooks, mainly in adapting U.S. textbooks for use in Canadian schools.
In adapting this textbook, she strived to bring contemporary Canadian content into the text to engage the readers with timely, familiar examples while maintaining the conversational tone of the text.
Dave Ketchen serves as Lowder Eminent Scholar and Professor of Management at Auburn University. An award-winning educator, Ketchen has taught Strategic Management, Principles of Management, and Franchising. His research interests include strategic management, entrepreneurship, research methods, and strategic supply-chain management. He has published more than one hundred articles in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. He has served on thirteen editorial boards, including those of Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Management Studies. He has served as associate editor for seven journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Organizational Research Methods. Ketchen serves on the teaching team for the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities at Florida State University, has acted as an expert witness, and has assisted a variety of private and public sector entities with strategic planning. He is the former chair of the board of directors for the Alabama Launchpad (a statewide business plan competition) and currently serves on the Steering Committee for the Michelin Development–East Alabama (an entity that provides low-interest loans to fuel job creation).
Jeremy Short is the Rath Chair in Strategic Management at the University of Oklahoma. His award-winning teaching includes classes such as Principles of Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, and Management History. Short’s research focuses on the determinants of firm and organizational performance. He has published more than fifty articles in such journals as Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Learning and Education, and Journal of Management Education, among others. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Management and serves on the editorial board of Organizational Research Methods. He also coauthored the first Harvard Business School case in graphic novel format.