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    Read more about Deleting Dystopia: Re-Asserting Human Priorities in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

    Deleting Dystopia: Re-Asserting Human Priorities in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

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    Richard A. Slaughter, Foresight International

    Copyright Year:

    ISBN 13: 9780648769873

    Publisher: University of Southern Queensland

    Language: English

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    Table of Contents

    • I. Starting points and emerging issues
    • II. Case studies and implications
    • III. Framing solutions
    • IV. Humanising and democratising the IT revolution
    • V. The IT revolution reassessed
    • VI. Witnesses to the revolution
    • VII. Resistance and renewal

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    About the Book

    Deleting Dystopia confirms that the existential threats posted by the misuse of advanced digital technologies are real. But, in place of apathy and fatalism, Slaughter explores ways of understanding the threat, conceptualising solutions and identifying strategies that lead away from digital authoritarian futures towards those funded on humanly viable values and practices.

    About the Contributors


    Professor Richard A. Slaughter, Foresight International, Brisbane, Australia

    Prof. Richard A. Slaughter is a writer, practitioner and innovator in Futures Studies and Applied Foresight with particular interests in Critical and Integral Futures. During 1999-2004 he was  the Foundation Professor of Foresight at the Australian Foresight Institute, Melbourne. During 2001-2005 he was the President of the World Futures Studies Federation. He is the author or editor of some 20 books and many papers on a variety of futures topics and has served as a Board member of several journals. His works include: The Biggest Wake Up Call in History (2010) and To See With Fresh Eyes – Integral Futures and the Global Emergency (2012). He is the recipient of three awards for ‘Most Important Futures Works’ from the Association of Professional Futurists. In 2010 he was voted one of ‘the best all-time Futurists’ by members of the Foresight Network, Shaping Tomorrow. In 2020 he was invited to become a part-time member of the Professional Studies team at the University of Southern Queensland.

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