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    Read more about The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model

    The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Miedema

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be excavated. This book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, atmospheric rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.

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    Read more about Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System

    Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Burke, Carter, Fedorek, Morey, Rutz-Burri, and Sanchez

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY-SA

    There is a dearth of OER textbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice, which made creating this textbook all the more exciting. At times we faced challenges about what or how much to cover, but our primary goal was to make sure this book was as in-depth as the two textbooks we were currently using for our CCJ 230 introduction course. The only way we were willing to undertake this project as if it was as good, or better than the current books students read. We have had very positive feedback about the required textbooks in the course but consistently heard how expensive the books were to buy. We also needed to ensure we met the learning outcomes outlined by SOU for a general education course, as well as the state of Oregon, to make sure this textbook helps students meet those outcomes.

    (21 reviews)


    Read more about Environmental Biology

    Environmental Biology

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Fisher

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY

    This open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues, from a biological perspective. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, and human population growth.

    (11 reviews)


    Read more about Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud - Revised Edition

    Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud - Revised Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: burrough and Mandiberg

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Digital Foundations uses formal exercises of the Bauhaus to teach the Adobe Creative Suite. All students of digital design and production—whether learning in a classroom or on their own—need to understand the basic principles of design in order to implement them using current software. Far too often design is left out of books that teach software for the trade and academic markets. Consequently, the design software training exercise is often a lost opportunity for visual learning. This revised edition updates the original text for use with Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 software.

    (16 reviews)


    Read more about Principles of Microeconomics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning

    Principles of Microeconomics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Dean, Elardo, Green, Wilson, and Berger

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY

    Principles of Microeconomics: Scarcity and Social Provisioning takes a pluralistic approach to the standard topics of an introductory microeconomics course. The text builds on the chiefly neoclassical material of the OpenStax Principles of Economics text, adding extensive content from heterodox economic thought. Emphasizing the importance of pluralism and critical thinking, the text presents the method and theory of neoclassical economics alongside critiques thereof and heterodox alternatives in both method and theory. This approach is taken from the outset of the text, where contrasting definitions of economics are discussed in the context of the various ways in which neoclassical and heterodox economists study the subject. The same approach–of theory and method, critique, and alternative theory theory and method–is taken in the study of consumption, production, and market exchange, as well as in the applied theory chapters. Historical and contemporary examples are given throughout, and both theory and application are presented with a balanced approach.

    (2 reviews)


    Read more about Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics

    Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Izquierdo, Izquierdo, and Sandholm

    Publisher: University of Wisconsin - Madison

    License: CC BY

    This book is a guide to implement simple agent-based evolutionary models using NetLogo.

    (1 review)


    Read more about No Limits

    No Limits

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: at Arlington

    Publisher: Mavs Open Press

    License: CC BY

    Student Success and First Year Experience are learning community courses at UTA that teach new students academic success skills to aid their transition to college. The goal of the courses is to help students identify their individual needs, determine what resources are appropriate, recognize the faculty role in their development, and formulate a plan for an actively engaged and enriched experience from campus to career. The courses will be taught by Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) and faculty, staff and/or graduate students to provide guidance, raise awareness and understanding of students' majors and help support collaborative and co-curricular opportunities available within the School/College. This open educational resource is the required textbook for both courses.

    (5 reviews)


    Read more about Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research

    Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Tucker and Chafe

    Publisher: Ryerson University

    License: CC BY

    Write Here, Right Now: An interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research utilizes PressBooks to create and host a writing e-textbook for first year university students that would effectively integrate into the flipped classroom model. The textbook could also be used for non-flipped classroom designs, as the embedded videos, diagrams and linked modules would act as an all-in-one multimedia textbook geared towards multiple learning styles and disciplines. The components of the textbook, including the embedded videos, could be swapped in and out in order to accommodate a professor’s best idea of his/her own course design.

    (4 reviews)


    Read more about Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy

    Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Ryerson University

    License: CC BY-SA

    Digital accessibility skills are in high demand, as the world becomes more aware of barriers in digital content that prevent some people from participating in a digital society. These are essential skills for web developers, and essential knowledge for organizations that want to ensure their web content is reaching the broadest audience possible.

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    Read more about Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice

    Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: Ryerson University

    License: CC BY-SA

    Most business leaders would agree that reaching the broadest audience is good for a business’s bottom line. A good portion of that audience will be people with disabilities. How, though, would an organization go about ensuring it is as accessible as it can be to all its potential clients or customers, including people with disabilities? This book has been created to answer this question, and to demystify “digital accessibility” as a business practice. It brings together all the pieces of the digital accessibility picture, and provides strategies and resources that will help make digital accessibility a part of an organization’s business culture.

    (1 review)