Surveying and Mapping
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Christian Tiberius, Delft University of Technology
Hans van der Marel, Delft University of Technology
René Reudink, Delft University of Technology
Freek van Leijen, Delft University of Technology
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9789463664899
Publisher: TU Delft Open
Language: English
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Table of Contents
- I Land surveying
- II Mathematical geodesy
- III GPS positioning
- IV Remote sensing
- V Reference systems
- VI Mapping
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This book provides an introduction, at academic level, into the field of surveying and mapping. The book has been compiled based on hand-outs and readers written for the third-year course Surveying and Mapping, in the bachelor program Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology. This book covers a wide range of measurement techniques, from land surveying, GPS/GNSS and remote sensing to the associated data processing, the underlying coordinate reference systems, as well as the analysis and visualization of the acquired geospatial information.
About the Contributors
Christian Tiberius has over 20 years of teaching experience at Delft University of Technology in the field of mathematical geodesy and positioning. His research interests are high-accuracy, high-integrity positioning by GNSS satellite navigation and terrestrial radio positioning.
Hans van der Marel is known for his work on permanent GNSS networks for accurate positioning, deformation monitoring and meteorology, and has over 30 years’ experience in geometric infrastructure and reference systems. Currently he focuses on data processing and integration of GNSS and InSAR for land subsidence monitoring.
René Reudink is a researcher in the field of gravimetry as a cornerstone for vertical reference. He also has expertise in land surveying education and a keen interest in the development of measurement sensors and instruments.
Freek van Leijen is specialized in time series analysis of InSAR remote sensing. Applications of his research lie in the monitoring of infrastructure and analysis of surface motion due to mining.