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    Read more about Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students

    Advanced Academic Grammar for ESL Students

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Haider

    Publisher: Rebecca Al Haider

    License: CC BY

    This textbook was created for an advanced academic grammar course for ESL students. By the end of the course, students will recognize and demonstrate the appropriate use of advanced grammar structures. To meet these outcomes, students will listen to aural language that includes the target structures, identify and edit grammar errors in written language, read and analyze texts that include the target grammar structures, and demonstrate the correct and appropriate use of target structures in written and spoken language.

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    Read more about Arguments in Context

    Arguments in Context

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Robinson

    Publisher: Muhlenberg College

    License: CC BY-NC

    Arguments in Context is a comprehensive introduction to critical thinking that covers all the basics in student-friendly language. Intended for use in a semester-long course, the text features classroom-tested examples and exercises that have been chosen to emphasize the relevance and applicability of the subject to everyday life. Three themes are developed as the text proceeds from argument identification and analysis, to the standards and techniques of evaluation: (i) the importance of asking the right questions, (ii) the influence of biases, cognitive illusions, and other psychological factors, and (iii) the ways that social situations and structures can enhance and impoverish our thinking. On this last point, the text includes sustained discussion of disagreement, cooperative dialogue, testimony, trust, and social media. Overall, the text aims to equip readers with a set of tools for working through important decisions and disagreements, and to help them become more careful and active thinkers.

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    Read more about Impact of Materials on Society

    Impact of Materials on Society

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Acord, Jones, and Bryant

    Publisher: University of Florida

    License: CC BY-NC

    This textbook supports the Impact of Materials on Society course and teaching materials, developed with the Materials Research Society. The textbook offers an exploration into materials (including ceramics, clay, concrete, glass, metals, and polymers) and the relationship with technologies and social structures. The textbook was developed by an interdisciplinary team from Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences, including anthropologists, sociologists, historians, media studies experts, Classicists, and more.

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    Read more about Deleting Dystopia: Re-Asserting Human Priorities in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

    Deleting Dystopia: Re-Asserting Human Priorities in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Slaughter

    Publisher: University of Southern Queensland

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Deleting Dystopia confirms that the existential threats posted by the misuse of advanced digital technologies are real. But, in place of apathy and fatalism, Slaughter explores ways of understanding the threat, conceptualising solutions and identifying strategies that lead away from digital authoritarian futures towards those funded on humanly viable values and practices.

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    Read more about Guide to Byzantine Art

    Guide to Byzantine Art

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Freeman and McClanan 

    Publisher: Smarthistory

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    The “Beginner’s guide” introduces foundational concepts, such as the chronology of Byzantine history, sacred imagery, and wearable objects. Subsequent sections are arranged chronologically, covering the Early Byzantine period (c. 330–700), the Iconoclastic Controversy (c. 700s–843), the Middle Byzantine period (843–1204), the Latin Empire (c. 1204–1261), and the Late Byzantine period (c. 1261–1453) and beyond.

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    Read more about Introduction to Education (BETA)

    Introduction to Education (BETA)

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Beasley and Haulmark

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book was written to provide students with an introduction to the field of education. The book is broken into chapters that focus on questions students may have about education in general. Although some chapters may go into more depth than others, this is created as an introductory text.

    (8 reviews)


    Read more about Music in World Cultures

    Music in World Cultures

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Mihalka  and Hunter

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY-NC

    This text provides just a small sampling of some of the various musical styles and traditions that might be found, though the skills developed in this course can be applied to any type of music.

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    Read more about Palabras propias

    Palabras propias

    Contributor: Guillickson

    Publisher: University of Kansas Libraries

    License: CC BY-NC

    The goal of this project is to provide high-quality, accessible primary sources to those teaching and studying the histories and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and the indigenous peoples of Latin America. Our modules cover a wide range of topics, but all consist of the same essential parts:

    (3 reviews)


    Read more about Basic Engineering Science - A Systems, Accounting, and Modeling Approach

    Basic Engineering Science - A Systems, Accounting, and Modeling Approach

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Richards

    Publisher: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This textbook is based on a different paradigm for organizing an engineering science core --- a systems, accounting and modeling approach --- that emphasizes the common, underlying concepts of engineering science. Although this approach is not new, as most graduate students have been struck by this idea sometime during their graduate education, its use as the organizing principle for an undergraduate curriculum is new. By focusing on the underlying concepts and stressing the similarities between subjects that are often perceived by students (and taught by faculty) as unconnected topics, this approach provides engineering students a foundational framework for recognizing and building connections as they travel through their education.

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    Read more about Ports and Waterways: Navigating the changing world

    Ports and Waterways: Navigating the changing world

    Contributors: van Koningsveld, Verheij, Taneja, and de Vriend

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Before you lies the book ‘Ports and Waterways - Navigating the changing world’, written by the Ports and Waterways team, part of the Civil Engineering and Geosciences faculty at Delft University of Technology. It integrates the content of a number of separate lecture notes we used in our teaching activities and updates this information where relevant. The integration reflects our vision that ports and waterways should be viewed as parts of a coherent system that supports waterborne supply chains, and that their integral design and operation is essential.

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