通过表达动物的汉字学习中文书写系统: 起源、演变和文化
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Shenglan Zhang, Iowa State University
Copyright Year:
Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press
Language: Chinese
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Table of Contents
- 前言
- 第一章: 古代人利用动物的特征创造象形文字
- 第二章: 象征性动物
- 第三章: 家养动物(家畜,家禽)与陪伴动物
- 第四章: 野生动物
- 第五章: 常用的跟动物有关的部首总结
- 作者
Ancillary Material
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English Description: This book discusses the origins of important Chinese characters for animals, the original characters used, and their connections to modern characters. In addition to showing the evolution of the character for "horse," for example, other characters that are derived from these characters are also discussed, along with their common uses. By exploring the development of characters for animals, this book serves as a jumping-off point to explore the continuous influence of history on the present day.
About the Contributors
Dr. Shenglan Zhang is an Associate Professor of Chinese Studies. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University. Prof. Zhang’s main area of research is second language learning with technology. Her current research focuses on Chinese script.