Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis
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Steffen Böhm, University of Exeter
SIan Sullivan, Bath Spab University
Copyright Year:
ISBN 13: 9781800642621
Publisher: Steffen Böhm and Sian Sullivan
Language: English
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Table of Contents
- I. Paradigms
- Ii. What counts?
- Iii. Extraction
- Iv. Dispatches from a climate change frontline country—Namibia, Southern Africa
- V. Governance
- Vi. Finance
- Vii. Action(s)
Ancillary Material
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About the Contributors
Steffen Böhm is Professor in Organisation & Sustainability at University of Exeter Business School. His research focuses on the political economy
and ecology of the sustainability transition. He has published five books: Repositioning Organization Theory (Palgrave, 2006), Against Automobility
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2006), Upsetting the Offset: The Political Economy of Carbon Markets (Mayfly), The Atmosphere Business (Mayfly, 2009), and Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities (Routledge, 2015). The book Climate Activism (with Annika Skoglund) is forthcoming with Cambridge. More details at www.steffenboehm.net.
Sian Sullivan is Professor of Environment and Culture at Bath Spab University and UK Principal Investigator for Etosha-Kunene Histories
The Authors xxix (www.etosha-kunene-histories.net). She is an environmental anthropologist, cultural geographer and political ecologist working to
recognise diversity in perceptions and representations of the natural world, amidst contemporary concern about climate change and species
decline. Over the last few years she has led an Arts and Humanities Research Council project called Future Pasts (www.futurepasts.net) focusing on understandings of sustainability in the conservation and cultural landscapes of west Namibia. She has also researched the
‘financialisation of nature’—see The Natural Capital Myth (www.thenatural-capital-myth.net).